Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

I am thinking you do not defend the present form of taxes, on incomes.
This started putting the Feds in charge of us all.
Before that, the role of the Feds was defined by the constitution and incomes were not taxed. And the founders got it right the first time.

If we could get the wisdom of those of the 1880s, when they paid no federal income tax, they would raise hell if anybody wanted the Feds to impose federal income taxes.
A lot has happened since the 1880's. American's expect more benefits from the government. We want the rich to pay for them.
They all know the voters ARE stupid

Just look at the fucking idiots who keep getting elected for all the proof you will ever need
If you mean Trump, I am inclined to agree slightly, but I suspect you are a Trump supporter.

Trump never had majority support. If it was not for the Electoral College, which is a foolish anachronism, Hillary would have won in 2016. Bill and Hillary are two of the most brilliant and well educated politicians we have. If we elect one, we get one free.
No it hasn't

No they really don't

Most people don't even know how much power the fede4ral government has granted itself
You do not prove that by asserting it. Just because you feel something strongly does not mean a lot of people agree with you.
No one has to defend it as it is imposed on us all.

SCOTUS struck it down as unconstitutional at the turn of the 20th century, so Leftists simply added it to the Constitution.
What a load of unmitigated shit.
If you mean Trump, I am inclined to agree slightly, but I suspect you are a Trump supporter.

Trump never had majority support. If it was not for the Electoral College, which is a foolish anachronism, Hillary would have won in 2016. Bill and Hillary are two of the most brilliant and well educated politicians we have. If we elect one, we get one free.
When you realize that every state is it's own government, then the reason the Electoral college is why things work. For New York or CA to pretty much run the show is why we do not use a popular vote.
The Constitution allows Congress to tax the people, whether it be income or spending you are gonna pay.
Obviously it does. For years public opinion surveys have indicated popular support for a more progressive tax system.
As I have said on this forum, your typical voter really does not understand systems and have no idea why we have a progressive tax system. If one asks them the question properly, then they realize that system is such a problem it is why things are so bad now.
When you realize that every state is it's own government, then the reason the Electoral college is why things work. For New York or CA to pretty much run the show is why we do not use a popular vote.
States are much less important than they were when the Constitution was first written. People move around a lot. The election of Trump is why we should use a popular vote.
As I have said on this forum, your typical voter really does not understand systems and have no idea why we have a progressive tax system. If one asks them the question properly, then they realize that system is such a problem it is why things are so bad now.
We have a progressive tax system because most Americans benefit from it. When the tax system was more progressive most Americans and the Democrat Party benefited more.

When the Democrat Party was viewed as the bringer of good things, paid for by the rich, and threatened by the Republicans, the Democrats dominated the United States.
States are much less important than they were when the Constitution was first written. People move around a lot. The election of Trump is why we should use a popular vote.

When the country was formed, States were disbursed with little communication or means of transportation.

By necessity, we needed to centralize authority within the States.

With a strong Federal Government we became a Super Power

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