Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

The 2 sides (Russia, Ukraine) were talking in the spring of 2022 and tried to reach some sort of peaceful compromise, but apparently the UK PM wasn't happy with it. In the meantime, more and more of Ukraine is destroyed (BlackRock awarded the contract to rebuild), more Ukrainians are displaced and wonder if they will ever be able to return home, and if so, what will be left of their nation.

I just see a long-term war, no clear winner or loser, no real end in sight. Russia doesn't care about casualties and will continue to send young men to their death, they'll never deplete that resource. Stalemate. I don't see either side getting an upper hand and officially winning. It's time to find a solution, stop the deaths, stop the destruction.

Once again, Trump is the only person that is mentioning any negotiations.
Fuch corrupt dictators and fuch you, bought off slimeball... you'd have lost WWII and the cold war...god GOP rubes are so damn ignorant....
  • Fake News
Reactions: iku
The 2 sides (Russia, Ukraine) were talking in the spring of 2022 and tried to reach some sort of peaceful compromise, but apparently the UK PM wasn't happy with it. In the meantime, more and more of Ukraine is destroyed (BlackRock awarded the contract to rebuild), more Ukrainians are displaced and wonder if they will ever be able to return home, and if so, what will be left of their nation.

I just see a long-term war, no clear winner or loser, no real end in sight. Russia doesn't care about casualties and will continue to send young men to their death, they'll never deplete that resource. Stalemate. I don't see either side getting an upper hand and officially winning. It's time to find a solution, stop the deaths, stop the destruction.

Once again, Trump is the only person that is mentioning any negotiations.
Of course London wasn't happy
There was nothing in it for the central bank.
  • Fact
Reactions: iku
Of course London wasn't happy
There was nothing in it for the central bank.
Your word and honor is garbage, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut....we promised Ukraine protection when they gave up their nukes. Putin and his buddy Trump are scum and so are you, functionally. Try news. Yes the UK and we are savage capitalists. Jefferson and I say listen to the French more. #1 quality of life ever time. Russia under scumbag Putin is a corrupt disgrace.
Fuch corrupt dictators and fuch you, bought off slimeball... you'd have lost WWII and the cold war...god GOP rubes are so damn ignorant....
NO :)

If you want to say fuck you, say fuck you. Don't pussy out and use "fuch you".

I have been clear from the beginning, WAR doesn't work for me.
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Your word and honor is garbage, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut....we promised Ukraine protection when they gave up their nukes. Putin and his buddy Trump are scum and so are you, functionally. Try news. Yes the UK and we are savage capitalists. Jefferson and I say listen to the French more. #1 quality of life ever time. Russia under scumbag Putin is a corrupt disgrace.
Right now the most corrupt country in the entire European Corridor Is Ukraine. Money laundering, drug pushing, pedophile producing, human trafficking, genocidal gangsterism propped up by dishonest American politicians and LAND grabbing, expansionist NATO, the banker's army. NATO has been looking for this confrontation for the past decade by waving the cape in front of the bull. Building bio labs, spy stations, military installations on Russia's borders at the same time sending in destabilizing elements in an effort to topple the Russian government. Whether you like the Russian government or not is irrelevant. NATO wanted this war and now they have it at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
So you believe electioñ fraud without evidence? Treasonous and anti-American. Trump and your pundits are lying scum. The GOP base are totally misinformed by admitted propagandists. Ditto all the other crap you believe.
I don't know where you got that from, I mentioned Dems trying to kick Trump off my ballot.

But since you raised the subject, I do think the election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unconstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process such as universal mail-in voting in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

Having this belief is not unDemocratic, I want free and fair (secure) elections. I want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature.

It's not a threat to Democracy, it's the converse.

I don't know where you got that from, I mentioned Dems trying to kick Trump off my ballot.

But since you raised the subject, I do think the election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unconstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process such as universal mail-in voting in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

Having this belief is not unDemocratic, I want free and fair (secure) elections. I want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature.

It's not a threat to Democracy, it's the converse.

It's garbage lies for brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol aarghhh...There is no evidence or any GOP election officials that believe the anti-American big lie, just scumbag liars and you.
Treasonous bs.
Right now the most corrupt country in the entire European Corridor Is Ukraine. Money laundering, drug pushing, pedophile producing, human trafficking, genocidal gangsterism propped up by dishonest American politicians and LAND grabbing, expansionist NATO, the banker's army. NATO has been looking for this confrontation for the past decade by waving the cape in front of the bull. Building bio labs, spy stations, military installations on Russia's borders at the same time sending in destabilizing elements in an effort to topple the Russian government. Whether you like the Russian government or not is irrelevant. NATO wanted this war and now they have it at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
Until they threw out the scumbag Putinists, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol
Right now the most corrupt country in the entire European Corridor Is Ukraine. Money laundering, drug pushing, pedophile producing, human trafficking, genocidal gangsterism propped up by dishonest American politicians and LAND grabbing, expansionist NATO, the banker's army. NATO has been looking for this confrontation for the past decade by waving the cape in front of the bull. Building bio labs, spy stations, military installations on Russia's borders at the same time sending in destabilizing elements in an effort to topple the Russian government. Whether you like the Russian government or not is irrelevant. NATO wanted this war and now they have it at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
Russia is duhhh. Brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool.
I don't know where you got that from, I mentioned Dems trying to kick Trump off my ballot.

But since you raised the subject, I do think the election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unconstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process such as universal mail-in voting in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

Having this belief is not unDemocratic, I want free and fair (secure) elections. I want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature.

It's not a threat to Democracy, it's the converse.

There is no problem to fix. GOP voter suppression is all it is and treasonous anti-American garbage like all your crap propaganda. You're in the big Oil giveaway to the rich Bs party, dupe.
Ukraine is actually perfect...

Putin bit off more than he could chew... His army could be decimated here while West would be just recycling old weapons..
Really? And Ukrainians from Lviv in their social ad "If you don't want to serve in Ukrainian Army, you'll serve in the Russian one", not just believe that the Russians could chew and swallow the whole Ukraine, but will be able to take Berlin after that.

My suggestion would be to have a Mercenary Air force put together and paid for by Ukraine(Donations from US & EU)..

Then give Ukraine the Artillery they need... If they need help we gather up up a Mercenary Army training units...

So how do we get those units fast...
Ukraine (with the help of US and EU) come together what they need. Equipment, a list of various people and the skills they need...

The military then find within there armies the men who have the skill they need. They approach them and ask them would they like to volunteer for a mercenary army and they get extra pay and the experience would be good for there career. The would be given a sabbatical from there home country army and they join the Ukraine Mercenary Legion.

Only one major caveat, these guys are going to be paid multiple amounts of the Ukrainian Army so use them in specialist roles like Trainer, Warthog Flight Mechanic, Warthog Pilot... Basically stuff a Ukrainian will say, we have no one to do that and we are grateful they are here.

Do that, Putin can't object to mercenaries (he is using them himself), this is not other countries fighting... But now US can put any weapon on the field and have trained people in place within a week... Need Warthogs, have them in a week and withdraw them in the same time...
First of all, Warthogs (as well as Frogfoots) will be totally useless in this conflict.

What we really need to do in this proxy conflict between two nuclear powers - is to improve our own nuclear forces to decrease the Russian temptation attack the USA directly.
Really? And Ukrainians from Lviv in their social ad "If you don't want to serve in Ukrainian Army, you'll serve in the Russian one", not just believe that the Russians could chew and swallow the whole Ukraine, but will be able to take Berlin after that
Actually, nothing in this video suggests that Ukrainians believe that 'Russians will be able to take Berlin'.
Why lie? Putin never said that. You’re entire post is wrong.

Did you watch the interview or read the full transcript from it? The moment Tucker brought up NATO and fears that they might attack Russia, as the reason why Putin went into Ukraine, Putin stopped him dead cold by asking, "are we doing a show or having a serious conversation" then he proceeded to go into this incredibly long 30 minute rant about the history of Ukraine and Russia, their cultural ties, everything. Never once did he mention NATO as the reason why he invaded. The only ppl blaming NATO for the war are all you useful idiots out there.
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