Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

I am curious since I have books about Fascism because of the chatter on forums that do not show a genuine study of this is taken by some posters. Where do you get this material about fascism? There must be a hell of a lot of Fascist leaders for you to think it is currently in vogue. Who are those leaders?

You know what's very telling, is that your first and only response to me asking the question of why you love fascism so much wasn't to deny it.

You claim to know a lot about Ukraine and Russia, but I don’t see it.

Provoking a nuclear power is dumb. Are you dumb?

What would the USG do if Russia were to provoke it?
Half of the 20th century was marked by two nuclear powers provoking each other. Had you been asleep all this time?
I am curious since I have books about Fascism because of the chatter on forums that do not show a genuine study of this is taken by some posters. Where do you get this material about fascism? There must be a hell of a lot of Fascist leaders for you to think it is currently in vogue. Who are those leaders?
That's a fair question.
You know what's very telling, is that your first and only response to me asking the question of why you love fascism so much wasn't to deny it.
This response of yours, however, is not particularly telling because it's just the latest "tell" in a very long string of absurd conclusions you've been making since joining this (and many other) forums. You seem to connect dots 1, 2, and 3 then get frustrated & confused and go straight to the last dot, leaving all of the other dots un-connected.
Half of the 20th century was marked by two nuclear powers provoking each other. Had you been asleep all this time?
See? Posts like that indicate a deep seated misunderstanding.

During the Cold War the two powers worked diligently to avoid direct confrontation. Apparently you don’t see what the USG is doing in Ukraine, as a direct confrontation. Why?

Did the US get involved when Hungry and Czechoslovakia rebelled? Did the US escalate the Berlin airlift? They even worked together to solve the Cuban missile crisis.

Today, Genocide Joe refuses to even talk to Putin.

Do you see the difference now?
See? Posts like that indicate a deep seated misunderstanding.

During the Cold War the two powers worked diligently to avoid direct confrontation. Apparently you don’t see what the USG is doing in Ukraine, as a direct confrontation. Why?

Did the US get involved when Hungry and Czechoslovakia rebelled? Did the US escalate the Berlin airlift? They even worked together to solve the Cuban missile crisis.

Today, Genocide Joe refuses to even talk to Putin.
Trump is probably America's last chance of avoiding destruction. With the US refusing to cooperate Russia will probably inherit civilization with China employing its own brand of competition. Anyway, they will constitute the new balance of world power. The Americans, unfortunately, will be particularly fucked because the Deep State honchos already have several nest eggs well-placed around the world so when the final "kaboom" hits American soil more than 90% of the American population will end up destitute and the dollar won't be worth shit.
Do you see the difference now?
Oh yes!
This absurd argument is straight from the CIA. If a nation wants to join, they can. Lolololol….As if they were joining a basketball team.

The unbelievable ignorance of this is beyond belief, yet many Americans have been brainwashed to believe it.

Provoking a nuclear power who has stated for many years they will not accept Ukraine in NATO, is a provocation. Russia says this is an existential threat. The USG ignored this warning an now hundreds of thousands are dead and wounded all for the benefit of the MIC.

Can’t fix stupid.

Well all NATO countries would need to agree on the membership but what else is there? What does this have to do with the CIA? How difficult was it for Sweden and Finland to join? Finland got in in under a year, and was only held up by Turkey and Hungary. Sweden got in almost 2 years later because of the same shit stain, Victor Orban. This is only absurd to the ears of someone who is busy trying to make sense of conspiracy theories they heard and how they don't seem to make any sense with the reality of the world.

I'm still waiting for that proof, while you're still dodging my question.

How was Ukraine to join NATO with their land in dispute? One of the main roadblocks for membership into NATO is that your territory cannot be compromised like it has been with Ukraine. This has been the case since 2014. Being allowed to join NATO would automatically trigger article 5 in this very situation. Putin knew this. Again, you're ignoring reality, because you are the one who is brainwashed, not I.

The unbelievable ignorance on display here isn't coming from me. I guess you're right, you really can't fix stupid.
Well all NATO countries would need to agree on the membership but what else is there? What does this have to do with the CIA? How difficult was it for Sweden and Finland to join? Finland got in in under a year, and was only held up by Turkey and Hungary. Sweden got in almost 2 years later because of the same shit stain, Victor Orban. This is only absurd to the ears of someone who is busy trying to make sense of conspiracy theories they heard and how they don't seem to make any sense with the reality of the world.

I'm still waiting for that proof, while you're still dodging my question.

How was Ukraine to join NATO with their land in dispute? One of the main roadblocks for membership into NATO is that your territory cannot be compromised like it has been with Ukraine. This has been the case since 2014. Being allowed to join NATO would automatically trigger article 5 in this very situation. Putin knew this. Again, you're ignoring reality, because you are the one who is brainwashed, not I.

The unbelievable ignorance on display here isn't coming from me. I guess you're right, you really can't fix stupid.
So much information you've been given by us ... and the internet yet you still understand absolutely nothing. :disbelief:
How should I know that?

Are you a full-time ass or only an intermittent one?

This is why the US never amounted to anything.

Then don't.

So you're not merely intermittent.

If we're not too busy at the next luncheon I'll quote some of your response. Vlado (only his closest friends are allowed to call him that) has an excellent sense of humour and I'm sure we'll have a grand old chuckle at your expense. :badgrin:

You claim that gipper watched Putin's interview and read the transcript. How exactly would you know this unless you were his live in partner? This was your claim, not mine.

Why not ask yourself that question first, then get back to me, lol

The US is the richest and most powerful nation in the world,. Yup, never amounted to anything in just a short 200+ years. :auiqs.jpg:

Great, you can ask him when you'll be mobilized.
You claim that gipper watched Putin's interview and read the transcript. How exactly would you know this unless you were his live in partner? This was your claim, not mine.

Why not ask yourself that question first, then get back to me, lol

The US is the richest and most powerful nation in the world,. Yup, never amounted to anything in just a short 200+ years. :auiqs.jpg:

Great, you can ask him when you'll be mobilized.
I'm going to ask the forum admin to tighten up on the age restriction for membership.
Well all NATO countries would need to agree on the membership but what else is there? What does this have to do with the CIA? How difficult was it for Sweden and Finland to join? Finland got in in under a year, and was only held up by Turkey and Hungary. Sweden got in almost 2 years later because of the same shit stain, Victor Orban. This is only absurd to the ears of someone who is busy trying to make sense of conspiracy theories they heard and how they don't seem to make any sense with the reality of the world.

I'm still waiting for that proof, while you're still dodging my question.

How was Ukraine to join NATO with their land in dispute? One of the main roadblocks for membership into NATO is that your territory cannot be compromised like it has been with Ukraine. This has been the case since 2014. Being allowed to join NATO would automatically trigger article 5 in this very situation. Putin knew this. Again, you're ignoring reality, because you are the one who is brainwashed, not I.

The unbelievable ignorance on display here isn't coming from me. I guess you're right, you really can't fix stupid.
You can’t see past NATO. You’re stuck in Cold War thinking. You think Russia is our enemy as the USG intelligence agencies have trained you to think.

NATO should have been dissolved after the fall of the USSR. Had that occurred, thousands would alive today and the enormously powerful war machine (MIC) wouldn’t be so powerful. To say nothing of the trillions of dollars taken from the American people.
You claim that gipper watched Putin's interview and read the transcript. How exactly would you know this unless you were his live in partner? This was your claim, not mine.

Why not ask yourself that question first, then get back to me, lol

The US is the richest and most powerful nation in the world,. Yup, never amounted to anything in just a short 200+ years. :auiqs.jpg:

Great, you can ask him when you'll be mobilized.
One thing we know for certain, you didn’t watch it. You’ve made that abundantly clear.
You can’t see past NATO. You’re stuck in Cold War thinking. You think Russia is our enemy as the USG intelligence agencies have trained you to think.

NATO should have been dissolved after the fall of the USSR. Had that occurred, thousands would alive today and the enormously powerful war machine (MIC) wouldn’t be so powerful. To say nothing of the trillions of dollars taken from the American people.
Pearls before swine, Gipper, pearls before swine.
See? Posts like that indicate a deep seated misunderstanding.

During the Cold War the two powers worked diligently to avoid direct confrontation. Apparently you don’t see what the USG is doing in Ukraine, as a direct confrontation. Why?

Did the US get involved when Hungry and Czechoslovakia rebelled? Did the US escalate the Berlin airlift? They even worked together to solve the Cuban missile crisis.

Today, Genocide Joe refuses to even talk to Putin.

Do you see the difference now?
Heh, you even had a nerve to put the Cuban missile crisis here, as an example of 'working together'.

I don't think that the Biden administration wants to escalate this war. On the contrary, in the course of these two years, the arms supplies were provided in such numbers and timing just not to let the frontline from Ukrainian side fall.

Ukraine strikes Russian territory from time to time, but thes strikes are quite limited in scope and scale. But even these strikes are denounced by American officials (like recent ones on Russian refineries).

Biden's passage about accepting 'minor incursion' is revealing.
Heh, you even had a nerve to put the Cuban missile crisis here, as an example of 'working together'.

I don't think that the Biden administration wants to escalate this war. On the contrary, in the course of these two years, the arms supplies were provided in such numbers and timing just not to let the frontline from Ukrainian side fall.

Ukraine strikes Russian territory from time to time, but thes strikes are quite limited in scope and scale. But even these strikes are denounced by American officials (like recent ones on Russian refineries).

Biden's passage about accepting 'minor incursion' is revealing.
Are you telling me JFK and Kruschev didn’t work together to solve the crisis?

Do you want Biden to escalate the war?

The war was provoked and continued by the US. Without US support, this war never occurs.

Do you know why Biden continues to support the war, but doesn’t want it to escalate? Its not hard to figure out. It’s a profit making racket that benefits Biden’s donors and his party. Its a racket the Mafia can only dream of.
I don't know where you got that from, I mentioned Dems trying to kick Trump off my ballot.

But since you raised the subject, I do think the election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unconstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process such as universal mail-in voting in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

Having this belief is not unDemocratic, I want free and fair (secure) elections. I want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature.

It's not a threat to Democracy, it's the converse.


That's what we got in 2020. I think you need to take a moment to consider the source for your views on the election. Trusting Donald Trumps opinion of our election process is like taking medical advice on the safety of the drugs you just received from a corner drug pusher. This is a man who attempted to overthrow a democratic election by sending fake electors to DC. It may not be undemocratic to have paranoid beliefs in our voting process but trusting anyone who does this is.
That's what we got in 2020. I think you need to take a moment to consider the source for your views on the election. Trusting Donald Trumps opinion of our election process is like taking medical advice on the safety of the drugs you just received from a corner drug pusher. This is a man who attempted to overthrow a democratic election by sending fake electors to DC. It may not be undemocratic to have paranoid beliefs in our voting process but trusting anyone who does this is.
Are you claiming wanting free and fair elections is in some way trusting Trump?
Are you telling me JFK and Kruschev didn’t work together to solve the crisis?

Do you want Biden to escalate the war?

The war was provoked and continued by the US. Without US support, this war never occurs.

Do you know why Biden continues to support the war, but doesn’t want it to escalate? Its not hard to figure out. It’s a profit making racket that benefits Biden’s donors and his party. Its a racket the Mafia can only dream of.
I am telling you that JFK and Khrushchev escalated it to such point before, that nuclear exchange was considered unavoidable. I can only imagine your squealing if something similar happened today.

No, I don't want Biden to escalate. But I think that Putin was rather honest saying that Biden is more convenient for him that his possible successor.

This war virtually started in 2014. The main reason of it - deep political and cultural divisions in the Ukrainian society.

Biden was ready for 'minor incursion'. Like Obama was. And he would gladly have allowed it to roll. But your pal Putin bit off more than it could chew.
Are you telling me JFK and Kruschev didn’t work together to solve the crisis?
If he believes that (yes, it's possible that he does) then there isn't much reason to try getting him to understand anything.
The war was provoked and continued by the US. Without US support, this war never occurs.
True and Correct.
Do you know why Biden continues to support the war, but doesn’t want it to escalate? ...... It’s a profit making racket that benefits Biden’s donors and his party.
That describes every war the war has been involved in since the end of WW II.
Its a racket the Mafia can only dream of.
I must interject something at this point. It's not a "mafia dream". It is reality. As I was saying, the US has been up to such shenanigans since the end of WW II. The most glaring early examples were Operation TP Ajax in Iran and the situation in Cuba. The American Mafia ran Cuba, lock, stock, and barrel. Fidel Castro threw them out. And what did Kennedy and Washington, and CIA do? Did they praise Castro? Nope. And why not? What they did is on record and it continues to this very day.

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