Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

President Kennedy slashed taxes far more than Reagan did.
Supply side and trickle down are just slogans. It does not accurately tell the story.

You promote common theft.

You guys keep trying that shit
JFK slashed taxes the wealthy down to 60 percent

The reason was that tax rates on the wealthy had been raised on the wealthy to pay for WWII

Since we were no longer at war, JFK reduced the rates

Tell ya what……I will gladly go back to JFKs 60 percent tax
Will you?
Murica raised what it took built roads, ports and other infrastructure, maintained a navy, educated children, fought wars, and built an industrial empire all without a federal income tax.

Any clown who says "how would the gubmint raise revenue without it" is a stone dope.

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Reagan was supremely focused on destroying the Soviet Union.
He knew America had vastly deeper pockets than the USSR, and believed they would spend themselves into oblivion trying to keep up with his military spending. He believed their egos would never allow them to admit it.
He was right. And the USSR collapsed.
You can argue whether it was worth it or not.

The problem however, is that once that happened - the federal government didn't reduce spending. They doubled down and spent more and more and more. And they will never stop doing this as long as their is a federal tax system to partly fund it.
If it was necessary to spend more on our military it was necessary to raise taxes to pay for it. When the United States entered World War II Roosevelt raised the top tax rate from 81% to 88%, and eventually to 94%. Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%.

That is the difference between the fiscal responsibility of the Democrats and the fantasy economics of the Republicans.

Because the United States was at peace during the Reagan administration it was not necessary to raise military spending.

Because the Soviet Union was collapsing from within, and Soviet leaders knew it, it was dangerous to provoke them with a nuclear arms race.
Are you in the habit in your personal life of spending a hell of a lot more and think demanding your firm pay you more is correct?
No, but I don’t go in and ask my boss to cut my pay and then go home and increase my spending

Republicans do
The government has the legal right to tax. I have the legal right to vote. I choose to vote for politicians who will raise taxes on the rich and corporations. That is what most Americans want.
The rich already pay the vast majority of taxes collected.
Corporations pay the dividends and wages to make the above possible.

I believe there should be NO business tax at all.
As long as those businesses stay within reasonable parameters and rules.
Such as corporations should be taxed fairly highly on revenue they make on foreign investments, imported goods. But if a product is made in America... the making of that product should not be taxed - which, BTW, it isn't. BUT the profits should not be taxed either. Why? Because the company will invest that money that will create more jobs and more tax revenue from those jobs.

The only thing raising corporate taxes is going to do - 100% - is raise prices on everything they do to pay those higher taxes. And what does that mean? It means that in reality - YOU are paying that tax.

Critical thinking guy.
Critical thinking.
Again... tell me why the federal system should get the lion share of taxation at all.
The federal government should go back to be what it was designed to do - provide continuity of governance and military defense.
The phrase "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" mean anything to you?
We have given all the power of controlling taxation to a TINY handful of people. TINY!!
It absolutely guarantees corruption. And a helluva lot of it!
The federal revenue system IS the problem.
The federal government has moved to do more for the middle class. I support that

Our military spends 40 cents of every military dollar on earth. I would gladly cut that in favor of more domestic spending
To add to your discussion. Democrats have this habit of being nosy about incomes of others and then trying to tax them heavily. And when some honest guys say that is wrong, we get ripped and called things we don't want to be called.
That's just too bad.

If the rich think their taxes are too high we should raise them higher. If they evade paying taxes we should confiscate everything they have, give it to the U.S. Treasury, and throw them into prison.
The so called "Founding Fathers" are often misquoted by reactionaries. When they are quoted correctly we should acknowledge that they were intelligent and well educated for the time, but they knew nothing of the government we would need and want now.

They were rich and had concerns most of us lack now. The vast majority of them supported slavery, opposed women's suffrage, and favored property qualifications for voting.

Most were even opposed to free public education. That did not begin until two generations later.
The so called "Founding Fathers" are often misquoted by reactionaries. When they are quoted correctly we should acknowledge that they were intelligent and well educated for the time, but they knew nothing of the government we would need and want now.

They were rich and had concerns most of us lack now. The vast majority of them supported slavery, opposed women's suffrage, and favored property qualifications for voting.

Most were even opposed to free public education. That did not begin until two generations later.
Riiiight....The founders were a bunch of myopic dopes...Meanwhile, numbskulls like you point to the Constitution that they wrote, in order to twist it to justify your socialistic welfare/warfare state.

If you shitlibs didn't have double standards....
The so called "Founding Fathers" are often misquoted by reactionaries. When they are quoted correctly we should acknowledge that they were intelligent and well educated for the time, but they knew nothing of the government we would need and want now.

They were rich and had concerns most of us lack now. The vast majority of them supported slavery, opposed women's suffrage, and favored property qualifications for voting.

Most were even opposed to free public education. That did not begin until two generations later.
I believe that in 100 more years, the Government of the USA will be run as the Republicans now want it run.
That's just too bad.

If the rich think their taxes are too high we should raise them higher. If they evade paying taxes we should confiscate everything they have, give it to the U.S. Treasury, and throw them into prison.
Sorry to learn you are actually a severe authoritarian who holds the Feds up as the highest need. We need to return to a sensible government. What Reagan wanted.

Notice they do not plead to be heavily taxed themselves, they simply want and expect other humans to pay for what they collect from the Feds.

How could a nation that wants “ freedom” have 40 percent of its population in slavery?
Today the slavery is experienced mostly by our military. Would you emancipate our military?
The federal government has moved to do more for the middle class. I support that

Our military spends 40 cents of every military dollar on earth. I would gladly cut that in favor of more domestic spending
Will you document those claims?
Sorry to learn you are actually a severe authoritarian who holds the Feds up as the highest need. We need to return to a sensible government. What Reagan wanted.

Notice they do not plead to be heavily taxed themselves, they simply want and expect other humans to pay for what they collect from the Feds.
The majority agrees with me, not with you.
I believe that in 100 more years, the Government of the USA will be run as the Republicans now want it run.
That is hardly likely with the growing income gap. As more Americans realize that capitalism is not working for them, socialism is becoming more popular. Few Americans want the government to own all or most of the productive wealth, but many want the U.S. economy to move in a socialist direction.

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