Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

We have given all the power of controlling taxation to a TINY handful of people. TINY!!
It absolutely guarantees corruption. And a helluva lot of it!
Weewee on the People

That is exactly what the ruling class's Constitution established. All republics are elitist schemes to empower "a tiny handful of people." Those who glorify the Constitution can't complain about its inevitable results. The same elitists practice totalitarian mind-control, or this contradiction would never be preached so loudly and forcefully by its victims.
That is not why Abe invaded the South.
The First GOPer President Sent Americans Off to Kill Their Fellow Americans on Behalf of Africans

Being a Republican, Dishonest Abe thought (but orated differently) that the freed slaves would provide cheap and grateful labor. They would also break up the unions that were beginning to form.

The media won't let you see the parallel between the motivations behind the Civil War and the ruling class's immigration policies since the 1960s, after its sons and even daughters took over both Parties.
The First GOPer President Sent Americans Off to Kill Their Fellow Americans on Behalf of Africans

Being a Republican, Dishonest Abe thought (but orated differently) that the freed slaves would provide cheap and grateful labor. They would also break up the unions that were beginning to form.

The media won't let you see the parallel between the motivations behind the Civil War and the ruling class's immigration policies since the 1960s, after its sons and even daughters took over both Parties.
Yeah, Old Abe was a killer of vampires also but acted like he wasn't.
That is hardly likely with the growing income gap. As more Americans realize that capitalism is not working for them, socialism is becoming more popular. Few Americans want the government to own all or most of the productive wealth, but many want the U.S. economy to move in a socialist direction.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Socialism is not the alternative; employee ownership is. Equal shares with salaries voted on by the employees based on whose performance in what position would get the workers' higher dividends. Both Capitalism and Socialism (State Capitalism) are absentee ownerships granted to the same class of privileged, power-hungry, and ignorant people.
The people never voted for an income tax, destroying the narrative that we are a democracy.
All Republics Go Bananas

The people have never voted on any issue, wasting their votes on pre-owned candy-dates who do the voting on all issues. Only Snob Rule calls self-determination by the majority through referendums "mob rule." Americans are brainwashed into becoming doormats for an oligarchic clique. Originality is the only crime in this copycat Netrix.
The people never voted for an income tax, destroying the narrative that we are a democracy.
The fact that most Americans want a more progressive tax system and do not get it is more of an undemocratic feature of the U.S. government than what you claim.
Weewee on the People

That is exactly what the ruling class's Constitution established. All republics are elitist schemes to empower "a tiny handful of people." Those who glorify the Constitution can't complain about its inevitable results. The same elitists practice totalitarian mind-control, or this contradiction would never be preached so loudly and forcefully by its victims.
Yeah... because no communist or socialist government ever resulted in an elite class with most people in poverty before.

The fact that most Americans want a more progressive tax system and do not get it is more of an undemocratic feature of the U.S. government than what you claim.
Yeah not true.
Most Americans support a system where they pay less and someone else pays more.
All Republics Go Bananas

The people have never voted on any issue, wasting their votes on pre-owned candy-dates who do the voting on all issues. Only Snob Rule calls self-determination by the majority through referendums "mob rule." Americans are brainwashed into becoming doormats for an oligarchic clique. Originality is the only crime in this copycat Netrix.
We vote for representatives who rarely represent our actual values or positions on issues.
Thank you for being civil and not calling me a Marxist who hates America. That is about the best that I can hope for from conservatives around here. Having said that, I will add that you seem to have a strange understanding of Democrats. I’m not sure what posts you’re referring to,, but don’t recall anyone saying “I want to pay higher taxes and I don’t care what it’s used for” That is certainly not what I am saying. The basic message from Democrats and Progressives is and always has been that every one should pay their fair share and that revenue should be used in a way that maximizes the greater good. Ofcourse, we may not always agree on what exactly that means, but if we could pur aside the ideology and focus on rational problem solving we most likely can find some common ground
You say that you don’t want to talk about other countries but by doing so we might learn something about smarter and more effective government

How Scandinavian Countries Pay for Their Government Spending (taxfoundation.org)

You can deride that as the “Nanny State” that goes against the grain of small government ideology. I call government for the people. Government that recognizes that personal responsibility and individuality goes only so far in a cruel and unpredictable capitalist economy. If you support a free market economy, then you must also support social safety nets there are there for people when needed. The unbridled capitalism that you champion gives freedom to the capitalists. Most people only work for the capitalists. We will not thrive as a nation where peoples basic life necessities are not met, where a major illness, or just going to college can bring financial ruin upon a person . There is far to much emphasis placed on what things cost and far to little on the benefits, and worse, the cost of doing nothing because it will come back to bite you

Moving on, you seem to be saying that roads and bridges are not a valid topic in relation to the issue of federal income tax. I beg to differ. State rely heavily on federal grants to maintain infrastructure. You might recall the recent infrastructure bill signed by Biden. Most major roads and rail lines are critical to interstate commerce and therefore a federal –state responsibility.

Here in New Jersey, we have a major catastrophe waiting to happen because of Republican stupidity and twisted priorities. The two rail tunnels that connect NJ to Manhattan are well over 100 years old and are likely to fail soon, disrupting if not destroying the entire regional economy. The states simply cannot go it alone on this. Trump had put the project on the back burner, and the former Republican governor actually cancelled it once. This while giving tax breaks to the wealthy . Not smart government Now it is on track but we are racing. The federal government also provides grants for public safety such as police and fire. So no, there is no clear line between state and federal responsibility.


Comrade, Patriot
Well, you lobby this forum for a tiny number of people. Scandinavia really is using free market principles. I do not think Sanders is remotely in favor of the free market. And Scandinavia has an oil run economy. America under Biden wants that cancelled here.
Taxes enable us to live in a Civilized Society

Roads, Infrastructure, Sewage systems, clean water, safe food, security, fire protection
All those are local/state responsibilities NOT federal ones. The only way to shrink federal spending is to cut income radically.
Not me

The US, at its founding was a Shit hole

I will take today thank you
When America was founded people depended upon themselves NOT the government. This country was never intended to be the nanny state it is today. Americans were intended to be independent, strong people who depended upon themselves NOT professional politicians.
I am sorry. I have hired too many workers and paid them plus been a worker for firms to keep arguing this point. I say the income source is the customer. The way you explain it the income source is not the customer, but the worker. That is magic.
The ultimate revenue source is the customer. BUT the employer's share of FICA and SS is part of the employee's compensation.
Well, you lobby this forum for a tiny number of people. Scandinavia really is using free market principles. I do not think Sanders is remotely in favor of the free market. And Scandinavia has an oil run economy. America under Biden wants that cancelled here.
Really? That's you final word? None of that, if even true, in any way negates or refutes the points that I made about taxes and spending.

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