Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

BTW, I'm not aware of any "birther movement"....we've just always looked for some proof, any proof, that the mutt was born in Hawaii and there is none. What's amazing is the leftist trash in the media let it happen, made it happen to fulfill some sort of legacy of idiocy to the civil rights movement. So we've had our first negro president who has been a fraud since the beginning. He's doubled the debt, lost two wars that were won, crippled our economy, and made us the laughingstock of the world. So there ya go prog trash....the legacy is fulfilled..

There is all kinds of proof the Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii, right down to a record of his birth announcement. What's amazing is that fools like you continue to believe this isn't true. You also ignore the fact that he was born to an American mother, making him a "natural born citizen" from the moment of his birth, regardless of where he was born.

The debt doubled because of the Bush wars, the recession, and the bailouts to the economy. The wars were never won. To have cut spending while the economy was shedding a half million jobs a month would have collapsed the economy and destroyed the nation, if not the world. That Obama was able to pull the nation and the world back from the financial abyss that had the American economy in a death spiral, is beyond amazing, especially considering how obstructive the Republicans were.

Bush botched the post-war rebuilding of Iraq and alienated the Iraqi people in the process. Fighting continued throughout the Bush Presidency. Bush signed the withdrawal agreement and Americans wanted an end to the useless waste of taxpayer $$$ that was the Iraq debacle. Worst of all, the world lost respect for America.

Bush lost the good will and sympathy of the world after 9.11 with his invasion of Iraq, and he was a laughingstock throughout the world. No one respected Bush. He's an idiot who should be tried for war crimes, and defrauding the American public. Notice how senior members of the Bush Administration never travel abroad. There are lots of people around the world who would like to see them dragged before the war crimes Tribunal in Le Hague.

Obama has restored the respect of the world for the US. No Putin doesn't like him, because unlike Donald Trump, Putin can't control Obama.

Dear Moron: He wasn't "automatically" an American because his mother was UNDERAGE at the time according to the law. Right there this reply should end because your ignorant ass was exposed at the beginning of your rant.
There was no "pulling back" from the financial crisis...it was over the moment Paulson called the bankers into the WH and told them they were "borrowing" billions of dollars from the Treasury at 10% interest to guarantee their solvency. And instead of indicting those who caused the derivatives market meltdown, Obama begged them for campaign money. They left that meeting at the WH laughing their asses off about what a pussy he was. Barry the Fairy raised the debt from $10T to $20T all by himself...executive orders like the true Stlalinist that he is....of course this doesn't register with you because you're a fucking closet-communist yourself. You'll laugh about that but it's true...examine what you believe in...it isn't private-enterprise or democracy. As to Iraq and Afghanistan, neither would have been necessary if your gutless hero Slime Willy had taken bin-Laden on any of the three occasions he was offered to us by Sudan. Willy was too busy selling the Chinese our missile telemetry systems for campaign funds. Every Chinese nuclear missile now aimed at these United States is now guaranteed to hit it's targets...Los Angeles, Phoenix, Denver, Chicago, NYC, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, D.C. Atlanta, Miami, Dallas etc etc thanks to that fucking criminal husband of your heroine Hillary. Nobody needs the Hague...both the Clintons should be hanged for treason on the South Lawn of the White House.
Last edited:
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

In 50 days America will tell Trump to go to hell.

Hillary Clinton

President Obama’s successor cannot and will not be the man who led the racist birther movement. Period.

James Asher

@HillaryClinton So why did your man#sidblumenthal spread the #obamabirther rumor to me in 2008, asking us to investigate? Remember?

12:06 AM - 16 Sep 2016 · Maryland, USA, United States


Jake Tapper ‏@jaketapper 1h1 hour ago
Sid Blumenthal tells @danmericaCNN: "This is false. Period."

Jake Tapper on Twitter

of course he does, the libs only know how to lie. hows your sick old nominee?

i just showed you where the campaign
mgr admitted it. read it
If honesty is a factor for you in this race then check out this article... I heard Chris Wallace talking about it to Brit Hume on Fox and neither questioned the integrity of the author as I believe they knew him well:

A study compared mostly false and worse statements by Clinton and Trump and found that Clinton had 27% and Trump 70%.

Politifact, which has been thoroughly discredited.
Do you have a link or are we all supposed to just take your word?

“I don’t know enough details to tell you how we would do it or how it would work, but certainly the Australia example is worth looking at,” Clinton said at a New Hampshire town hall on Friday.
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump has a problem with apologies because it implies that he was wrong and Trump is of course never wrong.

When do leftwing douche bags ever apologize for anything? Has Hillary apologized to the families of the four Americans killed in Benghazi?

Jake Tapper ‏@jaketapper 1h1 hour ago
Sid Blumenthal tells @danmericaCNN: "This is false. Period."

Jake Tapper on Twitter

of course he does, the libs only know how to lie. hows your sick old nominee?

i just showed you where the campaign
mgr admitted it. read it
If honesty is a factor for you in this race then check out this article... I heard Chris Wallace talking about it to Brit Hume on Fox and neither questioned the integrity of the author as I believe they knew him well:

A study compared mostly false and worse statements by Clinton and Trump and found that Clinton had 27% and Trump 70%.

Politifact, which has been thoroughly discredited.
Do you have a link or are we all supposed to just take your word?

“I don’t know enough details to tell you how we would do it or how it would work, but certainly the Australia example is worth looking at,” Clinton said at a New Hampshire town hall on Friday.
What's your point?
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump has a problem with apologies because it implies that he was wrong and Trump is of course never wrong.

When do leftwing douche bags ever apologize for anything? Has Hillary apologized to the families of the four Americans killed in Benghazi?
Where have you been dude, Hillary takes responsibility and apologizes for her mistakes all the time. She's addressed most of her major issues with ownership and/or apologies Benghazi, emails, deplorables etc. I'm not saying she is a pillar of honesty but if you are comparing her with Trump there is no contest

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feel responsible" - CBS News
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump has a problem with apologies because it implies that he was wrong and Trump is of course never wrong.

When do leftwing douche bags ever apologize for anything? Has Hillary apologized to the families of the four Americans killed in Benghazi?
Where have you been dude, Hillary takes responsibility and apologizes for her mistakes all the time. She's addressed most of her major issues with ownership and/or apologies Benghazi, emails, deplorables etc. I'm not saying she is a pillar of honesty but if you are comparing her with Trump there is no contest

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feeI responsible" - CBS News

"I feel responsible" is not an apology. By definition, she was responsible, but ever since it happened she's been blaming it on a video. When is she going to apologize to the families of the victims for getting them killed?
Where have you been dude, Hillary takes responsibility and apologizes for her mistakes all the time. She's addressed most of her major issues with ownership and/or apologies Benghazi, emails, deplorables etc. I'm not saying she is a pillar of honesty but if you are comparing her with Trump there is no contest

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feel responsible" - CBS News

Thank you for taking the time to explain REALITY to that useless piece of right wing trash, BiPArt ...The moron is out of control and adds zero to any thread....just rambling how he hates everybody who criticizes his long-lost love, the Trumpster.
"I feel responsible" is not an apology. By definition, she was responsible, but ever since it happened she's been blaming it on a video. When is she going to apologize to the families of the victims for getting them killed?
That's not for you to decide. The way you move the goalposts it would never be enough, no matter what she said.
"I feel responsible" is not an apology. By definition, she was responsible, but ever since it happened she's been blaming it on a video. When is she going to apologize to the families of the victims for getting them killed?
That's not for you to decide. The way you move the goalposts it would never be enough, no matter what she said.

That is for me and every other voter to decide. Most have decided she's a lying douche bag.
That is for me and every other voter to decide. Most have decided she's a lying douche bag.

Speaking of douche bags.....Hillary does NOT need your vote to win anyway....Go find a corner and play with your whatever....LOL
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump has a problem with apologies because it implies that he was wrong and Trump is of course never wrong.

When do leftwing douche bags ever apologize for anything? Has Hillary apologized to the families of the four Americans killed in Benghazi?
Where have you been dude, Hillary takes responsibility and apologizes for her mistakes all the time. She's addressed most of her major issues with ownership and/or apologies Benghazi, emails, deplorables etc. I'm not saying she is a pillar of honesty but if you are comparing her with Trump there is no contest

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feeI responsible" - CBS News

"I feel responsible" is not an apology. By definition, she was responsible, but ever since it happened she's been blaming it on a video. When is she going to apologize to the families of the victims for getting them killed?
You're an idiot. First off you can't say that the video had nothing to do with it, there was intelligence of a terror plot but the action may have been triggered by the video as it caused protest all over the world. Second, terrorist were the ones that killed, not Hillary. Are you saying that all our gov officials, police chiefs, generals, CIA directors should come out and apologies after somebody under their watch gets killed? Get real, they are all doing their best but it's the criminals that are the ones doing the killing.
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump has a problem with apologies because it implies that he was wrong and Trump is of course never wrong.

When do leftwing douche bags ever apologize for anything? Has Hillary apologized to the families of the four Americans killed in Benghazi?
Where have you been dude, Hillary takes responsibility and apologizes for her mistakes all the time. She's addressed most of her major issues with ownership and/or apologies Benghazi, emails, deplorables etc. I'm not saying she is a pillar of honesty but if you are comparing her with Trump there is no contest

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feeI responsible" - CBS News

"I feel responsible" is not an apology. By definition, she was responsible, but ever since it happened she's been blaming it on a video. When is she going to apologize to the families of the victims for getting them killed?
Nice dodge by the way, you claim Hillary never apologizes for anything. But she's on record apologizing and taking responsibility for many things which I just showed. Contrast at the Trump. Not even close, his ego is too big to admit fault. Similar to you
Contrast at the Trump. Not even close, his ego is too big to admit fault. Similar to you

trump is too INSECURE to ever apologize......

BTW, check out Trumps's relationship with Roy Cohn (the bastard chief counsel for Joe McCarthy's witch hunts)....It was Cohn who advised Trump to NEVER apologize and NEVER act defensively. Cohn actually told Trump, "there are lots of stupid people in this country who will think you're a hero if you never show weaknesses...."
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

Obama should apologize for starting the whole stupid birther thing in the first place when he told his publisher in circa 1990 that he was born in Kenya. He was being a liberal elitist snob

And women are responsible for their own rapes.
So the question is did he make the statement? What is so complicated for you?
I told a random girl that I was from Mars back in 04
I don't doubt it
Contrast at the Trump. Not even close, his ego is too big to admit fault. Similar to you

trump is too INSECURE to ever apologize......

BTW, check out Trumps's relationship with Roy Cohn (the bastard chief counsel for Joe McCarthy's witch hunts)....It was Cohn who advised Trump to NEVER apologize and NEVER act defensively. Cohn actually told Trump, "there are lots of stupid people in this country who will think you're a hero if you never show weaknesses...."
For what?
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump has a problem with apologies because it implies that he was wrong and Trump is of course never wrong.

When do leftwing douche bags ever apologize for anything? Has Hillary apologized to the families of the four Americans killed in Benghazi?
Where have you been dude, Hillary takes responsibility and apologizes for her mistakes all the time. She's addressed most of her major issues with ownership and/or apologies Benghazi, emails, deplorables etc. I'm not saying she is a pillar of honesty but if you are comparing her with Trump there is no contest

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi: "I do feeI responsible" - CBS News

"I feel responsible" is not an apology. By definition, she was responsible, but ever since it happened she's been blaming it on a video. When is she going to apologize to the families of the victims for getting them killed?
Nice dodge by the way, you claim Hillary never apologizes for anything. But she's on record apologizing and taking responsibility for many things which I just showed. Contrast at the Trump. Not even close, his ego is too big to admit fault. Similar to you
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump has a problem with apologies because it implies that he was wrong and Trump is of course never wrong.
He wasn't
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

In 50 days America will tell Trump to go to hell.
Nope. Stupid fk. I'm American and he's winning

BTW, you aren't the only American

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