Who will (can) be swayed by Trump's refusal to divulge his tax returns?


There is no hypocrisy. Obama or any other president has not released their college transcripts and nobody is asking Trump to either.

You are doing what all Moon Bats do.

You are demanding that the Republicans release records but not the Democrats.

Hypocritical partisan pig shit.

Obama's college records would show two important things to the American people. Was he registered as a foreign student and was he also an Affirmative Action Negro passed because of his race instead of his abilities?

Crooked Hillary's transcripts would directly show her to be a liar about her comments to the Democrat base condemning Wall Street.

Those things are just as important to the American people as Trump's tax records and in the case of Obama even more so.

No, Sanders hasn't released his tax records either and he should. He's not going to win the nomination so it's not as important as Trump, but if he were then he absolutely should. Same standard as every other presidential candidate.

So, what you are doing is conflating a conspiracy theory to Trump doing the least of what any Presidential candidate who has won the nomination has done, release their tax returns. Trump even told Romney when he was holding out that he should release his, so Trump is the one being a hypocrite.

Anyway, it's not a demand, it's just tradition dating back over 40 years. He doesn't have to, doesn't mean he isn't going to be reminded of it or that there could be a political price, it's up to him. This thread appears to have been started to talk about whether there is any price to pay at all, and perhaps there isn't. But, all you nitwits came around and now were talking about birtherism.

Congratulations for being so reflexively defensive that you are now delving into territory that Trump himself has abandoned and would probably wish his supporters shut up about.

I could care less about his tax records because I have already made up my mind not to vote for him because he is big government Liberal.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the stupid Moon Bats that demand that he turn over some records but defend shithead Democrats like Obama and Crooked Hillary for not turning over important records. They are not the same records but important ones nevertheless.

All the stupid Moon Bats are doing is fishing for anything they can that cast a bad light on Trump while ignoring the records that could expose Obama and Crooked Hillary to be a fraud.

It is nothing more than typical partisan pig politics.

You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump release theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

Did Trump announce to NOT vote for Romney if Romney DIDN'T reveal his returns?

There is no hypocrisy. Obama or any other president has not released their college transcripts and nobody is asking Trump to either.

You are doing what all Moon Bats do.

You are demanding that the Republicans release records but not the Democrats.

Hypocritical partisan pig shit.

Obama's college records would show two important things to the American people. Was he registered as a foreign student and was he also an Affirmative Action Negro passed because of his race instead of his abilities?

Crooked Hillary's transcripts would directly show her to be a liar about her comments to the Democrat base condemning Wall Street.

Those things are just as important to the American people as Trump's tax records and in the case of Obama even more so.

No, Sanders hasn't released his tax records either and he should. He's not going to win the nomination so it's not as important as Trump, but if he were then he absolutely should. Same standard as every other presidential candidate.

So, what you are doing is conflating a conspiracy theory to Trump doing the least of what any Presidential candidate who has won the nomination has done, release their tax returns. Trump even told Romney when he was holding out that he should release his, so Trump is the one being a hypocrite.

Anyway, it's not a demand, it's just tradition dating back over 40 years. He doesn't have to, doesn't mean he isn't going to be reminded of it or that there could be a political price, it's up to him. This thread appears to have been started to talk about whether there is any price to pay at all, and perhaps there isn't. But, all you nitwits came around and now were talking about birtherism.

Congratulations for being so reflexively defensive that you are now delving into territory that Trump himself has abandoned and would probably wish his supporters shut up about.

I could care less about his tax records because I have already made up my mind not to vote for him because he is big government Liberal.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the stupid Moon Bats that demand that he turn over some records but defend shithead Democrats like Obama and Crooked Hillary for not turning over important records. They are not the same records but important ones nevertheless.

All the stupid Moon Bats are doing is fishing for anything they can that cast a bad light on Trump while ignoring the records that could expose Obama and Crooked Hillary to be a fraud.

It is nothing more than typical partisan pig politics.

You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump release theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

Did Trump announce to NOT vote for Romney if Romney DIDN'T reveal his returns?

I don't believe so, what difference does it make?
You are doing what all Moon Bats do.

You are demanding that the Republicans release records but not the Democrats.

Hypocritical partisan pig shit.

Obama's college records would show two important things to the American people. Was he registered as a foreign student and was he also an Affirmative Action Negro passed because of his race instead of his abilities?

Crooked Hillary's transcripts would directly show her to be a liar about her comments to the Democrat base condemning Wall Street.

Those things are just as important to the American people as Trump's tax records and in the case of Obama even more so.

No, Sanders hasn't released his tax records either and he should. He's not going to win the nomination so it's not as important as Trump, but if he were then he absolutely should. Same standard as every other presidential candidate.

So, what you are doing is conflating a conspiracy theory to Trump doing the least of what any Presidential candidate who has won the nomination has done, release their tax returns. Trump even told Romney when he was holding out that he should release his, so Trump is the one being a hypocrite.

Anyway, it's not a demand, it's just tradition dating back over 40 years. He doesn't have to, doesn't mean he isn't going to be reminded of it or that there could be a political price, it's up to him. This thread appears to have been started to talk about whether there is any price to pay at all, and perhaps there isn't. But, all you nitwits came around and now were talking about birtherism.

Congratulations for being so reflexively defensive that you are now delving into territory that Trump himself has abandoned and would probably wish his supporters shut up about.

I could care less about his tax records because I have already made up my mind not to vote for him because he is big government Liberal.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the stupid Moon Bats that demand that he turn over some records but defend shithead Democrats like Obama and Crooked Hillary for not turning over important records. They are not the same records but important ones nevertheless.

All the stupid Moon Bats are doing is fishing for anything they can that cast a bad light on Trump while ignoring the records that could expose Obama and Crooked Hillary to be a fraud.

It is nothing more than typical partisan pig politics.

You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump release theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

Did Trump announce to NOT vote for Romney if Romney DIDN'T reveal his returns?

I don't believe so, what difference does it make?

There's a difference in circumstances on simply advising someone to do something and YOU implying that not doing something is reason to NOT vote for them/
Trump - While being audited, no problem with his ax returns found.

Hillary - 'Forgot' to report millions her foundation received from foreign countries...

Yeah, the problem is Trump... :p

There is no hypocrisy. Obama or any other president has not released their college transcripts and nobody is asking Trump to either.

You are doing what all Moon Bats do.

You are demanding that the Republicans release records but not the Democrats.

Hypocritical partisan pig shit.

Obama's college records would show two important things to the American people. Was he registered as a foreign student and was he also an Affirmative Action Negro passed because of his race instead of his abilities?

Crooked Hillary's transcripts would directly show her to be a liar about her comments to the Democrat base condemning Wall Street.

Those things are just as important to the American people as Trump's tax records and in the case of Obama even more so.

No, Sanders hasn't released his tax records either and he should. He's not going to win the nomination so it's not as important as Trump, but if he were then he absolutely should. Same standard as every other presidential candidate.

So, what you are doing is conflating a conspiracy theory to Trump doing the least of what any Presidential candidate who has won the nomination has done, release their tax returns. Trump even told Romney when he was holding out that he should release his, so Trump is the one being a hypocrite.

Anyway, it's not a demand, it's just tradition dating back over 40 years. He doesn't have to, doesn't mean he isn't going to be reminded of it or that there could be a political price, it's up to him. This thread appears to have been started to talk about whether there is any price to pay at all, and perhaps there isn't. But, all you nitwits came around and now were talking about birtherism.

Congratulations for being so reflexively defensive that you are now delving into territory that Trump himself has abandoned and would probably wish his supporters shut up about.

I could care less about his tax records because I have already made up my mind not to vote for him because he is big government Liberal.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the stupid Moon Bats that demand that he turn over some records but defend shithead Democrats like Obama and Crooked Hillary for not turning over important records. They are not the same records but important ones nevertheless.

All the stupid Moon Bats are doing is fishing for anything they can that cast a bad light on Trump while ignoring the records that could expose Obama and Crooked Hillary to be a fraud.

It is nothing more than typical partisan pig politics.

You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump releases theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

You have a hard time understanding the concept of hypocrisy, don't you? Typical Moon Bat.

If your criteria is precedence then Obama failed that one big time because other Presidents and Presidential candidates have released their college transcripts. That is how we found out that Bush did better in college than that jackass Al Gore and that that Loony Tune Al Gore failed out of Divinity school.

Crooked Hillary laid out the challenge when she said she would release her Wall St speeches when others do the same. Trump can release whatever records that you Moon Bats think are important when assholes like Obama and Clinton do the same. It may not be the same records but important ones to the American people nevertheless.

If you are going to play this game of partisan pig politics then don't be a goddamn hypocrite. It just makes you look like a fool.
Trump - While being audited, no problem with his ax returns found.

Hillary - 'Forgot' to report millions her foundation received from foreign countries...

Yeah, the problem is Trump... :p

I suspect if there was a real audit of the Clinton Foundation all three Clintons would be in jail.

However, they don't have to worry because the IRS reports to President Shit for Brains who is not exactly known for ever doing the right thing and the Clintons are the political ruling elite in America.
The answer posed in the thread's title may indeed be, NO ONE.....

The acolytes that hate Hillary (and Obama) enough, will ALWAYS side with Trump regardless of the stupidity he spews....as he himself stated about shooting someone on 5th Ave, and not lose a single vote from his "following".

For Trump divulging his taxes has no "up-side"........His returns may indeed show that he is more of a self-promoter than a truly successful businessman....and Trump would simply hate to respond to all those pesky media questions raised by those tax returns.

Conversely, NOT divulging his taxes will have no impact on his followers. Very few, if any, right wing voter has a fence left whereupon to sit..
Everyone who doesn't trust trump already. Even releasing them won't make a difference. We simply can't hand the free world over to trump. Not when we have the Clinton's. Maybe if Cruz rubio jeb kasich were running against trump.

So true. I mean Trump opposed the Iraq war and Hillary voted to go free those poor ISIS freaks.

Then there is Benghazi. Hillary showed such great leadership and judgment with Benghazi that we can't rely on an idiot like Trump.

Trump more or less supported the Iraq war as it was happening. But, you'd have to be skilled in the internet to know this.
Here's one thing I'll say about trump. If it were him running as a democrat against Cruz kasich jeb Christie rubio Paul huckabee carson or fiorino ID be his biggest supporter
No, Sanders hasn't released his tax records either and he should. He's not going to win the nomination so it's not as important as Trump, but if he were then he absolutely should. Same standard as every other presidential candidate.

So, what you are doing is conflating a conspiracy theory to Trump doing the least of what any Presidential candidate who has won the nomination has done, release their tax returns. Trump even told Romney when he was holding out that he should release his, so Trump is the one being a hypocrite.

Anyway, it's not a demand, it's just tradition dating back over 40 years. He doesn't have to, doesn't mean he isn't going to be reminded of it or that there could be a political price, it's up to him. This thread appears to have been started to talk about whether there is any price to pay at all, and perhaps there isn't. But, all you nitwits came around and now were talking about birtherism.

Congratulations for being so reflexively defensive that you are now delving into territory that Trump himself has abandoned and would probably wish his supporters shut up about.

I could care less about his tax records because I have already made up my mind not to vote for him because he is big government Liberal.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the stupid Moon Bats that demand that he turn over some records but defend shithead Democrats like Obama and Crooked Hillary for not turning over important records. They are not the same records but important ones nevertheless.

All the stupid Moon Bats are doing is fishing for anything they can that cast a bad light on Trump while ignoring the records that could expose Obama and Crooked Hillary to be a fraud.

It is nothing more than typical partisan pig politics.

You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump release theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

Did Trump announce to NOT vote for Romney if Romney DIDN'T reveal his returns?

I don't believe so, what difference does it make?

There's a difference in circumstances on simply advising someone to do something and YOU implying that not doing something is reason to NOT vote for them/

Of course it's a reason to not vote for Trump if that is what someone chooses to decide their vote on. Which was the topic of this thread.

Actually, Trump told Romney in public to release his tax returns for the very reason of it could hurt him in the election. Most likely it didn't make a difference.
I could care less about his tax records because I have already made up my mind not to vote for him because he is big government Liberal.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the stupid Moon Bats that demand that he turn over some records but defend shithead Democrats like Obama and Crooked Hillary for not turning over important records. They are not the same records but important ones nevertheless.

All the stupid Moon Bats are doing is fishing for anything they can that cast a bad light on Trump while ignoring the records that could expose Obama and Crooked Hillary to be a fraud.

It is nothing more than typical partisan pig politics.

You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump release theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

Did Trump announce to NOT vote for Romney if Romney DIDN'T reveal his returns?

I don't believe so, what difference does it make?

There's a difference in circumstances on simply advising someone to do something and YOU implying that not doing something is reason to NOT vote for them/

Of course it's a reason to not vote for Trump if that is what someone chooses to decide their vote on. Which was the topic of this thread.

Actually, Trump told Romney in public to release his tax returns for the very reason of it could hurt him in the election. Most likely it didn't make a difference.

I would say 99% of people voting for Trump are doing so due to Trump's position on Fair Trade.

There is no hypocrisy. Obama or any other president has not released their college transcripts and nobody is asking Trump to either.

You are doing what all Moon Bats do.

You are demanding that the Republicans release records but not the Democrats.

Hypocritical partisan pig shit.

Obama's college records would show two important things to the American people. Was he registered as a foreign student and was he also an Affirmative Action Negro passed because of his race instead of his abilities?

Crooked Hillary's transcripts would directly show her to be a liar about her comments to the Democrat base condemning Wall Street.

Those things are just as important to the American people as Trump's tax records and in the case of Obama even more so.

No, Sanders hasn't released his tax records either and he should. He's not going to win the nomination so it's not as important as Trump, but if he were then he absolutely should. Same standard as every other presidential candidate.

So, what you are doing is conflating a conspiracy theory to Trump doing the least of what any Presidential candidate who has won the nomination has done, release their tax returns. Trump even told Romney when he was holding out that he should release his, so Trump is the one being a hypocrite.

Anyway, it's not a demand, it's just tradition dating back over 40 years. He doesn't have to, doesn't mean he isn't going to be reminded of it or that there could be a political price, it's up to him. This thread appears to have been started to talk about whether there is any price to pay at all, and perhaps there isn't. But, all you nitwits came around and now were talking about birtherism.

Congratulations for being so reflexively defensive that you are now delving into territory that Trump himself has abandoned and would probably wish his supporters shut up about.

I could care less about his tax records because I have already made up my mind not to vote for him because he is big government Liberal.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the stupid Moon Bats that demand that he turn over some records but defend shithead Democrats like Obama and Crooked Hillary for not turning over important records. They are not the same records but important ones nevertheless.

All the stupid Moon Bats are doing is fishing for anything they can that cast a bad light on Trump while ignoring the records that could expose Obama and Crooked Hillary to be a fraud.

It is nothing more than typical partisan pig politics.

You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump releases theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

You have a hard time understanding the concept of hypocrisy, don't you? Typical Moon Bat.

If your criteria is precedence then Obama failed that one big time because other Presidents and Presidential candidates have released their college transcripts. That is how we found out that Bush did better in college than that jackass Al Gore and that that Loony Tune Al Gore failed out of Divinity school.

Crooked Hillary laid out the challenge when she said she would release her Wall St speeches when others do the same. Trump can release whatever records that you Moon Bats think are important when assholes like Obama and Clinton do the same. It may not be the same records but important ones to the American people nevertheless.

If you are going to play this game of partisan pig politics then don't be a goddamn hypocrite. It just makes you look like a fool.

No President has voluntarily released their college transcripts though some have been leaked without approval. So, no hypocrisy.
You're not pointing out a hypocrisy. Past presidents haven't been asked for or haven't released their college transcripts. So, why should Obama...or Trump release theirs? No hypocrisy.

Obama and all past Presidents have released at least some of their tax returns. When Romney was hedging on releasing his, Trump stepped in and said he should. Trump had at one point said he was going to release his own, now he is saying he isn't. So, that's hypocrisy and a lie on Trump's part.

Whether you are going to vote for Trump or not I could care less, for the sake of this thread, you have it wrong.

Did Trump announce to NOT vote for Romney if Romney DIDN'T reveal his returns?

I don't believe so, what difference does it make?

There's a difference in circumstances on simply advising someone to do something and YOU implying that not doing something is reason to NOT vote for them/

Of course it's a reason to not vote for Trump if that is what someone chooses to decide their vote on. Which was the topic of this thread.

Actually, Trump told Romney in public to release his tax returns for the very reason of it could hurt him in the election. Most likely it didn't make a difference.

I would say 99% of people voting for Trump are doing so due to Trump's position on Fair Trade.

Eh, I think it has more to do with brown people and a wall but then maybe you're right, people will vote for one of Trump's cornerstone issues that he is a hypocrite on.
The answer posed in the thread's title may indeed be, NO ONE.....

The acolytes that hate Hillary (and Obama) enough, will ALWAYS side with Trump regardless of the stupidity he spews....as he himself stated about shooting someone on 5th Ave, and not lose a single vote from his "following".

For Trump divulging his taxes has no "up-side"........His returns may indeed show that he is more of a self-promoter than a truly successful businessman....and Trump would simply hate to respond to all those pesky media questions raised by those tax returns.

Conversely, NOT divulging his taxes will have no impact on his followers. Very few, if any, right wing voter has a fence left whereupon to sit..
Everyone who doesn't trust trump already. Even releasing them won't make a difference. We simply can't hand the free world over to trump. Not when we have the Clinton's. Maybe if Cruz rubio jeb kasich were running against trump.

So true. I mean Trump opposed the Iraq war and Hillary voted to go free those poor ISIS freaks.

Then there is Benghazi. Hillary showed such great leadership and judgment with Benghazi that we can't rely on an idiot like Trump.

Trump more or less supported the Iraq war as it was happening. But, you'd have to be skilled in the internet to know this.
Here's one thing I'll say about trump. If it were him running as a democrat against Cruz kasich jeb Christie rubio Paul huckabee carson or fiorino ID be his biggest supporter

I wouldn't vote for him and with what he has said he couldn't win a Democratic primary.
Did Trump announce to NOT vote for Romney if Romney DIDN'T reveal his returns?

I don't believe so, what difference does it make?

There's a difference in circumstances on simply advising someone to do something and YOU implying that not doing something is reason to NOT vote for them/

Of course it's a reason to not vote for Trump if that is what someone chooses to decide their vote on. Which was the topic of this thread.

Actually, Trump told Romney in public to release his tax returns for the very reason of it could hurt him in the election. Most likely it didn't make a difference.

I would say 99% of people voting for Trump are doing so due to Trump's position on Fair Trade.

Eh, I think it has more to do with brown people and a wall but then maybe you're right, people will vote for one of Trump's cornerstone issues that he is a hypocrite on.

I LOVE Illegal Immigrants...we need MORE of them.
Now what was it Trump said about ILLEGAL Immigrants that bothered you?
I don't believe so, what difference does it make?

There's a difference in circumstances on simply advising someone to do something and YOU implying that not doing something is reason to NOT vote for them/

Of course it's a reason to not vote for Trump if that is what someone chooses to decide their vote on. Which was the topic of this thread.

Actually, Trump told Romney in public to release his tax returns for the very reason of it could hurt him in the election. Most likely it didn't make a difference.

I would say 99% of people voting for Trump are doing so due to Trump's position on Fair Trade.

Eh, I think it has more to do with brown people and a wall but then maybe you're right, people will vote for one of Trump's cornerstone issues that he is a hypocrite on.

I LOVE Illegal Immigrants...we need MORE of them.
Now what was it Trump said about ILLEGAL Immigrants that bothered you?

Nothing, he should keep saying what he has been.
If Obama had run on a mantra..."I am the smartest man in the world" ..THEN he should be ready to release his college transcripts.....

Conversely, if you're running on a mantra..."I am the best businessman in the world"....THEN, releasing one's tax returns is a way to PROVE that the mantra is not theoretical but factual.

But, curiously, Trump, Inc. does not want to show anything.that might DISprove his bullshit.
If Obama had run on a mantra..."I am the smartest man in the world" ..THEN he should be ready to release his college transcripts.....

Conversely, if you're running on a mantra..."I am the best businessman in the world"....THEN, releasing one's tax returns is a way to PROVE that the mantra is not theoretical but factual.

But, curiously, Trump, Inc. does not want to show anything.that might DISprove his bullshit.

So, what you are saying is Dark Fury should release his home school transcripts to prove his 214 IQ?

I agree.

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