Who wants cradle to grave?

Do you want cradle to grave?

  • YES

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 20 83.3%

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  • Poll closed .
If only we could force the owners of sandwich shops to pay those sign spinners enough to support their family, buy a house, and send their kids to college.....

Fucking parasites.

Dude, your notion of "force" is bush-league.

Here is a more effective way of doing it.

You - as the world's only superpower - gain control of the IMF. Then you target the resource rich 3rd world (located mostly in the global south) with "Structural Improvement" loans. These loans are designed to improve the lives of the citizens, but they are used to maximize a narrow sliver of the industrial infrastructure for the purpose of resource extraction by foreign capital - namely the USA. In order to make the "Structural Improvement" loan in the first place, you need a corruptible dictator who will accept the loan under the proper terms, namely that the agreed-upon default will result in the USA seizing certain key economic and political assets, which seizure will result in transforming the country into a source of cheap raw material and cheap labor for American investment capital. The cheap labor part is vital and requires financial and weapons payments to a brutal dictator in exchange for maintaining the political conditions for sweatshop labor (which labor provides U.S. corporations with the highest possible return on investment). Key to all of this is a robust ideological system on the U.S. homeland which convinces people that the global market system managed by Washington is a Free Market - rather than a virulent strain of militarily enforced global capitalism which systematically transfers good American jobs to strategically oppressed labor markets in the global south.

The most important aspect of this whole thing - as alluded to above - is opinion management. It is vital that people like yourself know nothing about how this system is structured. It is absolutely essential that you view it through cliches about freedom. More importantly, your media sources teach you to mistrust anybody who tries to tell you how the global system of capital is actually managed. It is 100% necessary that you believe that global capitalism is made of voluntary economic arrangements, often marked by the more advanced nation supplying the technology and capital, while the less advanced nation voluntarily supplies the raw material and labor. This is why names like Mossadeq and Pinochet are empty holes, symbolically standing for what should have been a full education had the manipulated homelanders been permitted to get their historical information from peer reviewed academic sources rather than think tanks and popular media.

(God Help us)
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The most menial job does provide more than enough money to support a family, send kids to college and buy a new car every couple of years. Just not today. Minimum wage today is executive salary at one time. Taxes go up, prices go up, the cost of living goes up, and soon those who make minimum wage can't afford it. They are in the same position as when minimum wage was 75 cents an hour or even worse.
Your rose colored revisionism. Menial jobs never paid more than a menial salary. The real difference is that our "father and grandfather" were willing to work menial jobs and put their kids through college asking and expecting handouts from no one and you're not even willing to do it for yourself.

That menial salary could support a family. Many millions of Americans work those menial jobs so it is not a question of people being stuck up or too lazy to work them. The difference between the America of today is that those jobs do not pay enough to support a family on
All thanks to Republicans fighting to hold down minimum wage, worker protections and benefits

If only we could force the owners of sandwich shops to pay those sign spinners enough to support their family, buy a house, and send their kids to college.....

Fucking parasites.

We are not talking sign spinners , we are talking hard working Americans who are not parasites

There was a time when their efforts would be rewarded with a wage that they could afford a decent standard of living

Now....conservatives just laugh and call them parasites and losers

The Best Cradle-To-Grave Government

G.M. Jackson

The year is 2020. Yes, you live in a box now. You can't come and go as you please, because you might hurt yourself or other citizens.

You can't see out of your box and no one can see in. If your box was transparent or had a window, you might see something outside that is offensive to you, and others might look inside and be offended by what they see. For the same reasons, you can't communicate with anyone, or express yourself in anyway.

That is why you are shackled and your mouth is taped shut. For over 200 years we put up with free speech, and look at all the trouble it caused. You will listen to my voice and nothing else.

It is all for the greater good of humanity and the environment. You can't hurt any living thing, and no one can hurt you. The box protects you from all harm.

You and other citizens saw the ills of our former society, the partly empty glass of our former government, and you called for change. You want to be taken care of from cradle to grave and to be protected from all imaginable harm.

The Best Cradle-To-Grave Government - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com
Special Canada Day Report: How Canada stole the American Dream

The numbers are in. Compared to the U.S., we work less, live longer, enjoy better health and have more sex. And get this: now we're wealthier too ..... We drink more often, but we live longer and have fewer diseases. We have more sex, more sex partners and we're more adventurous in bed, but we have fewer teen pregnancies and fewer sexually transmitted diseases. We spend more time with family and friends, and more time exploring the world. Even in crime we come out ahead: we're just as prone to break the law, but when we do it, we don't get shot. Most of the -time, we don't even go to jail.

- work less,

- drink more often

- live longer,

- wealthier,

- enjoy better health and

- have more sex

- more sex partners

- more adventurous in bed

- fewer teen pregnancies

- fewer sexually transmitted diseases

- spend more time with family and friends

- more time exploring the world

- don't get shot

Canada is far more socialist than the US and yet appears to be enjoying many of the benefits for which Americans are striving.
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Why shouldn’t the government run the big industries?

August 21, 2012 by Dennis Marcellino

Socialists and communists would say that ultimately government should run the big industries in a nation. And they say that’s because there wouldn’t be a greed or profit motive and it would be fair to all the people.

There are a few reasons why that’s a bad idea and the conclusions are wrong. And there are proofs that show how that line of thinking fails.


Why shouldn

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3I-PVVowFY]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]
Welfare spending jumps 32% in 4 years

Rick Moran

Over a trillion dollars? Another milestone passed by President Obama and his dependency administration.

Washington Times:

Federal welfare spending has grown by 32 percent over the past four years, fattened by President Obama's stimulus spending and swelled by a growing number of Americans whose recession-depleted incomes now qualify them for public assistance, according to numbers released Thursday.

Federal spending on more than 80 low-income assistance programs reached $746 billion in 2011, and state spending on those programs brought the total to $1.03 trillion, according to figures from the Congressional Research Service and the Senate Budget Committee.

A picture is worth a trillion words:



Read more: Blog: Welfare spending jumps 32% in 4 years

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Thanks for the SECOND Pub World Depression, Pubbies...

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035.Absolute idiocy, dupes.
Cradle to grave WHAT?
Thanks for the SECOND Pub World Depression, Pubbies...

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035.Absolute idiocy, dupes.
Cradle to grave WHAT?

Thanks for the bump, see you're good for something after all...

Let me know when you get to Greece, I'll send you a food basket...:D
Cradle to Grave: The Obama Campaign's Fantasy for American Life

Kevin Glass

The Obama campaign has a cringe-inducing propaganda slideshow called "The Life of Julia" intended to illustrate how the Obama Administration's policies will give government help to a young woman as she is educated, works, starts a family and retires.
If you had to stifle a guffaw, you're not alone.

Yes, the Obama Administration's policies alone can be the savior for American children everywhere - all it takes, apparently, are piles and piles of taxpayer money thrown around recklessly. And by the end, children will still be able to retire and live comfortably on the totally-stable programs of Medicare and Social Security!

The dream that Obama has for Julia's life is scary. There was a time that the "cradle-to-grave" formulation of the welfare state was disparaging. President Obama takes pride in having the governemnt's fingers pushing Julia along at every stage of her life. This is the fantasyland that the Obama Administration is living in - absolutely no mention of the unprecedented debt and deficit that the government has racked up in the last four years and the effect that will have on the economy as the next generation comes of age.

First off, the Obama Administration pretends like the Head Start program is going to be the most vital part of a young child's life:

Apparently, what matters in early education is federal money thrown blindly at something identified as a "problem." The Heritage Foundation reports that the Head Start program yields "zero lasting benefits for participating children."



Cradle to Grave: The Obama Campaign's Fantasy for American Life - Kevin Glass
Cradle to Grave: The Obama Campaign's Fantasy for American Life

Kevin Glass

The Obama campaign has a cringe-inducing propaganda slideshow called "The Life of Julia" intended to illustrate how the Obama Administration's policies will give government help to a young woman as she is educated, works, starts a family and retires.
If you had to stifle a guffaw, you're not alone.

Yes, the Obama Administration's policies alone can be the savior for American children everywhere - all it takes, apparently, are piles and piles of taxpayer money thrown around recklessly. And by the end, children will still be able to retire and live comfortably on the totally-stable programs of Medicare and Social Security!

The dream that Obama has for Julia's life is scary. There was a time that the "cradle-to-grave" formulation of the welfare state was disparaging. President Obama takes pride in having the governemnt's fingers pushing Julia along at every stage of her life. This is the fantasyland that the Obama Administration is living in - absolutely no mention of the unprecedented debt and deficit that the government has racked up in the last four years and the effect that will have on the economy as the next generation comes of age.

First off, the Obama Administration pretends like the Head Start program is going to be the most vital part of a young child's life:

Apparently, what matters in early education is federal money thrown blindly at something identified as a "problem." The Heritage Foundation reports that the Head Start program yields "zero lasting benefits for participating children."



Cradle to Grave: The Obama Campaign's Fantasy for American Life - Kevin Glass

Is this the same Heritage Foundation that invented ObamaCare?
How can you take anything they say seriously?
Cradle to Grave: The Obama Campaign's Fantasy for American Life

Kevin Glass

The Obama campaign has a cringe-inducing propaganda slideshow called "The Life of Julia" intended to illustrate how the Obama Administration's policies will give government help to a young woman as she is educated, works, starts a family and retires.
If you had to stifle a guffaw, you're not alone.

Yes, the Obama Administration's policies alone can be the savior for American children everywhere - all it takes, apparently, are piles and piles of taxpayer money thrown around recklessly. And by the end, children will still be able to retire and live comfortably on the totally-stable programs of Medicare and Social Security!

The dream that Obama has for Julia's life is scary. There was a time that the "cradle-to-grave" formulation of the welfare state was disparaging. President Obama takes pride in having the governemnt's fingers pushing Julia along at every stage of her life. This is the fantasyland that the Obama Administration is living in - absolutely no mention of the unprecedented debt and deficit that the government has racked up in the last four years and the effect that will have on the economy as the next generation comes of age.

First off, the Obama Administration pretends like the Head Start program is going to be the most vital part of a young child's life:

Apparently, what matters in early education is federal money thrown blindly at something identified as a "problem." The Heritage Foundation reports that the Head Start program yields "zero lasting benefits for participating children."



Cradle to Grave: The Obama Campaign's Fantasy for American Life - Kevin Glass

Is this the same Heritage Foundation that invented ObamaCare?
How can you take anything they say seriously?

Your probably right, one source is the congressional budget office...:D

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