Who will (can) be swayed by Trump's refusal to divulge his tax returns?

If Obama had run on a mantra..."I am the smartest man in the world" ..THEN he should be ready to release his college transcripts.....

Conversely, if you're running on a mantra..."I am the best businessman in the world"....THEN, releasing one's tax returns is a way to PROVE that the mantra is not theoretical but factual.

But, curiously, Trump, Inc. does not want to show anything.that might DISprove his bullshit.

Sounds about right, with the except that no President has ever released their college transcripts. However, that would be a way to show intelligence.

Hmm, I mean to add this to my previous post.
Would we accept Trump trying to remember what was on his tax returns and then just telling us? Maybe he could take an add in a newspaper or something? It would be a good way to show Trump the American people trust him.
Hillary was BROKE 8 years ago until the press discovered she was worth 85 Million.
Now what was that about Tax Returns?
You're such a tool.

You could have just as easily stated...."Trump has every right to LIE about first divulging his tax returns and then saying, fuck you, its none of your business...."
My main concern is the issue that Trump and Sanders have been banging away at for 20 years...
Globalization and it's destruction of the Middle Class.
Hillary is too little, too late on this issue.

Actually Hill and Bill have been at the forefront, deep. Their organization is proudly named the "Global Initiative". They are every bit as much One World Government as those sitting in Brussels.
The answer posed in the thread's title may indeed be, NO ONE.....

The acolytes that hate Hillary (and Obama) enough, will ALWAYS side with Trump regardless of the stupidity he spews....as he himself stated about shooting someone on 5th Ave, and not lose a single vote from his "following".

For Trump divulging his taxes has no "up-side"........His returns may indeed show that he is more of a self-promoter than a truly successful businessman....and Trump would simply hate to respond to all those pesky media questions raised by those tax returns.

Conversely, NOT divulging his taxes will have no impact on his followers. Very few, if any, right wing voters have a fence left whereupon to sit..

Trump's financial statement showed he earned $1 billion last year, so how would his tax return show he is not a successful business man?
Would we accept Trump trying to remember what was on his tax returns and then just telling us? Maybe he could take an add in a newspaper or something? It would be a good way to show Trump the American people trust him.

Why not? Aren't we being asked to accept Hillary's word that she deleted only private emails from her server?
If Obama had run on a mantra..."I am the smartest man in the world" ..THEN he should be ready to release his college transcripts.....

Conversely, if you're running on a mantra..."I am the best businessman in the world"....THEN, releasing one's tax returns is a way to PROVE that the mantra is not theoretical but factual.

But, curiously, Trump, Inc. does not want to show anything.that might DISprove his bullshit.

Sounds about right, with the except that no President has ever released their college transcripts. However, that would be a way to show intelligence.

Hmm, I mean to add this to my previous post.

Another far left drone failed post!

Dig this: Media actually probed other candidates
I hope he never released them and wins anyway. I will happily vote for him if he shoves it right in your pouty little faces.

Hey, you actually posted something that is remotely within the topic for this thread, congratulations!

You are delusional. I always stay on topic unless one of you nutters drags the discussion off of it. Kind of like now.
Trump's financial statement showed he earned $1 billion last year, so how would his tax return show he is not a successful business man?

Trump's own financial statement is equivalent to the objectivity of an autobiography.
If Obama had run on a mantra..."I am the smartest man in the world" ..THEN he should be ready to release his college transcripts.....

Conversely, if you're running on a mantra..."I am the best businessman in the world"....THEN, releasing one's tax returns is a way to PROVE that the mantra is not theoretical but factual.

But, curiously, Trump, Inc. does not want to show anything.that might DISprove his bullshit.

If Obama claims that he is an American then he should release his college transcripts because it would show if he was enrolled as a citizen or foreign student.

There is a reason he won't release his transcripts. Either it will show him to be nothing more than a worthless affirmative action dumbass or there is something in his enrollment status that he wants to hide.

Most bets are that he was enrolled as a foreign student but given his incompetency as President I wouldn't rule out that he was passed in college on his race rather than learning anything. For instance, we know he could never have passed a course in economic, ethics or history. Given his support for abortion we know he could never have passed a course in biology, don't we?

If we are wrong then he should release his records to disprove these rumors but he won't do it because he is hiding something.

If the Moon Bats were not hypocrites they would be demanding that Obama release his college records. They won't do that because they know they did the wrong thing voting for Obama and truth is not their friend.
Most bets are that he was enrolled as a foreign student but given his incompetency as President I wouldn't rule out that he was passed in college on his race rather than learning anything. For instance, we know he could never have passed a course in economic, ethics or history. Given his support for abortion we know he could never have passed a course in biology, don't we?

If we are wrong then he should release his records to disprove these rumors but he won't do it because he is hiding something.

Careful there....your latent racism is showing (try as you may, it always comes through among your ilk, doesn't it?)
Most bets are that he was enrolled as a foreign student but given his incompetency as President I wouldn't rule out that he was passed in college on his race rather than learning anything. For instance, we know he could never have passed a course in economic, ethics or history. Given his support for abortion we know he could never have passed a course in biology, don't we?

If we are wrong then he should release his records to disprove these rumors but he won't do it because he is hiding something.

Careful there....your latent racism is showing (try as you may, it always comes through among your ilk, doesn't it?)

Latent racism? How so?

Careful there....your latent racism is showing (try as you may, it always comes through among your ilk, doesn't it?)

There is no latency about it. President Shit for Brains is the most incompetent asshole to ever be President. He was never qualified and he has made some really dumbass decisions while in office. We all know he was elected because of his race, not because of his his qualifications. He had no qualifications. Being a sorry ass "community organizer" (whatever the hell that is) is no qualification. Being a Negro is no qualification although many dumbass Americans voted for him only because he is a Negro . His significant incompetency in office begs the question of his education being given to him because of his race and not his achievements in the classroom.

He is an affirmative action Negro and the worst President this country ever had. The question when it comes to him refusing to release his college transcripts is he hiding his affirmative action grades or is he hiding his status as a foreign student?
Latent racism? How so?

Re-read that poster's rant......and if you cannot see the obvious, then your reading comprehension is the same as my dog's.

I don't unless of you are contending the mere mention that Obama may have only gotten where he is because he's black? Ok, let me ask you this, substitute Barack Obama with Dale Smith and black with white. Same credentials, you think we'd have a president Dale Smith?

The answer posed in the thread's title may indeed be, NO ONE.....

The acolytes that hate Hillary (and Obama) enough, will ALWAYS side with Trump regardless of the stupidity he spews....as he himself stated about shooting someone on 5th Ave, and not lose a single vote from his "following".

For Trump divulging his taxes has no "up-side"........His returns may indeed show that he is more of a self-promoter than a truly successful businessman....and Trump would simply hate to respond to all those pesky media questions raised by those tax returns.

Conversely, NOT divulging his taxes will have no impact on his followers. Very few, if any, right wing voters have a fence left whereupon to sit..

I don't give a shit about his tax returns and I'm not going to vote for Trump.

You aren't going to vote for Trump and you don't give a shit about his tax returns either, it's just a partisan hack political point.

I oppose his policies, I don't give a shit what taxes he paid. The guy who supports the party of tax cheats like Charlie Rangle, Tom Daschle, Zoe Baird, Hillary Clinton and others cares about the taxes a Republican paid. Yeah ...

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