Who Wants to Bet....Ferguson GJ Decision

There will be a "storm" after the announcement, too.
Let 'em riot.
it will open more people's eyes and therefore be good for america in the long run.

[[[[rolling eyes]]]] I don't think you get it.

And I also don't think you get it......Let the shit hit the fan in St. Louis and it's going to fly all over the map.

Riots in the '60s started over a problem on a bus and a lunch counter. Now they have the internet to get their party started.

And in 2016 you can bet the blacks and other minorities will make sure a Republican doesn't get into the Oval Office.

I will be one of those volunteers taking anyone who needs a ride to get a voter ID. Yup. And then driving them to the polls on the first Tuesday in November. You really just can't think beyond your nose.

So you want to see riots?

Wanna bet on the turnout?

My guess is nobody outside of Ferguson cares, and the racists that do show up to protest will only destroy their own community. If they haven't already they'll be filing for Social Security by Christmas. They'll need soup tents in Ferguson.

Think anyone will be stupid enough to run them?
I bet the Grand Jury releases its decision sometime tomorrow as the storm hits St. Louis....It will be SUCH a coincidence.


Smart as hell.........keep the savages off the street to a degree.:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance:

Winning move..........I expect it!!!:rock:

God....the PC zombies heads are going to explode on this one!!! My balls will be sore from laughing so hard.

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