Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

Well someone did, and I provided it. You disprove it.
Take a deep breath and try again. This time with a credible link.
I did. Disprove it
There is nothing to disprove as your link doesn't prove anything. It's a witch hunt by reps to discredit their opponents in a presidential election. look at the claims in your link... Nothing is concrete, all speculation calling for an investigation
33k deleted, admitted, and there was a subpoena all facts
I delete about 100 emails a day, at least. How about you? Again your link speculates about the timing of the deletion, no evidence of anything illegal or covered up.
Again what isn't factual with the link? She deleted 33k emails after she had received a subpoena. Facts
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

This is nothing more than vague speculation, hardly convincing evidence. Funny how all this comes to a head during the final months of a presidential election.
What don't you understand?
How stupid your oat was
You think my oat is stupid? Ok :cuckoo::cuckoo::alcoholic:
Where is Hillary's apology for founding the movement?

She NEVER did......I have lots of problems with Clinton, but THAT is a myth that has been offered as an excuse, after everyone with even a half brain understood the racism behind the birther movement.

The ONLY smidgen of truth in that assertion is that Clinton's camp emphasized the fact that since Obama had spent a good part of his earlier life overseas, that Clinton could claim she knew more about US policies and history......BUT NOT THAT OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA AS TRUMP CLAIMS....

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

Some myth try again.
Take a deep breath and try again. This time with a credible link.
I did. Disprove it
There is nothing to disprove as your link doesn't prove anything. It's a witch hunt by reps to discredit their opponents in a presidential election. look at the claims in your link... Nothing is concrete, all speculation calling for an investigation
33k deleted, admitted, and there was a subpoena all facts
I delete about 100 emails a day, at least. How about you? Again your link speculates about the timing of the deletion, no evidence of anything illegal or covered up.
Again what isn't factual with the link? She deleted 33k emails after she had received a subpoena. Facts
Wrong. Senate republicans claim that it is LIKELY the emails were deleted after the subpoena. That's from your link and it isn't fact or evidence, it is speculation that is being used to stir up an investigation. Also notice the timeline. All this stuff happened in 2008-2012, yet all the accusations are coming in 2105-2016 during the campaign... It's pretty obvious what's going on. Open your eyes
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

This is nothing more than vague speculation, hardly convincing evidence. Funny how all this comes to a head during the final months of a presidential election.
What don't you understand?
How stupid your oat was
You think my oat is stupid? Ok :cuckoo::cuckoo::alcoholic:
I did. Disprove it
There is nothing to disprove as your link doesn't prove anything. It's a witch hunt by reps to discredit their opponents in a presidential election. look at the claims in your link... Nothing is concrete, all speculation calling for an investigation
33k deleted, admitted, and there was a subpoena all facts
I delete about 100 emails a day, at least. How about you? Again your link speculates about the timing of the deletion, no evidence of anything illegal or covered up.
Again what isn't factual with the link? She deleted 33k emails after she had received a subpoena. Facts
Wrong. Senate republicans claim that it is LIKELY the emails were deleted after the subpoena. That's from your link and it isn't fact or evidence, it is speculation that is being used to stir up an investigation. Also notice the timeline. All this stuff happened in 2008-2012, yet all the accusations are coming in 2105-2016 during the campaign... It's pretty obvious what's going on. Open your eyes
I did, Benghazi and then deleted emails. Very obvious
Take a deep breath and try again. This time with a credible link.
I did. Disprove it
There is nothing to disprove as your link doesn't prove anything. It's a witch hunt by reps to discredit their opponents in a presidential election. look at the claims in your link... Nothing is concrete, all speculation calling for an investigation
33k deleted, admitted, and there was a subpoena all facts
I delete about 100 emails a day, at least. How about you? Again your link speculates about the timing of the deletion, no evidence of anything illegal or covered up.
Again what isn't factual with the link? She deleted 33k emails after she had received a subpoena. Facts
The subpoena was specifically asking for documents pertaining to Libya and the attacks on the our facility in Benghzai, documents which, along with tens of thousands of others, she had already given to the Department of State. Clinton instructed her lawyer and chief of staff to identify all work related emails on the server, not just Benghazi, and persevere them, which they did. The company which managed the server was instructed to delete the remaining emails form the server.

There is no evidence that Clinton was doing anything wrong in deleting these emails. In fact turning over 33,000 non-work related emails to a Republican Congressional committee that was feeding ever bit of information they could find to discredit Hillary to right wing media would have been incredibly stupid.
Trump's acceptance of Obama's birthplace, seems to have caught the notice of the president.

"There's an extra spring in my step tonight," Obama said to a dinner hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night. "I don't know about you guys, but I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over. I mean, ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change, none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate."

WATCH: Obama Jokes About Trump's Birther Reversal
Cause he thinks he's past the threat. Wait until after trump takes office.
You might be right. Trump would certainly be a different kind of president. He does seem to like conspiracy theories.

Questioning the validity of a sitting president, is not comparable to 'we faked the lunar landings'.

I get it that you can be that dense intellectually... but rationally, it's not the same.
Actually I don't care about any of this.

This is how dumb the left-wing is. You claim that freedom of speech is all these different things, and defend people doing the dumbest and most obnoxious actions possible.

But *THIS* here is freedom of speech. You have a politician. He's running for, or in office. Trump spoke out and questioned his origin of birth.

THIS *IS* what freedom of speech is supposed to cover.

So no, he doesn't need to apologize for anything. If he does, fine, if he doesn't fine. If you accept it, or not, doesn't matter to him, or me, or anyone. He used his freedom of speech, and was perfectly right to do so.

So I don't give a crap if you accept an apology or not. You don't matter dude. None of you do.
Nobody is proposing that he wasn't free to say whatever the hell he wants. He can and its fine, very entertaining. But there are very intentional and transparent motives behind his words and actions and anybody that's see through that shit has just the same right to call him on it and can try and use it to discredit him in a presidential election

Yeah, we know that. This is politics. When are left-wing politicians going to apologizes for claiming every time that we on the right have questioned any of their actions, that we're all racists?

Let's start with Obama. When Obama apologizes for claiming everyone is racists who questions him.... then Trump will apologize too.
You sound like a child

So do you. Especially since that was the only response you could come up with.
I did. Disprove it
There is nothing to disprove as your link doesn't prove anything. It's a witch hunt by reps to discredit their opponents in a presidential election. look at the claims in your link... Nothing is concrete, all speculation calling for an investigation
33k deleted, admitted, and there was a subpoena all facts
I delete about 100 emails a day, at least. How about you? Again your link speculates about the timing of the deletion, no evidence of anything illegal or covered up.
Again what isn't factual with the link? She deleted 33k emails after she had received a subpoena. Facts
The subpoena was specifically asking for documents pertaining to Libya and the attacks on the our facility in Benghzai, documents which, along with tens of thousands of others, she had already given to the Department of State. Clinton instructed her lawyer and chief of staff to identify all work related emails on the server, not just Benghazi, and persevere them, which they did. The company which managed the server was instructed to delete the remaining emails form the server.

There is no evidence that Clinton was doing anything wrong in deleting these emails. In fact turning over 33,000 non-work related emails to a Republican Congressional committee that was feeding ever bit of information they could find to discredit Hillary to right wing media would have been incredibly stupid.
Except the subpoena part. But thanks for backing up my posts
Trump's acceptance of Obama's birthplace, seems to have caught the notice of the president.

"There's an extra spring in my step tonight," Obama said to a dinner hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night. "I don't know about you guys, but I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over. I mean, ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change, none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate."

WATCH: Obama Jokes About Trump's Birther Reversal
Cause he thinks he's past the threat. Wait until after trump takes office.
You might be right. Trump would certainly be a different kind of president. He does seem to like conspiracy theories.

Questioning the validity of a sitting president, is not comparable to 'we faked the lunar landings'.

I get it that you can be that dense intellectually... but rationally, it's not the same.
youre right they aren't comparable... One is an idiotic conspiracy theory and the other is an idiotic partisan divisive political tactic
Trump's acceptance of Obama's birthplace, seems to have caught the notice of the president.

"There's an extra spring in my step tonight," Obama said to a dinner hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night. "I don't know about you guys, but I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over. I mean, ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change, none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate."

WATCH: Obama Jokes About Trump's Birther Reversal
Cause he thinks he's past the threat. Wait until after trump takes office.
You might be right. Trump would certainly be a different kind of president. He does seem to like conspiracy theories.

Questioning the validity of a sitting president, is not comparable to 'we faked the lunar landings'.

I get it that you can be that dense intellectually... but rationally, it's not the same.
It is very comparable... Both are completely idiotic partisan conspiracy theories

Really? You are suggesting that the faked lunar landings claim, is backed by a political party, or partisan purposes? Which party?
Trump's acceptance of Obama's birthplace, seems to have caught the notice of the president.

"There's an extra spring in my step tonight," Obama said to a dinner hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night. "I don't know about you guys, but I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over. I mean, ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change, none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate."

WATCH: Obama Jokes About Trump's Birther Reversal
Cause he thinks he's past the threat. Wait until after trump takes office.
You might be right. Trump would certainly be a different kind of president. He does seem to like conspiracy theories.

Questioning the validity of a sitting president, is not comparable to 'we faked the lunar landings'.

I get it that you can be that dense intellectually... but rationally, it's not the same.
It is very comparable... Both are completely idiotic partisan conspiracy theories

Really? You are suggesting that the faked lunar landings claim, is backed by a political party, or partisan purposes? Which party?
Lunar landing is idiotic conspiracy. Birther is idiotic partisan divisive politics. Both are idiotic, that's the relation
Cause he thinks he's past the threat. Wait until after trump takes office.
You might be right. Trump would certainly be a different kind of president. He does seem to like conspiracy theories.

Questioning the validity of a sitting president, is not comparable to 'we faked the lunar landings'.

I get it that you can be that dense intellectually... but rationally, it's not the same.
It is very comparable... Both are completely idiotic partisan conspiracy theories

Really? You are suggesting that the faked lunar landings claim, is backed by a political party, or partisan purposes? Which party?
Lunar landing is idiotic conspiracy. Birther is idiotic partisan divisive politics. Both are idiotic, that's the relation
Yeah the dems started it
You might be right. Trump would certainly be a different kind of president. He does seem to like conspiracy theories.

Questioning the validity of a sitting president, is not comparable to 'we faked the lunar landings'.

I get it that you can be that dense intellectually... but rationally, it's not the same.
It is very comparable... Both are completely idiotic partisan conspiracy theories

Really? You are suggesting that the faked lunar landings claim, is backed by a political party, or partisan purposes? Which party?
Lunar landing is idiotic conspiracy. Birther is idiotic partisan divisive politics. Both are idiotic, that's the relation
Yeah the dems started it
Great arguement! Perhaps at some point we can talk about accountability and ownership rather than reflective fingerpointing
Questioning the validity of a sitting president, is not comparable to 'we faked the lunar landings'.

I get it that you can be that dense intellectually... but rationally, it's not the same.
It is very comparable... Both are completely idiotic partisan conspiracy theories

Really? You are suggesting that the faked lunar landings claim, is backed by a political party, or partisan purposes? Which party?
Lunar landing is idiotic conspiracy. Birther is idiotic partisan divisive politics. Both are idiotic, that's the relation
Yeah the dems started it
Great arguement! Perhaps at some point we can talk about accountability and ownership rather than reflective fingerpointing
Yep dems own it period. Proved on meet the press this morning.
It is very comparable... Both are completely idiotic partisan conspiracy theories

Really? You are suggesting that the faked lunar landings claim, is backed by a political party, or partisan purposes? Which party?
Lunar landing is idiotic conspiracy. Birther is idiotic partisan divisive politics. Both are idiotic, that's the relation
Yeah the dems started it
Great arguement! Perhaps at some point we can talk about accountability and ownership rather than reflective fingerpointing
Yep dems own it period. Proved on meet the press this morning.
Ha, so you go right back to the deflection. Thanks for proving my point. Now try to grow up
Really? You are suggesting that the faked lunar landings claim, is backed by a political party, or partisan purposes? Which party?
Lunar landing is idiotic conspiracy. Birther is idiotic partisan divisive politics. Both are idiotic, that's the relation
Yeah the dems started it
Great arguement! Perhaps at some point we can talk about accountability and ownership rather than reflective fingerpointing
Yep dems own it period. Proved on meet the press this morning.
Ha, so you go right back to the deflection. Thanks for proving my point. Now try to grow up
You asked who owns it. I gave you the answer
Lunar landing is idiotic conspiracy. Birther is idiotic partisan divisive politics. Both are idiotic, that's the relation
Yeah the dems started it
Great arguement! Perhaps at some point we can talk about accountability and ownership rather than reflective fingerpointing
Yep dems own it period. Proved on meet the press this morning.
Ha, so you go right back to the deflection. Thanks for proving my point. Now try to grow up
You asked who owns it. I gave you the answer
The thread is about Trump and his role in the birther movement. Your deflection is an extremely weak "the Dems started it". Again I'll say, grow up
Yeah the dems started it
Great arguement! Perhaps at some point we can talk about accountability and ownership rather than reflective fingerpointing
Yep dems own it period. Proved on meet the press this morning.
Ha, so you go right back to the deflection. Thanks for proving my point. Now try to grow up
You asked who owns it. I gave you the answer
The thread is about Trump and his role in the birther movement. Your deflection is an extremely weak "the Dems started it". Again I'll say, grow up
What is his role? What was his complaint about it? Do you even know?

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