Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

Your question is farcical.
It assumes that the federal system is the only way to collect and distribute funds.
It isn't.
It is the worse way.... CLEARLY.

Again…..Name a better way to collect federal revenue

You need to replace a $6 trillion budget
Show your work
We need to shift more of the burden to the wealthy and corporations
Yet your own party does the exact opposite of that repeatedly while ranting about how unfair it is.
At least I own the fact that Republicans are no less corrupt than Democrats.
Which is why the system is completely broke, and you are only talking about expanding the system even more. Dramatically more.
It is caused by slashing taxes without reducing spending
Wait, do you seriously believe the Feds are owed all that income if I happen to get wealthy? Democrats do not stop or slow spending. Even the Clinton regime that supposedly balanced the budget only did so due to massive borrowing by the public and sticking that money back into stocks. And the sales of that is how the Clinton budget actually was balanced. But it was not due to things Clinton did. It was simply lucky it happened for him.

This test was tried in Arkansas. The public who believed in more taxes to the Government were asked to be good citizens and send Government more money. It failed and the public really in truth never wanted to pay more taxes.
Again…..Name a better way to collect federal revenue
Again... tell me why the federal system should get the lion share of taxation at all.
The federal government should go back to be what it was designed to do - provide continuity of governance and military defense.
The phrase "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" mean anything to you?
We have given all the power of controlling taxation to a TINY handful of people. TINY!!
It absolutely guarantees corruption. And a helluva lot of it!
The federal revenue system IS the problem.
Again…..Name a better way to collect federal revenue

You need to replace a $6 trillion budget
Show your work
Are you in the habit in your personal life of spending a hell of a lot more and think demanding your firm pay you more is correct?
National debt is not due to too little taxes. It is caused by ripping off some classes of citizens and the rest get to try to make enough money to keep up.
As long as the top tax rate never got below 70, and was often much higher, the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) declined from 114% to 32%. Because of Republican tax cuts for the rich it grew to 129% during Trump's last year in office.


Saying that the national debt does not increase because of tax cuts, but because of spending increases. is like saying that one does not get fat by eating too much, but by exercising to little.

We should remember that Republicans like to raise military spending.
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Again... tell me why the federal system should get the lion share of taxation at all.
The federal government should go back to be what it was designed to do - provide continuity of governance and military defense.
The phrase "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" mean anything to you?
We have given all the power of controlling taxation to a TINY handful of people. TINY!!
It absolutely guarantees corruption. And a helluva lot of it!
The federal revenue system IS the problem.
For years public opinion surveys have indicated popular support for a more progressive tax system.

Are you in the habit in your personal life of spending a hell of a lot more and think demanding your firm pay you more is correct?
It is his ingrained thinking.
He will actually lament that Republicans don't cut spending as part of their problem.
But if they actually did - he would be standing on rooftops screaming into a megaphone that they are.

Democrats are perfect.
Republicans are the problem of everything.
That is what he does.
We need to shift more of the burden to the wealthy and corporations

Like it used to be before we embraced Supply Side
President Kennedy slashed taxes far more than Reagan did.
Supply side and trickle down are just slogans. It does not accurately tell the story.

You promote common theft.
It is his ingrained thinking.
He will actually lament that Republicans don't cut spending as part of their problem.
But if they actually did - he would be standing on rooftops screaming into a megaphone that they are.

Democrats are perfect.
Republicans are the problem of everything.
That is what he does.

To add to your discussion. Democrats have this habit of being nosy about incomes of others and then trying to tax them heavily. And when some honest guys say that is wrong, we get ripped and called things we don't want to be called.
Democrats are perfect.
Republicans are the problem of everything.
That is what he does.
If that is directed at me, I never said "Democrats are perfect." Saying I did is an example of the Straw Man Fallacy.

I agree with the Republicans on crime and race, and with the Democrats on economic and environmental policy.

I could add that I agree with the GOP on immigration, but the Republican Party is divided on immigration. Most Republicans want to restrict immigration because it contributes to the growing income gap. The Republican Donor Class wants more immigration for the same reason.
President Kennedy slashed taxes far more than Reagan did.
Supply side and trickle down are just slogans. It does not accurately tell the story.

You promote common theft.
Reagan was supremely focused on destroying the Soviet Union.
He knew America had vastly deeper pockets than the USSR, and believed they would spend themselves into oblivion trying to keep up with his military spending. He believed their egos would never allow them to admit it.
He was right. And the USSR collapsed.
You can argue whether it was worth it or not.

The problem however, is that once that happened - the federal government didn't reduce spending. They doubled down and spent more and more and more. And they will never stop doing this as long as their is a federal tax system to partly fund it.
If that is directed at me, I never said "Democrats are perfect." Saying I did is an example of the Straw Man Fallacy.

I agree with the Republicans on crime and race, and with the Democrats on economic and environmental policy.

I could add that I agree with the GOP on immigration, but the Republican Party is divided on immigration. Most Republicans want to restrict immigration because it contributes to the growing income gap. The Republican Donor Class wants more immigration for the same reason.
It was not. I have not seen you enough to form such an opinion
If that is directed at me, I never said "Democrats are perfect." Saying I did is an example of the Straw Man Fallacy.

I agree with the Republicans on crime and race, and with the Democrats on economic and environmental policy.

I could add that I agree with the GOP on immigration, but the Republican Party is divided on immigration. Most Republicans want to restrict immigration because it contributes to the growing income gap. The Republican Donor Class wants more immigration for the same reason.
For a very strange reason the Democrats want to keep importing more poor humans.

If you are not taxed more by Democrats, it is not because that is a good system. It only means you happen to have been more successful and they want your leg because of your success.
Reagan was supremely focused on destroying the Soviet Union.
He knew America had vastly deeper pockets than the USSR, and believed they would spend themselves into oblivion trying to keep up with his military spending. He believed their egos would never allow them to admit it.
He was right. And the USSR collapsed.
You can argue whether it was worth it or not.

The problem however, is that once that happened - the federal government didn't reduce spending. They doubled down and spent more and more and more. And they will never stop doing this as long as their is a federal tax system to partly fund it.
I am in agreement with all of that sets of statements. The Feds today blow $trillions when during Reagan it was the far less $billions.
President Kennedy slashed taxes far more than Reagan did.
Supply side and trickle down are just slogans. It does not accurately tell the story.

You promote common theft.
Kennedy did not cut taxes at all. When he was inaugurated the top tax rate was 91%. When he was assassinated it was still 91%. It was under President Johnson that the top tax rate was reduced to 70%. It was under Reagan that the top tax rate was reduced to 28%.

Correct my arithmetic if you need to, but according to my calculations Johnson cut the top tax rate by 21%, Reagan cut it by 42%.

The government has the legal right to tax. I have the legal right to vote. I choose to vote for politicians who will raise taxes on the rich and corporations. That is what most Americans want.

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