CDZ Who Was The First Party To Elect Blacks To Office?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Many history teachers either know and refuse the truth or do not know because of our skewed system of teachings. POST civil war Republicans filled those new spots with very brave and educated black men.

A lot of them even by today's standards would STILL fall under the very educated status. The Republican party at that time was making HUGE inroads into civil rights in regards to education and voting or land ownership and just basic human rights.

Some of those brave new members still stand out for their firsts. Like the FIRST black speaker of the house something that has not been repeated since. I think this may have well been the most inclusive time AND some of the greatest civil rights wins in American history. Let's view them shall we?

I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
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I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
The term liberal AND radical as well as progressive were STOLEN by democrats. THOSE terms were earned and won by Republicans.
So NO, democrats get NO credit for this NONE.
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I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
I think you are trying to skew DOCUMENTED RECORDED HISTORICAL FACT.
IF you could show those men were NOT black you would have some degree of argument. IF you could show those men were NOT Republican you would have some degree of argument.

BUT you have NOT nor can you because it IS documented recorded historical fact. Here are a few more for you.

Clean debate to me means honest debate based of FACTS not hopes or maybes. THESE are the facts.
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I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
To more clearly point out the falsehood of your party switching argument is rather easy. Just because the states went red does NOT mean the racists became Republican. On the contrary it shows Republicans ARE beating racists democrats state by state and THAT is why they are turning color.

IF your argument were even CLOSE to true we would still be seeing cross burning's or dogs and fire hose's on black people. Those things have ended BECAUSE those states are turning red NOT despite those states turning red. Here is some ZO to cover the fine points.

The states turning red is a natural thing as those states move toward MORE freedom for the person no matter the color and to argue otherwise SUGGEST that those states AND people are unable to see the racist past of the party that brought the very destruction/enslavement AND killing of it's citizens.
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Democrats racist ways were not only felt on the national stage but the international stage as well. Long held back and still often denied by democrats was their killing a people of color to show brute force by them.

AFTER the FIRST bomb on Japan well Japan was ready to quit and KNOWING this democrats moved forward to hit them yet again only to PROVE to others they could. The cost of that little show? 80 thousand lives of citizens of color in another country.

Eighty thousand lives of civilians lost in one of the most horrid acts of INHUMANITY ever shown to a people of color in the 20th century. They lives of NON combatants, just every day people gone in mere hours suffering endless illness and pain until death finally brought them peace. In the world of today we would call that war crimes.. UNLESS it's done by a democrat.

Democrats can't defend their racist roots because as you stated, it's documented history. Instead, they claim the parties suddenly just "switched sides". A ridiculous claim but it's all they have.
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I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
In a closing note to your argument which is rather well moot at this point anyway. We HAVE as a nation seen the end result of this kind of leadership before MANY times leading to the deaths of many people on many places on this earth.

The loss of liberty of freedom is at hand before us as we as a nation are ALL in danger of losing our freedom on a national level. The following video will show you and any other readers that path and where we TRULY are under this quasi guide of "informed" thinking that democrats profess.

Our enslavement is at hand because our CHILDREN are being taught not only to accept it but to embrace it.

Slavery IS coming to the masses NOT by color this time but by social standing. This CAN be confirmed by slavery of old. The victims were demeaned in song or by drawings/writings.

Democrats have NEVER changed ONLY their intended victims.
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Democrats can't defend their racist roots because as you stated, it's documented history. Instead, they claim the parties suddenly just "switched sides". A ridiculous claim but it's all they have.
My comment #5 shows that to be false. And thank you!
Interesting. All of that, yet the minorities today vote primarily for the Democratic Party. Ever wonder why that is? Perhaps you should ask David Duke.
Interesting. All of that, yet the minorities today vote primarily for the Democratic Party. Ever wonder why that is? Perhaps you should ask David Duke.
Youth in the 60s were lied to. And as that youth grew the lies carried forth. The FIRST attack on truth has always taken place in the schools and when America did not pay attention to what was taught the democrat teachers REVISED history to their agenda.

It's like the party switch argument I DISPROVED, there was NEVER a party switch PEOPLE became educated to the failings of racist thinking and that thinking died.

THAT is backed up by the lack of church bombings NOT a party switch, it's a switch in thinking of respect for ALL people no matter the color.

The party switch argument could ONLY be true IF and I say IF those bombings and burning were STILL going on. BUT they have STOPPED because of inroads made by Republicans OVER the wishes and wants of southern democrats.

Racist thinking does NOT die by switching parties it DIES because thinking and tolerence changes. America went red because thinking changed.
I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
The term liberal AND radical as well as progressive were STOLEN by democrats. THOSE terms were earned and won by Republicans.
So NO, democrats get NO credit for this NONE.
Thats fine as long as we know the liberals were the ones that did this and not the conservatives. I dont care what label the party had at the time.
I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
I think you are trying to skew DOCUMENTED RECORDED HISTORICAL FACT.
IF you could show those men were NOT black you would have some degree of argument. IF you could show those men were NOT Republican you would have some degree of argument.

BUT you have NOT nor can you because it IS documented recorded historical fact. Here are a few more for you.

Clean debate to me means honest debate based of FACTS not hopes or maybes. THESE are the facts.

I dont know how you somehow got that I believed these guys were not Black. I most likely know way more about than you do being Black myself.
I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
To more clearly point out the falsehood of your party switching argument is rather easy. Just because the states went red does NOT mean the racists became Republican. On the contrary it shows Republicans ARE beating racists democrats state by state and THAT is why they are turning color.

IF your argument were even CLOSE to true we would still be seeing cross burning's or dogs and fire hose's on black people. Those things have ended BECAUSE those states are turning red NOT despite those states turning red. Here is some ZO to cover the fine points.

The states turning red is a natural thing as those states move toward MORE freedom for the person no matter the color and to argue otherwise SUGGEST that those states AND people are unable to see the racist past of the party that brought the very destruction/enslavement AND killing of it's citizens.

Your first paragraph is a perfect example of faulty logic. The southern strategy has already been admitted to by the GOP so that pretty much kills your argument.

Your logic continues in the second paragraph with a wild assumption that we would be seeing more cross burnings, dogs , and hoses. We dont see that for two reasons. Its against the law and white racists are afraid of Blacks that are not going to turn the other check while this occurs. If they thought there were no consequences to their actions they would be doing it as we speak.

The states turning red was an orchestrated thing. which you can see if you have any education in regards to the history of politics in the south. There is nothing natural about this being orchestrated.
I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
I think you are trying to skew DOCUMENTED RECORDED HISTORICAL FACT.
IF you could show those men were NOT black you would have some degree of argument. IF you could show those men were NOT Republican you would have some degree of argument.

BUT you have NOT nor can you because it IS documented recorded historical fact. Here are a few more for you.

Clean debate to me means honest debate based of FACTS not hopes or maybes. THESE are the facts.

I dont know how you somehow got that I believed these guys were not Black. I most likely know way more about than you do being Black myself.

Most blacks don't you'd be an exception:thup:
I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
I think you are trying to skew DOCUMENTED RECORDED HISTORICAL FACT.
IF you could show those men were NOT black you would have some degree of argument. IF you could show those men were NOT Republican you would have some degree of argument.

BUT you have NOT nor can you because it IS documented recorded historical fact. Here are a few more for you.

Clean debate to me means honest debate based of FACTS not hopes or maybes. THESE are the facts.

I dont know how you somehow got that I believed these guys were not Black. I most likely know way more about than you do being Black myself.

Most blacks don't you'd be an exception:thup:

Most Black people know about this. I dont understand why you would think I am an exception?
I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
I think you are trying to skew DOCUMENTED RECORDED HISTORICAL FACT.
IF you could show those men were NOT black you would have some degree of argument. IF you could show those men were NOT Republican you would have some degree of argument.

BUT you have NOT nor can you because it IS documented recorded historical fact. Here are a few more for you.

Clean debate to me means honest debate based of FACTS not hopes or maybes. THESE are the facts.

I dont know how you somehow got that I believed these guys were not Black. I most likely know way more about than you do being Black myself.

Most blacks don't you'd be an exception:thup:

Most Black people know about this. I dont understand why you would think I am an exception?

Umm no they don't. it's not taught in public school much either. They have no concept of the Republican party as a whole. Maybe people like you know, as far as inner city blacks? no they don't know
I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
To more clearly point out the falsehood of your party switching argument is rather easy. Just because the states went red does NOT mean the racists became Republican. On the contrary it shows Republicans ARE beating racists democrats state by state and THAT is why they are turning color.

IF your argument were even CLOSE to true we would still be seeing cross burning's or dogs and fire hose's on black people. Those things have ended BECAUSE those states are turning red NOT despite those states turning red. Here is some ZO to cover the fine points.

The states turning red is a natural thing as those states move toward MORE freedom for the person no matter the color and to argue otherwise SUGGEST that those states AND people are unable to see the racist past of the party that brought the very destruction/enslavement AND killing of it's citizens.

Your first paragraph is a perfect example of faulty logic. The southern strategy has already been admitted to by the GOP so that pretty much kills your argument.

Your logic continues in the second paragraph with a wild assumption that we would be seeing more cross burnings, dogs , and hoses. We dont see that for two reasons. Its against the law and white racists are afraid of Blacks that are not going to turn the other check while this occurs. If they thought there were no consequences to their actions they would be doing it as we speak.

The states turning red was an orchestrated thing. which you can see if you have any education in regards to the history of politics in the south. There is nothing natural about this being orchestrated.

Your argument still fails and lacks logic.
It WAS illegal to kill a man back then.
It WAS illegal to bomb a church back then.
It was illegal to burn a home back then.

When republicans took power the law was applied EQUAL.
It was the EQUAL application of the law that changed practice AND thinking.
Those states turned red BECAUSE of the equal application of LAW.

What group started the NAACP? Republicans!
What group founded Morehouse Colledge? Republicans!
What group started the "Freedman" program? Republicans!

There is NO hush hush coven of racists in the Republican party. What there IS is fewer southern racist democrats.
Excuse the spelling please. I just woke up.
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I get the feeling you are trying to pretend those Republicans are the same as todays Republicans. Everyone knows those Republicans were liberals so lets make sure that is noted in your thread.
The term liberal AND radical as well as progressive were STOLEN by democrats. THOSE terms were earned and won by Republicans.
So NO, democrats get NO credit for this NONE.
Thats fine as long as we know the liberals were the ones that did this and not the conservatives. I dont care what label the party had at the time.
Provide evidence that 1865 to 1880 Republicans were "liberals".
This will correct some misunderstandings above. The liberal GOP led the way through the 1860s and 1880s until it abandoned black voters; the liberal Dems did not pick up the slack until the late 1920s and after. Conservative support for black candidates has been a slowing growing issue the last twenty years.

Major African American Office Holders Since 1641 The Black Past Remembered and Reclaimed

First Person of African Ancestry Elected to a Public Office in British North America: Matthias de Souza, Colonial Maryland Legislature, 1641-1642

First Person of African Ancestry Elected to a State Office in the United States: Alexander Twilight, Vermont Legislature, 1836-1837

First African American Woman Elected to a State Legislature:Crystal Bird Fauset, Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1938-1940

First African American Woman Elected to a State Senate:Cora Brown, Michigan State Senate, 1953-1956


- See more at: Major African American Office Holders Since 1641 The Black Past Remembered and Reclaimed

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