Who will be the Democrat Presidential candidate for 2020 ?

I'm going to start the ball off with one of three .....

Maxine Waters, Cory Booker or John Lewis.

I don't think Hillary will ever have another shot. She's done. Chelsea maybe for 2030?
I don't think Bernie Sanders has enough pull. Too old and comes across as a doofus.

My fear is that the Left is moving further and further to the extreme radical left and we could get some fanatic in the White House that over steps their authority in ways that will make Obama look like a Conservative.

It will have to be someone VERY charismatic and most importantly black because the national stigma is still one of fear in going against a black President. Then again, women hold that stigma.

John Lewis has been high profile for a while now and is highly respected among Democrats.

Finally, there's Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey. Long shots currently, but that could change.
Manning/Winner. That's the ticket!
billy,we're being led by a sick madman and need a change desperately and quickly

For arguments sake, who would you suggest?
the ability or history of working with the other side

What for? The Democrats are openly and diametrically opposed to the United States. What would be the benefit?
moreso are republicans ,,,party for the rich Bet you believed the BS trump threw when saying he won't benefit from this tax bill
My hope is that they convince Lizzie Warren that it's her turn..............
Spread the hate LIzzie!
It worked so well before that Clinton only needed a few more million illegals to win.
I'm going to start the ball off with one of three .....

Maxine Waters, Cory Booker or John Lewis.

I don't think Hillary will ever have another shot. She's done. Chelsea maybe for 2030?
I don't think Bernie Sanders has enough pull. Too old and comes across as a doofus.

My fear is that the Left is moving further and further to the extreme radical left and we could get some fanatic in the White House that over steps their authority in ways that will make Obama look like a Conservative.

It will have to be someone VERY charismatic and most importantly black because the national stigma is still one of fear in going against a black President. Then again, women hold that stigma.

John Lewis has been high profile for a while now and is highly respected among Democrats.

Finally, there's Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey. Long shots currently, but that could change.

If you think Maxine Waters can win the nomination you're dumber than anyone of us thought.

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