Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

No one has to defend it as it is imposed on us all.

SCOTUS struck it down as unconstitutional at the turn of the 20th century, so Leftists simply added it to the Constitution.
Sixteenth Amendment: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

If you rightards get anymore stupid, I propose a stupid tax. It would pay off the national debt in a week.
States are much less important than they were when the Constitution was first written. People move around a lot. The election of Trump is why we should use a popular vote.
According to democrats states don't matter. But I believe each State is a self serving government and this is why the Electoral College is valid.

It is impossible to justify maybe half a dozen states managing the entire country by themselves.
The rich in this country have done very well since the 1880s
The rich have certainly done very well since the inauguration of Ronald Reagan in 1981. It cannot be said that most Americans have.

According to democrats states don't matter. But I believe each State is a self serving government and this is why the Electoral College is valid.

It is impossible to justify maybe half a dozen states managing the entire country by themselves.
It is impossible to justify a system that elevated Donald Trump to the White House.
If you mean Trump, I am inclined to agree slightly, but I suspect you are a Trump supporter.

Trump never had majority support. If it was not for the Electoral College, which is a foolish anachronism, Hillary would have won in 2016. Bill and Hillary are two of the most brilliant and well educated politicians we have. If we elect one, we get one free.
You ASSume incorrectly

But did you vote for a senile old man?

If you did you are stupid.
When the country was formed, States were disbursed with little communication or means of transportation.

By necessity, we needed to centralize authority within the States.

With a strong Federal Government we became a Super Power
Those were problems but less thought of at the time. Why? They did not have phones, TV etc so like a man with one leg at birth does not miss having 2 legs, they manage to get along. Today we all lack things that 100 years from today the public will take for granted. But we do not worry about things that far in the future.

I believe the founders Government was better since they did not do things at breakneck speed. We should all want a stable Government. Today all the Democrats think of is change. Suppose your wife's only thought was rapid change?
If you mean Trump, I am inclined to agree slightly, but I suspect you are a Trump supporter.

Trump never had majority support. If it was not for the Electoral College, which is a foolish anachronism, Hillary would have won in 2016. Bill and Hillary are two of the most brilliant and well educated politicians we have. If we elect one, we get one free.
I happen to think attorneys are very vital and important. But our Federal Government is overloaded with attorneys. We need a healthy addition of Economists. Economics is frankly not well understood by Democrats in general but the public at large.
I am more intelligent than you, who voted for a dishonest, foul mouthed, inarticulate old men who can't read.
Who did I vote for?

And since you seem to think you know that what are the Powerball numbers going to be tonight?

And FYI if you are going to assert your intelligence you might want to proofread your post for grammatical errors.
Why isn't the market all that same way?

For instance, when you buy a new suit, the merchant does not ask you to tell them your income. Democrats will do the opposite and seek to know your income. What business is it to me that you want to know the income of Elon musk and charge him due to his money?
But you want Trickle down taxes. Only Democrats think to make an issue called Trickle down economics. Reagan never said he favored that. Reagan actually promoted fair taxes.
Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. As a result the national debt increased from $908 billion to $2,602 billion.


I do not think that was fair at all.
Yes but why? Incomes rose during Reagan based on Federal reports of the 5 quintiles.
The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever.1513274866098 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

I did not know this myself until a reader question about the source of the federal budget surpluses of 1998 through 2001 sent me looking again at the report on Revenue Effects of Major Tax Bills produced in 2013 by the Treasury Department's Office of Tax Analysis, which I featured in a column last week. The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product. Who knew?

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