Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

The worst mistake European settlers in the Americas made was the slave trade. Negroes should not have been brought here as slaves. They should not have been allowed to move here as free people.

The second mistake was to give the Negroes freedom without deporting them to Africa.

The third mistakes was to give the Negroes equal rights.
Holy fucking shit! WHAT!!!????
Let me modify my comment somewhat. A country with a large black population faces an unpleasant moral dilemma. If it denies blacks equal rights it will deny them to the minority of blacks who behave and perform as well as most whites. If it gives blacks equal rights it will experience the problems we have had since 1963, and that South Africa has experienced since 1994.
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The First GOPer President Sent Americans Off to Kill Their Fellow Americans on Behalf of Africans

Being a Republican, Dishonest Abe thought (but orated differently) that the freed slaves would provide cheap and grateful labor. They would also break up the unions that were beginning to form.

The media won't let you see the parallel between the motivations behind the Civil War and the ruling class's immigration policies since the 1960s, after its sons and even daughters took over both Parties.
By saving the Union and strengthening the federal government President Abraham Lincoln prepared the United States to dominate the world.

When America was founded people depended upon themselves NOT the government. This country was never intended to be the nanny state it is today. Americans were intended to be independent, strong people who depended upon themselves NOT professional politicians.
When our nation was founded it was indeed a Shit Hole

The streets were full of horse shit, people dumped their shit into nearby streams, people drank contaminated water and ate contaminated food. Most people could not read.

That is the “civilization” our founders provided for those low taxes
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A steeply graduated income tax with no loop holes is the best way to make sure that idle rich pay the vast majority of taxes.
What if your salary income is zero -

Let's be honest people. Do you enjoy the Federal Income Tax? Did you approve it? Who approved it? Is it legal? Have Courts defended it? We must tax. But how? Why income? What else can be taxed? The founders imposed Tariffs to fund the Nation. But they did not create the Federal Income Tax as you all must know.
How about a short video explaining this to all readers?

Before you get angry or disturbed, be honest. Do you enjoy the Federal income Tax you pay? Why not think of alternatives?

There is no defense for the convoluted, bloated tax code we currently have.
Let me modify my comment somewhat. A country with a large black population faces an unpleasant moral dilemma. If it denies blacks equal rights it will deny them to the minority of blacks who behave and perform as well as most whites. If it gives blacks equal rights it will experience the problems we have had since 1963, and that South Africa has experienced since 1994.
You're not helping yourself any with that codswallop. You're making it worse
There is no defense for the convoluted, bloated tax code we currently have.
Pass this around.
Which Are the Tax-Free States? As of 2022, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming are the only states that do not levy a state income tax.

No it's not. The income tax is popular. Most Americans want rich people to pay higher taxes
Yet 9 states do not impose state income taxes and why do you suppose they are not deeply in debt?
When our nation was founded it was indeed a Shit Hole

The streets were full of horse shit, people dumped their shit into nearby streams, people drank contaminated water and ate contaminated food. Most people could not read.

That is the “civilization” our founders provided for those low taxes
9 states do not impose income taxes on their citizens. And are thriving. Suppose we try the same for the nation!!!!
Let me modify my comment somewhat. A country with a large black population faces an unpleasant moral dilemma. If it denies blacks equal rights it will deny them to the minority of blacks who behave and perform as well as most whites. If it gives blacks equal rights it will experience the problems we have had since 1963, and that South Africa has experienced since 1994.
Blacks have not been denied rights since the civil rights laws being passed in 1964-65. Yet Democrats wage a war against the USA by trying to tell blacks they are suppressed. I would not be in a party that told me my rights are suppressed. It is a lie of major proportions.
Weewee on the People

That is exactly what the ruling class's Constitution established. All republics are elitist schemes to empower "a tiny handful of people." Those who glorify the Constitution can't complain about its inevitable results. The same elitists practice totalitarian mind-control, or this contradiction would never be preached so loudly and forcefully by its victims.
The original constitution was fine except it put a hit on blacks who then were slaves. So the amendment freeing them was wonderful. And later so was the Civil rights laws. But Democrats demean blacks by telling them as a policy that blacks are suppressed. That is a horrible thing to say to people as well as being a lie.
The ultimate revenue source is the customer. BUT the employer's share of FICA and SS is part of the employee's compensation.
Forced against the Employer and a benefit to the worker. Workers normally do not see that as a benefit though.
But Democrats demean blacks by telling them as a policy that blacks are suppressed.

Blacks are more than capable of assessing their situation in life.
Democrats are willing to help those in our society who are struggling while Republicans mock them and blame the poor for societies ills while they shelter the rich

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