Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

Why lie? Putin never said that. You’re entire post is wrong..
Did you watch the interview or read the full transcript from it?
Gipper did, you didn't.
The moment Tucker brought up NATO and fears that they might attack Russia, as the reason why Putin went into Ukraine, Putin stopped him dead cold by asking, "are we doing a show or having a serious conversation" then he proceeded to go into this incredibly long 30 minute rant about the history of Ukraine and Russia, their cultural ties, everything.
That's right, but you must have fallen asleep ...
Never once did he mention NATO as the reason why he invaded.
... and you never woke up again because you missed it.
The only ppl blaming NATO for the war are all .....
... all of those non-NATO members, particularly the ones that have been invaded, destroyed and occupied by NATO states and their hangers-on.
That's not true. You should probably study the rules because you do not know them.

Also, not true.

The United Snakes did. As for Sweden, it all started when the CIA assassinated Olaf Palme in 1986, it was confirmed when the CIA was allowed landing rights en route to Guantanamo plus the kidnapping of Julian Assange on false alleges in 2010, and culminated in the CIA sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline in 2022.

If a country meets the requirements they're allowed to join, that is all that is required. :lol:

Then provide me the proof. I'll wait.

Oh, did they really? Why has Sweden and Finland never attempted to join NATO before Putin's invasion if America has been "pushing" to join all this time? Why hasn't Switzerland joined NATO if America is out there aggressively cajoling countries to join? Where's the evidence? Show me that America has done this. NATO is already the most powerful alliance in the history of the world, they don't need to "push" anyone to join.
Gipper did, you didn't.

That's right, but you must have fallen asleep ...

... and you never woke up again because you missed it.

... all of those non-NATO members, particularly the ones that have been invaded, destroyed and occupied by NATO states and their hangers-on.

So you know everything Gipper does? Are you his live in partner?

Fallen asleep from Putin's long ass speech? Probably, but that's why we have a transcript. I don't need to say anything further, it's all there for anyone to see and confirm. If you choose to disbelieve your dear leader's own words I won't convince you otherwise, you're so far gone that you'll believe your own propaganda over the person who started the war in the first place.

I guess you're showing me an example of the unhinged propaganda you ppl type to each other in your secret facebook groups.
Did you watch the interview or read the full transcript from it? The moment Tucker brought up NATO and fears that they might attack Russia, as the reason why Putin went into Ukraine, Putin stopped him dead cold by asking, "are we doing a show or having a serious conversation" then he proceeded to go into this incredibly long 30 minute rant about the history of Ukraine and Russia, their cultural ties, everything. Never once did he mention NATO as the reason why he invaded. The only ppl blaming NATO for the war are all you useful idiots out there.
That is obvious for everyone who knows at least a bit about Russian mindset. The main reason of this war is a strong belief that most of Ukraine is 'historically Russian land' .
So you know everything Gipper does?
How should I know that?
Are you his live in partner?
Are you a full-time ass or only an intermittent one?
Fallen asleep from Putin's long ass speech? Probably, but that's why we have a transcript.
This is why the US never amounted to anything.
I don't need to say anything further ...
Then don't.
If you choose to disbelieve your dear leader's own words ...
So you're not merely intermittent.
I won't convince you otherwise, you're so far gone that you'll believe your own propaganda over the person who started the war in the first place. I guess you're showing me an example of the unhinged propaganda you ppl type to each other in your secret facebook groups.
If we're not too busy at the next luncheon I'll quote some of your response. Vlado (only his closest friends are allowed to call him that) has an excellent sense of humour and I'm sure we'll have a grand old chuckle at your expense. :badgrin:
Right now the most corrupt country in the entire European Corridor Is Ukraine. Money laundering, drug pushing, pedophile producing, human trafficking, genocidal gangsterism propped up by dishonest American politicians and LAND grabbing, expansionist NATO, the banker's army. NATO has been looking for this confrontation for the past decade by waving the cape in front of the bull. Building bio labs, spy stations, military installations on Russia's borders at the same time sending in destabilizing elements in an effort to topple the Russian government. Whether you like the Russian government or not is irrelevant. NATO wanted this war and now they have it at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

is there a conspiracy theory that you won't believe?
That is obvious for everyone who knows at least a bit about Russian mindset. The main reason of this war is a strong belief that most of Ukraine is 'historically Russian land' .

Putin said so himself. What's so hilarious is that Tucker simply could not get Putin to admit that NATO aggression was the reason for invading Ukraine, lol. What is disturbing is that this revelation flies so in the face of the narrative manufactured by useful idiots that they are refusing to believe Putin's own words. "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled."
is there a conspiracy theory that you won't believe?
One only has to read a history book.... and do some very minimal searching to establish the fact that Ukraine is a little more than a codified mafioso operation.
Right now the most corrupt country in the entire European Corridor Is Ukraine.
Not only "right now" but ever since the end of the Cold War.
Money laundering, drug pushing, pedophile producing, human trafficking, genocidal gangsterism propped up by dishonest American politicians and LAND grabbing, expansionist NATO, the banker's army. NATO has been looking for this confrontation for the past decade by waving the cape in front of the bull. Building bio labs, spy stations, military installations on Russia's borders at the same time sending in destabilizing elements in an effort to topple the Russian government. Whether you like the Russian government or not is irrelevant. NATO wanted this war and now they have it at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
I have been to Ukraine and I saw for myself some of the "attributes" you mention such as in-your-face Drugs on the street - Pedophile mongering - Human trafficking - Corruption around every corner - Baby making Industry - Murdering of the mentally handicapped - and Child prostitution. Everything else you mention is a matter of daily record.
Not only "right now" but ever since the end of the Cold War.

I have been to Ukraine and I saw for myself some of the "attributes" you mention such as in-your-face Drugs on the street - Pedophile mongering - Human trafficking - Corruption around every corner - Baby making Industry - Murdering of the mentally handicapped - and Child prostitution. Everything else you mention is a matter of daily record.
I grew up with a Ukrainian family that left that country so that they could lead a normal life here. I heard all about the conditions there from them. The other dirty little secret that most of North American lefties refuse to look at is the fact that Ukraine sees the black race as backwards monkeys.
...... The other dirty little secret that most of North American lefties refuse to look at is the fact that Ukraine sees the black race as backwards monkeys.
Now that we've got thousands upon thousands of these Ukies in my country I can attest to what you are saying. BUT more than that! I am white but I am a senior citizen (nearing 80) and I can tell you that these Ukies have no respect for us. They push us and act like they own the country. We give them free medical, free dental, free public transportation, etc. Two months ago a Ukie girl in her late teens/early twenties was sitting on the bus in the senior citizen section. There are a couple of features in that tiny 4-seat section that make it easier for handicapped and elderly people. Anyway, I asked her to give up the seat. She refused. I insisted. This is what she told me: "How about I kick you in your face!" I took her up on her challenge and she backed down but the point is .... well, I think you know what the point is.

:eusa_shhh: Ps. Just between you and me, I'd have broken both her arms and maybe a leg or two.
Now that we've got thousands upon thousands of these Ukies in my country I can attest to what you are saying. BUT more than that! I am white but I am a senior citizen (nearing 80) and I can tell you that these Ukies have no respect for us. They push us and act like they own the country. We give them free medical, free dental, free public transportation, etc. Two months ago a Ukie girl in her late teens/early twenties was sitting on the bus in the senior citizen section. There are a couple of features in that tiny 4-seat section that make it easier for handicapped and elderly people. Anyway, I asked her to give up the seat. She refused. I insisted. This is what she told me: "How about I kick you in your face!" I took her up on her challenge and she backed down but the point is .... well, I think you know what the point is.

:eusa_shhh: Ps. Just between you and me, I'd have broken both her arms and maybe a leg or two.
And how did you get she was a Ukrainian? She yelled at you 'Had we been in my hometown Kiev, I would burn you alive' or this sort of things?
If a country meets the requirements they're allowed to join, that is all that is required. :lol:

Then provide me the proof. I'll wait.

Oh, did they really? Why has Sweden and Finland never attempted to join NATO before Putin's invasion if America has been "pushing" to join all this time? Why hasn't Switzerland joined NATO if America is out there aggressively cajoling countries to join? Where's the evidence? Show me that America has done this. NATO is already the most powerful alliance in the history of the world, they don't need to "push" anyone to join.
This absurd argument is straight from the CIA. If a nation wants to join, they can. Lolololol….As if they were joining a basketball team.

The unbelievable ignorance of this is beyond belief, yet many Americans have been brainwashed to believe it.

Provoking a nuclear power who has stated for many years they will not accept Ukraine in NATO, is a provocation. Russia says this is an existential threat. The USG ignored this warning an now hundreds of thousands are dead and wounded all for the benefit of the MIC.

Can’t fix stupid.
That is obvious for everyone who knows at least a bit about Russian mindset. The main reason of this war is a strong belief that most of Ukraine is 'historically Russian land' .
No it’s not. This war doesn’t happen if Ukraine stays neutral. Simple. No?
This absurd argument is straight from the CIA. If a nation wants to join, they can. Lolololol….As if they were joining a basketball team.

The unbelievable ignorance of this is beyond belief, yet many Americans have been brainwashed to believe it.

Provoking a nuclear power who has stated for many years they will not accept Ukraine in NATO, is a provocation. Russia says this is an existential threat. The USG ignored this warning an now hundreds of thousands are dead and wounded all for the benefit of the MIC.

Can’t fix stupid.
The keyword being "BRAINWASHED".
Neutral in this case doesn't end with 'staying out of NATO'.

You claim to know a lot about Ukraine and Russia, but I don’t see it.

Provoking a nuclear power is dumb. Are you dumb?

What would the USG do if Russia were to provoke it?

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