Who will fact check the fact checkers, themselves?


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
Since many alleged “fact checks” and “fact checkers” are actually bullshit propaganda and propagandists — completely divorced from “facts” —

I propose that any use of “fact checking” by one side in a debate (which as we have seen includes partisan “moderators”) needs to be immediately subject to cross fact checking.
Since many alleged “fact checks” and “fact checkers” are actually bullshit propaganda and propagandists — completely divorced from “facts” —

I propose that any use of “fact checking” by one side in a debate (which as we have seen includes partisan “moderators”) needs to be immediately subject to cross fact checking.

Someone who won the match doesn’t spend a week complaining about the referees. Your blob lost. Get over it.

I propose we stop these ridiculous debates. In no environment will a POTUS ever have to limit their responses to 2 minutes, not have access to advisors, not be able to avail themselves of data, experts, etc... It is like asking a gymnast to win the all around gymnastics gold medal by running a 100 yard dash or fencing. You don’t use this skill set. The theatrical aspects of it are great but that isn’t what sound governance is all about. It is about getting the answers right, not delivering the best sound bite.

Someone suggested on the Dan Abrams show on POTUS Sirius XM that they televise what essentially boils down to a panel job interview. I think the word the caller used..she said was Policy Discussions. Three journalists sit at one table. The candidate, alone, sits at another one in front of them. They have the questions in advance. They have had an opportunity to research their answers. When asked the question live on TV, they look into the camera and say what they are going to do. If they just say, “We’ll replace it with something terrific” as the blob did for Obamacare...the panel can drill down and ask what that means; what are the bullet points of the plan--the one he still hasn’t come up with 9 years later by the way. LOL.

The journalists are chosen by the candidates themselves.

Just stop this ridiculous dual press conference that passes itself off as a debate. It isn’t.

There is nothing in the universe that can stop the right wing loons for playing the victim. They’ve been doing it for so long, I doubt they can ever stop at this point. But at least it would get rid of the constant bitching about the moderators. If one of the panelists corrects the statement of the candidate, they were picked BY the candidate so they have no one to blame but themselves.
Someone who won the match doesn’t spend a week complaining about the referees.

You’ve used that bullshit line previously and been rebutted already, candy ass.

Plus, your deflection effort misses the mark.

If one benefits from a bad and biased call, to the extent of thereby winning the game, one would have no reason to “complain,” you idiot.

The balance of your typically dishonest post was just a Kamalalala word salad

Since many alleged “fact checks” and “fact checkers” are actually bullshit propaganda and propagandists — completely divorced from “facts” —
Don't worry. The liberals fact check them, and we always come up with the truth.

And yes, we're aware that's one reason why the right hates us. The right knows it can't survive without lies.

Who will fact check the fact checkers, themselves?​

Since many alleged “fact checks” and “fact checkers” are actually bullshit propaganda and propagandists — completely divorced from “facts” —

I propose that any use of “fact checking” by one side in a debate (which as we have seen includes partisan “moderators”) needs to be immediately subject to cross fact checking.
The best solution, is that the moderators don't do any fact-checking. That is a job for the candidates and the public to do.

Megyn Kelly EXCORIATES Debate Moderators For GANGING UP On Trump: 'It was 3 on 1'​

Sep 12, 2024

Don't worry. The liberals fact check them, and we always come up with the truth

Nope. When libturds like you engage in what you falsely label “fact checking” you rarely give a rat’s ass about the “truth.” When you vermin do it, it’s faux checking.
And yes, we're aware that's one reason why the right hates us. The right knows it can't survive without lies.
Actually, we know you shit libs entirely rely on lies.

You stand corrected. But being a libturd, you’ll never admit it, manboob.
Nope. When libturds like you engage in what you falsely label “fact checking” you rarely give a rat’s ass about the “truth.”
So you're claiming Haitians are eating cats?

You're claiming live born babies are being aborted?

You're claiming Trump really won the 2020 election?

After all, those are the lies you're defending, and it's not disputable that they're lies.

Satan, the Lord of Lies, is pleased with your devoted service.
Someone who won the match doesn’t spend a week complaining about the referees.

If a referee in some sport, grabbed the ball or interfered with it in anyway - which caused it to be scored, or prevented scoring for the other team? You can sure as hell bet it would be an issue.


You are as dumb as you are fat & ugly.
So you're claiming Haitians are eating cats?

Am I? Or am I merely asking questions about things that have indeed been reported by some locals there?
You're claiming live born babies are being aborted?
No. I’m saying live born babies have indeed been allowed to simply die without medical care. Let’s call that what it actually is: murder.
You're claiming Trump really won the 2020 election?
I have never made that claim. I do harbor some suspicions. But, that’s not something I have said. Where do you get your thoughts from? Smoking bad dope?
After all, those are the lies you're defending,

I’m not defending any lies. Your claim was a lie. You idiot.
and it's not disputable that they're lies.
Not only is it disputable. It stands disputed, you liar.
Satan, the Lord of Lies, is pleased with your devoted service.
You suck Satan’s cock. He allows you to guzzle his jizz because he loves you liars.
You're just getting butthurt about the people who called out Trump for such whoppers.

No. You lied again. I am merely calling out you asshole vermin liars who deny without any proof of your denials.
That makes you a defender of the lines

Nope. It makes me the truth speaker. You remain the liar here. Of course.
Wear the title proudly, as MAGA sees it as a badge of honor.
You still remain the liar. As are so many of your kindred vermin libturds.
MAGA is at war with the very concept of facts itself.

That’s what you get when you make a reality TV star your leader.

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