Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

Almost 600 posts and I don't need to read a single one to know where we're at.

The cons assert that Clinton's '08 campaign started it and Trump ended it.
Actually I don't care about any of this.

This is how dumb the left-wing is. You claim that freedom of speech is all these different things, and defend people doing the dumbest and most obnoxious actions possible.

But *THIS* here is freedom of speech. You have a politician. He's running for, or in office. Trump spoke out and questioned his origin of birth.

THIS *IS* what freedom of speech is supposed to cover.

So no, he doesn't need to apologize for anything. If he does, fine, if he doesn't fine. If you accept it, or not, doesn't matter to him, or me, or anyone. He used his freedom of speech, and was perfectly right to do so.

So I don't give a crap if you accept an apology or not. You don't matter dude. None of you do.
According to you Trump never funds ANYTHING.

Stupid and lame retort......Did Trump state that he sent private investigators to Hawaii to "uncover" the birth certificate issue and that what they found was "unbelievable"....????? YES or NO?
Joe Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriffs Officers found the long form birth certificate to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation. So after that, there was no reason for Trump's investigators to pursue investigating.

Donald John Trump claims President Obama was born in the United States, so I guess Arpaio and his investigators were wrong or are you claiming Trump is wrong!?!

Also the State of Hawaii also stated the Sheriff is full of shit but you will believe any birther nonsense because of your hatred for anyone that is non-white!
The state of Hawaii never officially made a statement on Arpaio's investigative conclusions proving the document was a 100% forgery. Instead, Hawaii went dormant.

Try again and Hawaii stated President Obama birth certificate was on file and because of the laws you were not allow to see it and he ( President Obama ) did not have to show it to you either!

So you and that piece of shit in Arizona are nothing but racist assholes and Donald Trump claimed that President Obama was indeed born here in the United States of America so do you believe Donald Trump or Joe?
According to you Trump never funds ANYTHING.

Stupid and lame retort......Did Trump state that he sent private investigators to Hawaii to "uncover" the birth certificate issue and that what they found was "unbelievable"....????? YES or NO?
Joe Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriffs Officers found the long form birth certificate to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation. So after that, there was no reason for Trump's investigators to pursue investigating.

Donald John Trump claims President Obama was born in the United States, so I guess Arpaio and his investigators were wrong or are you claiming Trump is wrong!?!

Also the State of Hawaii also stated the Sheriff is full of shit but you will believe any birther nonsense because of your hatred for anyone that is non-white!
The state of Hawaii never officially made a statement on Arpaio's investigative conclusions proving the document was a 100% forgery. Instead, Hawaii went dormant.

Try again and Hawaii stated President Obama birth certificate was on file and because of the laws you were not allow to see it and he ( President Obama ) did not have to show it to you either!

So you and that piece of shit in Arizona are nothing but racist assholes and Donald Trump claimed that President Obama was indeed born here in the United States of America so do you believe Donald Trump or Joe?

So you're OK with Trump not releasing his tax returns then?
Stupid and lame retort......Did Trump state that he sent private investigators to Hawaii to "uncover" the birth certificate issue and that what they found was "unbelievable"....????? YES or NO?
Joe Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriffs Officers found the long form birth certificate to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation. So after that, there was no reason for Trump's investigators to pursue investigating.

Donald John Trump claims President Obama was born in the United States, so I guess Arpaio and his investigators were wrong or are you claiming Trump is wrong!?!

Also the State of Hawaii also stated the Sheriff is full of shit but you will believe any birther nonsense because of your hatred for anyone that is non-white!
The state of Hawaii never officially made a statement on Arpaio's investigative conclusions proving the document was a 100% forgery. Instead, Hawaii went dormant.

Try again and Hawaii stated President Obama birth certificate was on file and because of the laws you were not allow to see it and he ( President Obama ) did not have to show it to you either!

So you and that piece of shit in Arizona are nothing but racist assholes and Donald Trump claimed that President Obama was indeed born here in the United States of America so do you believe Donald Trump or Joe?

So you're OK with Trump not releasing his tax returns then?

OOOOOO!! OUCH! That was a.....

as with most of Nat's posts, the OP is bullshit. The birther movement was started by the Hillary campaign in 2008. Now, the Clinton campaign is restarting it to cover for her miserable state of health and her dropping in the polls. disingenuous assholes.

Sure, by now ONLY idiots believe that although EVERY legitimate source clearly states that Hillary NEVER stated such......You cannot fix fucked up stupidity on thsi forum...believe what you want since you are a fuck head.

It was started by a Clinton staffer. are you now claiming that the Clintons did not know what their staffers were doing? what does that say about them if true?
Mostly it says you cant stop overzealous volunteers from doing anything to get their candidate to win. All they could do was fire the woman which they did. What did you expect them to do? Read her mind and predict she was going to pass on an email from one of Drumpfs supporters?
According to you Trump never funds ANYTHING.

Stupid and lame retort......Did Trump state that he sent private investigators to Hawaii to "uncover" the birth certificate issue and that what they found was "unbelievable"....????? YES or NO?
Joe Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriffs Officers found the long form birth certificate to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation. So after that, there was no reason for Trump's investigators to pursue investigating.

Donald John Trump claims President Obama was born in the United States, so I guess Arpaio and his investigators were wrong or are you claiming Trump is wrong!?!

Also the State of Hawaii also stated the Sheriff is full of shit but you will believe any birther nonsense because of your hatred for anyone that is non-white!
The state of Hawaii never officially made a statement on Arpaio's investigative conclusions proving the document was a 100% forgery. Instead, Hawaii went dormant.
Hawaii took the high road. Arguing with low intellect people such as yourself is probably something they didnt want to get involved with.
Actually I don't care about any of this.

This is how dumb the left-wing is. You claim that freedom of speech is all these different things, and defend people doing the dumbest and most obnoxious actions possible.

But *THIS* here is freedom of speech. You have a politician. He's running for, or in office. Trump spoke out and questioned his origin of birth.

THIS *IS* what freedom of speech is supposed to cover.

So no, he doesn't need to apologize for anything. If he does, fine, if he doesn't fine. If you accept it, or not, doesn't matter to him, or me, or anyone. He used his freedom of speech, and was perfectly right to do so.

So I don't give a crap if you accept an apology or not. You don't matter dude. None of you do.
Nobody is proposing that he wasn't free to say whatever the hell he wants. He can and its fine, very entertaining. But there are very intentional and transparent motives behind his words and actions and anybody that's see through that shit has just the same right to call him on it and can try and use it to discredit him in a presidential election
Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?
More importantly...

Except for Whiny LibTard Bitches... who really gives a rat's ass?
"I feel responsible" is not an apology. By definition, she was responsible, but ever since it happened she's been blaming it on a video. When is she going to apologize to the families of the victims for getting them killed?
Nice dodge by the way, you claim Hillary never apologizes for anything. But she's on record apologizing and taking responsibility for many things which I just showed. Contrast at the Trump. Not even close, his ego is too big to admit fault. Similar to you

Please quote one of her lame-ass apologies. Most of them take the form of "sorry I'm not perfect, but I can't solve your problem because I'm too busy saving the world."
Nonsense. Clinton, unlike her opposition is quick to apologize when she knows she's wrong. She has given many apologizes over the year but the one that stands out is her apology for the email fiasco.

“I wanted you to hear this directly from me,” Clinton wrote. “Yes, I should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the State Department. Not doing so was a mistake. I’m sorry about it, and I take full responsibility.”

Hillary Clinton's apology evolution
So why'd she delete 30k emails? Still waiting. D'OH!
Check your trash... How many have you deleted over the past 4 years?
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
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The state of Hawaii never officially made a statement on Arpaio's investigative conclusions proving the document was a 100% forgery. Instead, Hawaii went dormant.

Yeah.....Let's invade and occupy Hawaii......oh,wait, we already did...never mind.
Nice dodge by the way, you claim Hillary never apologizes for anything. But she's on record apologizing and taking responsibility for many things which I just showed. Contrast at the Trump. Not even close, his ego is too big to admit fault. Similar to you

Please quote one of her lame-ass apologies. Most of them take the form of "sorry I'm not perfect, but I can't solve your problem because I'm too busy saving the world."
Nonsense. Clinton, unlike her opposition is quick to apologize when she knows she's wrong. She has given many apologizes over the year but the one that stands out is her apology for the email fiasco.

“I wanted you to hear this directly from me,” Clinton wrote. “Yes, I should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the State Department. Not doing so was a mistake. I’m sorry about it, and I take full responsibility.”

Hillary Clinton's apology evolution
So why'd she delete 30k emails? Still waiting. D'OH!
Check your trash... How many have you deleted over the past 4 years?
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Please quote one of her lame-ass apologies. Most of them take the form of "sorry I'm not perfect, but I can't solve your problem because I'm too busy saving the world."
Nonsense. Clinton, unlike her opposition is quick to apologize when she knows she's wrong. She has given many apologizes over the year but the one that stands out is her apology for the email fiasco.

“I wanted you to hear this directly from me,” Clinton wrote. “Yes, I should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the State Department. Not doing so was a mistake. I’m sorry about it, and I take full responsibility.”

Hillary Clinton's apology evolution
So why'd she delete 30k emails? Still waiting. D'OH!
Check your trash... How many have you deleted over the past 4 years?
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Just more poorly informed right wingers parroting what they heard someone say down at the tobacco spit contest..
Please quote one of her lame-ass apologies. Most of them take the form of "sorry I'm not perfect, but I can't solve your problem because I'm too busy saving the world."
Nonsense. Clinton, unlike her opposition is quick to apologize when she knows she's wrong. She has given many apologizes over the year but the one that stands out is her apology for the email fiasco.

“I wanted you to hear this directly from me,” Clinton wrote. “Yes, I should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the State Department. Not doing so was a mistake. I’m sorry about it, and I take full responsibility.”

Hillary Clinton's apology evolution
So why'd she delete 30k emails? Still waiting. D'OH!
Check your trash... How many have you deleted over the past 4 years?
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

Nonsense. Clinton, unlike her opposition is quick to apologize when she knows she's wrong. She has given many apologizes over the year but the one that stands out is her apology for the email fiasco.

“I wanted you to hear this directly from me,” Clinton wrote. “Yes, I should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the State Department. Not doing so was a mistake. I’m sorry about it, and I take full responsibility.”

Hillary Clinton's apology evolution
So why'd she delete 30k emails? Still waiting. D'OH!
Check your trash... How many have you deleted over the past 4 years?
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

A credible link please.
So why'd she delete 30k emails? Still waiting. D'OH!
Check your trash... How many have you deleted over the past 4 years?
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

A credible link please.
You didn't ask, you said link I gavel you link you disprove it.
Check your trash... How many have you deleted over the past 4 years?
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

A credible link please.
You didn't ask, you said link I gavel you link you disprove it.
Please write in english. I have no clue what you just said.
I don't delete 30k at a time after being told by subpoena not to. D'OH

In fact, I've never been subpoenaed to date.
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

A credible link please.
You didn't ask, you said link I gavel you link you disprove it.
Please write in english. I have no clue what you just said.
What didn't you understand? You asked for a link, I provided a link. What is hard to understand? Prove the content isn't legit
Is that what happened? 30k emails were mass deleted at once after a subpoena was issued? I haven't heard that. Do you have a link showing evidence of that?
Damn are you all uninformed, your writers forgot to tell you. Here:

A credible link please.
You didn't ask, you said link I gavel you link you disprove it.
Please write in english. I have no clue what you just said.
What didn't you understand? You asked for a link, I provided a link. What is hard to understand? Prove the content isn't legit
I didnt understand your poorly constructed post. No I didnt ask you for a link initially. You must have confused yourself. I just pointed out the link you did provide was not credible.
Donald John Trump was lying back then and his apology is total bullshit and his handlers attempt to spin his comments as being something good for the nation.

Donald John Trump was and in my opinion still is a birther like most of those voting for him are!
Donald Trump did not apologize. I've never heard Trump apologize for anything. An apology means that there are some things in life that you value more than your ego and there is nothing more important to Donald than his ego.

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