Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

I’ll never understand Americans who still support the war machine and the MIC. After all that’s occurred these dupes still support these nefarious forces yet many support Trump, who proclaims he’s against the deep state.

And yet it is Russia invading. It is Russia Raping, Torturing, and Pillaging their way across the former Soviet States.
It isn't a question of who should get "beat up", or at least it shouldn't be. I've been to Ukraine and it's a shit hole. After the end of the Cold War Russia set about to better itself. Ukraine did not - it is poor, filthy, dilapidated, children in the city streets as young as 10 years old high on glue-sniffing, and as corrupt as the worst Latin American crap pot. What does that have to do with Russia? I'll tell you. The leadership of Russia would be willing to lend a hand in cleaning up Ukraine but the corrupt politicians in Kiev won't turn it loose so Ukraine is destined to be destroyed to the last brick.
Flies head to the shit hole. Russia invaded. They must leave.
I don't understand. :icon_rolleyes:

You've only got two choices and picking Trump just has to be wiser than flipping a coin. :)
Well his picked swamp creatures for his cabinet. Pompeo, Pence, Barr, Bolton, etc. He appointed never Trumpers Chris Wray for FBI Director and Mark Miley for JCS.

He isn’t better. He’s just as bad.
Yes, great reason…thats not good enough reason for Putin, who will get removed and go down in history as a huge failure.

This is why there are no options except to arm Ukraine best we can.
I want to try to show how Biden does it, vs how it should be done.
Due to the weapons Russia had, Ukraine needed shortly after it was invaded, F-16 fighter planes. We make them to defeat the Russians. M1A2 tanks. They wipe out Russian Tanks. Artillery able to reach into Russia. Enough ammo so they don't run out.

Biden, no jets, no tanks and insufficient artillery. He is not really trying.
And yet it is Russia invading. It is Russia Raping, Torturing, and Pillaging their way across the former Soviet States.
Uninformed. Trumpers and Genocide Joe supporters always are.
I want to try to show how Biden does it, vs how it should be done.
Due to the weapons Russia had, Ukraine needed shortly after it was invaded, F-16 fighter planes. We make them to defeat the Russians. M1A2 tanks. They wipe out Russian Tanks. Artillery able to reach into Russia. Enough ammo so they don't run out.

What would Ukraine do with F-16s in 2022? They had no one that could fly them and those that started accelerated training in 2023 are only now getting ready to fly missions.

Republicans have now been holding back funding for Ukraine millitary for half a year.
Trump is talking about "not a penny for Ukraine!"
Johnson has refused to bring it to a vote even though it would of course pass.
GOP Senators are now publicly saying Russian disinformation being circulated in their ranks.

....and you think Biden is the impediment to America backing Ukraine's war effort?
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What would Ukraine do with F-16s in 2022? They had no one that could fly them and those that started accelerated training in 2023 are only now getting ready to fly missions.

Republicans have now been holding back funding for Ukraine millitary for half a year.
Trump is talking about "not a penny for Ukraine!"
Johnson has refused to bring it to a vote even though it would of course pass.
GOP Senators are now publicly saying Russian disinformation being circulated in their ranks.

....and you think Biden is the impediment to America backing Ukraine's war effort?
I am a pilot and I know better than to buy the Biden bull shit. And you bought it. The pilots should have already been prepared.Trump won't be president until next year. H2 should be law but Democrats blocked it. Biden is the big kahuna. He could do it if he wanted to.
What would Ukraine do with F-16s in 2022? They had no one that could fly them and those that started accelerated training in 2023 are only now getting ready to fly missions.

Republicans have now been holding back funding for Ukraine millitary for half a year.
Trump is talking about "not a penny for Ukraine!"
Johnson has refused to bring it to a vote even though it would of course pass.
GOP Senators are now publicly saying Russian disinformation being circulated in their ranks.

....and you think Biden is the impediment to America backing Ukraine's war effort?
Only an imperialist warmongering fool would support a war on the other side of the world that is no threat to the US.
What a bunch of creeps y'all Putin haters are! You, morons, are in a hole so deep you won't be able to get out of, well, never. I reiterate, you're an evolutionary dead end. Look in the mirror or watch your TV sometimes. It's all there. You're neck deep in shit, yet you've got the stupid hubris to moralize us on how to behave. We're fine with our "dictatorship", thank you. Democracy and Democrats in particular we don't like.

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen - directly from slave Russian's mouth.

- A slave that likes his jail cell deserves it twice.
I am a pilot and I know better than to buy the Biden bull shit. And you bought it. The pilots should have already been prepared.Trump won't be president until next year. H2 should be law but Democrats blocked it. Biden is the big kahuna. He could do it if he wanted to.

You didn't answer the question - what could Ukraine possibly do with F-16 without pilots that could fly them? You are complaining about Biden's millitary aid to Ukraine. Can you point to someone who would do it better or that he should have listened to?

You also have nothing to say about Republicans who are directly undermining Ukrane's war effort today and you will of course vote for them come Nov.
Beat up? What does that mean? If you ask whether Americans want to risk lives and expend taxpayer dollars to protect a crooked little country like Ukraine while America is being invaded across the southern border the answer is no.
You didn't answer the question - what could Ukraine possibly do with F-16 without pilots that could fly them? You are complaining about Biden's millitary aid to Ukraine. Can you point to someone who would do it better or that he should have listened to?

You also have nothing to say about Republicans who are directly undermining Ukrane's war effort today and you will of course vote for them come Nov.
Did you intend to straitjacket me or some shit?
Who tried to shine you on acting as if flying the F16 was going to be flown by green pilots? Ukraine has had pilots. I mentioned things Ukraine needs to finish Russia off. Such as our top tank, longer range artillery and I will think of more. All Ukraine had to do is send pilots to Germany and they would have trained them.

I am out of touch with our best Generals as I type and would need to review what they did to become Generals. Congress needs to operate like they give a shit. When the Democrats clamped down on HR 2, they pissed their own pants.
Who tried to shine you on acting as if flying the F16 was going to be flown by green pilots? Ukraine has had pilots.

...do you seriously not get that SU pilots can't just jump into F-16s and require a lot of training?

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