Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

You can’t see past NATO. You’re stuck in Cold War thinking. You think Russia is our enemy as the USG intelligence agencies have trained you to think.

NATO should have been dissolved after the fall of the USSR. Had that occurred, thousands would alive today and the enormously powerful war machine (MIC) wouldn’t be so powerful. To say nothing of the trillions of dollars taken from the American people.

And you're stuck on Putin talking points. This is propaganda straight out of the Kremlin, lol. Anyone who doesn't see a country that constantly threatens nuclear war is deaf, blind and stupid. A few years ago Putin even said he could destroy american in an hour. Is that the rhetoric of a friendly nation? lol

So America is suddenly going to stop spending on their military because NATO is gone? :lol: Why should NATO dissolve simply because the USSR had fallen? This is the funniest Putin talking point, because of course that's what he wanted. NATO is the single biggest obstacle in the way of his ambitions. Does Russia's insane military buildup during the cold war suddenly dissolve along with NATO? lol. I guess with the USSR gone then some maniac won't take over in a few years and actually start attacking countries with those same weapons. Yup, it's all safe now. How blind can one person be. We've already lived through the future from the fall of the soviet union and you're still here trying to persuade Russia is no threat to anyone. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
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One thing we know for certain, you didn’t watch it. You’ve made that abundantly clear.

I read the transcript. That's why i can provide details about what I read. I didn't need to see Tucker sucking Putin's cock during the interview. It's amazing he was still able to ask his questions with his mouth full. What have you provided, aside from claims that I didn't read/watch it or that I'm lying. This is not a legit counterpoint. This is the ranting of someone who can't dispute a single thing I said with actual facts.
Here is a great column for you, if only you could read.

Ukraine - To Hurt Russia Means Pain For Ukraine

Ukraine is trying to hurt Russia by hitting its refineries. But the attacks fail to have the desired effects on Russia. The Russian response though, in form of de-energization attacks on Ukraine, seriously endanger the state.


You pretend that Russia hasn't been doing this from the very beginning. It just shows this has never been about denazifying the country. It's simply about destroying Ukraine.
OK, so when you tell us Trump can fix this, you are guessing. I am not trying to suck you in. I believe this is a very serious topic and we have some nut cases on this forum making stuff up.
I was not making you the goat for a plan. I wanted to understand your rational beliefs.

Trump says he'll end and settle the war in one day. There's only one way to do that. Join Russia in a massive bombing campaign on Ukraine. How else would you settle it in one day?
NATO is the perp here. They work for the central European bankers that want Russian mineral wealth. They don't care how many Ukranians have to die first.... apparently neither does Zalensky.

Europe was happy to pay for Putin's oil. How does sanctioning Russia help them attain any mineral wealth from them? Sometimes all you have to do is just rationalize instead of attaching emotions and feelings into every debate over Russia.
Europe was happy to pay for Putin's oil. How does sanctioning Russia help them attain any mineral wealth from them? Sometimes all you have to do is just rationalize instead of attaching emotions and feelings into every debate over Russia.
Russia has far more mineral wealth than oil.

Sanctions....yeah they're stupid. That's not the point.

Banks don't run on emotion.. they're all business. If Europe can use NATO to draw Russia into a full scale war the spoils for them afterward are unimaginable wealth.

Russia's natural resources are estimated to be worth $75 trillion, and include:
coal, oil, natural gas, gold, timber, and rare earth metals.

Russia is the world's largest producer of nickel and palladium, the second-largest producer of platinum and copper, and the fourth-largest producer of zinc globally.

Russia's Arctic seabed may contain significant deposits of valuable metals and precious stones, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, platinum, tin, zinc, and diamonds.

What is Russia's most valuable resource?
Is Russia the richest country in natural resources?
What does Russia lack in resources?

Featured snippet from the web​

Unexplored reserves could total 9.24 billion tons (67.7 billion barrels) of oil and 88.3 tcm of natural gas. Overall, Russia esti- mates that these areas have up to 10 trillion tons of hydrocarbon deposits, the equivalent of 73 trillion barrels of oil.
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Let's not beat the bush, let's pick a side.
Ukraine is who you want beat?
Russia is who you want beat?

Watch how grateful this Ukrainian is that at last they will get some F-16s fighters.

I would like to see zelensky and pootin in a cage match to the death.

Let the rest of the people live in peace.
So much information you've been given by us ... and the internet yet you still understand absolutely nothing. :disbelief:

You haven't given ANY information, that's the problem. All you've done in this thread is cheerlead your life partner, gipper, on his vague and insane rants on nato and russia while throwing in an insult here and there. Your idea of proving "so much information" is only a fantasy you've conjured up in your mind.
Let's not beat the bush, let's pick a side.
Ukraine is who you want beat?
Russia is who you want beat?

Watch how grateful this Ukrainian is that at last they will get some F-16s fighters.

the f-16s are not going to make a deference. ukraine cannot defeat russia. it has been a war of attrition. the russians are not going to quit.
So America is suddenly going to stop spending on their military because NATO is gone?
You put this question to the Gipper so he can reply in his own way. But me? I don't give a fiddler's hangnail what the United Snakes does with its military but I do care what sort of quagmire European NATO states get dragged into. The fact is that I won't shed a tear over the necessity (if it comes to that) to blast American invaders to Kingdom Come but I don't like the thought of shooting fellow Europeans, including Russians.
the f-16s are not going to make a deference. ukraine cannot defeat russia. it has been a war of attrition. the russians are not going to quit.
Russia is that stupid, eh?
I am telling you that JFK and Khrushchev escalated it to such point before, that nuclear exchange was considered unavoidable. I can only imagine your squealing if something similar happened today.

No, I don't want Biden to escalate. But I think that Putin was rather honest saying that Biden is more convenient for him that his possible successor.

This war virtually started in 2014. The main reason of it - deep political and cultural divisions in the Ukrainian society.

Biden was ready for 'minor incursion'. Like Obama was. And he would gladly have allowed it to roll. But your pal Putin bit off more than it could chew.
Yet JFK and Kruschev worked it out, because they communicated with each other and had a common goal. No communication exists today and they don’t have a common goal.

Yes it did start in 2014, thanks in part to the coup perpetrated by the US. All easily avoided if the US would listen to Russia’s concerns.

How is this war a minor incursion? Hundreds of thousands are dead and wounded.

History tells us minor incursions by great powers often spiral out of control.

How is this war more than Putin can handle? His army seems to be winning. Do you think he’s losing the war?
You pretend that Russia hasn't been doing this from the very beginning. It just shows this has never been about denazifying the country. It's simply about destroying Ukraine.
Silly. If Russia wanted to destroy Ukraine, it would have by now.

The reality is Russia has gone in lightly and done its best to avoid large civilian casualties. They could have easily turned all Ukraine into a wasteland like Israel is doing in Gaza, which you support.

Do you know about the Minsk Accords and the peace agreement in Turkey they had early on, which Boris shit canned?
Yet JFK and Kruschev worked it out, because they communicated with each other and had a common goal. No communication exists today and they don’t have a common goal.

Yes it did start in 2014, thanks in part to the coup perpetrated by the US. All easily avoided if the US would listen to Russia’s concerns.

How is this war a minor incursion? Hundreds of thousands are dead and wounded.

History tells us minor incursions by great powers often spiral out of control.

How is this war more than Putin can handle? His army seems to be winning. Do you think he’s losing the war?
There is communication. Russia owns more than 100 trillion in untapped mineral wealth. The West wants it and they don't want to pay for it. When all of the ukrainians are gone they'll find another nation to throw into the wood chipper one at a time in pursuit of that goal.
Trump says he'll end and settle the war in one day. There's only one way to do that. Join Russia in a massive bombing campaign on Ukraine. How else would you settle it in one day?
No. All he has to do is tell Ukraine no NATO and accept peace terms. Along with no further military assistance from the US.

War over and Z better runoff to his mansion in the Caribbean.
There is communication. Russia owns more than 100 trillion in untapped mineral wealth. The West wants it and they don't want to pay for it. When all of the ukrainians are gone they'll find another nation to throw into the wood chipper one at a time in pursuit of that goal.
Of course I’m talking about communication between Genocide Joe and Putin.

However you’re right, the western oligarchs want control of Russia‘s energy wealth. They know Putin won’t allow it, so the hope is war in Ukraine will lead to Putin’s removal. This strategy doesn’t appear to be working and it’s gotten a lot of people killed.
Of course I’m talking about communication between Genocide Joe and Putin.

However you’re right, the western oligarchs want control of Russia‘s energy wealth. They know Putin won’t allow it, so the hope is war in Ukraine will lead to Putin’s removal. This strategy doesn’t appear to be working and it’s gotten a lot of people killed.

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