Who won?

Who won

  • Total voters
Drudge Report Stats; Who won the debate?

Trump 39%

Cruz 13%

Paul 11%

Carson 9%

Rubio 8%

Walker 5%

Kasich 5%

Huckabee 2%

Bush 2%

Christie 1%

If Carly joins the big guys, Christie, Bush, or Huckabee may be out.

It's an unscientific poll. It's completely meaningless and likely completely wrong.
Trump is the only republican candidate who has a chance to compete with Hillary. So yes, Trump won. He was also very charismatic. All other participants are far beyond him. Just pathetic.
Drudge Report Stats; Who won the debate?

Trump 39%

Cruz 13%

Paul 11%

Carson 9%

Rubio 8%

Walker 5%

Kasich 5%

Huckabee 2%

Bush 2%

Christie 1%

If Carly joins the big guys, Christie, Bush, or Huckabee may be out.

It's an unscientific poll. It's completely meaningless and likely completely wrong.
He out drew the group only the wrath of Fox is getting talked about more.
Trump is a pig & a fool. We'll pretend that he actually wants to be president.

Fuck the women, they belong on their knees.
Fuck the Mexicans

Who's next in his master plan to WIN votes?
Gramps, he is flamboyant and probably made a joke about women on their knees reference to giving a BJ. I know it was not inclusive because nowadays a lot of boys are giving BJs also and he did not mention them. So…there you have it
Funny but this is presidential politics.

Clinton gets a blow job in the oval office=bad
Trump talking about the equivalent=good

Have I got this right? Am I the only motherfucker on this site that isn't a damn party line hypocrite?

They were different times dude. Actually I appreciated Trump's answer that he doesn't have time to be politically correct and neither does the united States. I couldn't agree more.

Which is about the level of input I expected.
FOX is trying very very hard right now, post-debate, to frame the message that Trump crashed and burned. Rather, I believe that the intelligent people watching saw thru the FOX attempt to take him down....Just like Trump has told people, the powers that be do not want him.
Trump failed to answer a single policy question. His crash if it comes is his to own.

Well in all fairness they didn't ask him questions that allowed him to give his views. There were a lot of early "gotcha" questions designed to put him on the defensive. He got only one or two actual questions where he had the opportunity to lay out an answer and I thought he did well on those. The very first question of the debate about running as an independent was such an obvious set up even Brett Baier was laughing as he asked it. The next question (the Rosie O'Donnell question) was a hatchet job question as well.
They gave him questions. They also gave him an opportunity to provide his evidence that the Mexican government is sending us their worst intentionally. Much like his Obama birth certificate evidence, it's nonexistent.

The jackass is a total fraud and people so wrapped up in immigration & illegals are too fucking stupid to see it.

If you are not concerned about illegal immigration you obviously don't understand the way business works and the impact it has on the economy
Really dude? REALLY?

I have lost many contracts because of illegals. Doesn't make Trump am honest man just because we agree on one damn issue. Especially considering he was on the opposite side of the issue just a few years ago.

I bet Hitler knew 2+2=4
Does that mean I have to support him because he is right?

So you are admitting that Trump is right. Ok we agree. As for whether you support him...your call chief, but I am reminded of a debate question asked to Obama about raising capital gains an asked "historically the economy grows when capital gains taxes are lowered and stagnates when they are raised, so why would you want to raise them?" and Obama's answer was "well that won't happen when I do it". Pffft....yeah....like your omnipotent presence will reverse a trend documented by over a hundred years.

And guess what? Obama was wrong....why are people stunned?

So my question to you is "why would you support someone you know is wrong when you concede that your opponent is right?"

BTW....do you think Hillary is honest? I think she is a pathological liar. You probably won't go that far but I would be astonished to hear you say that you felt she was honest
Gramps, he is flamboyant and probably made a joke about women on their knees reference to giving a BJ. I know it was not inclusive because nowadays a lot of boys are giving BJs also and he did not mention them. So…there you have it
Funny but this is presidential politics.

Clinton gets a blow job in the oval office=bad
Trump talking about the equivalent=good

Have I got this right? Am I the only motherfucker on this site that isn't a damn party line hypocrite?
I don't know Gramps, are you?
(I have never thought it was bad for Slick to get a blow job. He got caught… so what? I am not one claiming the "moral high ground")

I never gave a shit that Billy got blown. In fact I think the president should get blown daily to ensure he is calm and relaxed when he makes decisions that affect the entire nation. I would make it a cabinet post. Someone whose job it is to...uh..."de-brief the Executive branch" on a daily basis. Now perjuring yourself...welll...thats a bit different.
He lied to protect himself, his wife & his daughter.
I don't know a single man who wouldn't do the same.

You need some better friends......
I don't talk about friends or family on here. Having said that I still don't know a single man who wouldn't lie to protect his families dignity because of his own stupidity. If you know men that wouldn't do that then I don't know what to tell you.
Human nature doesn't know party lines
Trump is a pig & a fool. We'll pretend that he actually wants to be president.

Fuck the women, they belong on their knees.
Fuck the Mexicans

Who's next in his master plan to WIN votes?
Gramps, he is flamboyant and probably made a joke about women on their knees reference to giving a BJ. I know it was not inclusive because nowadays a lot of boys are giving BJs also and he did not mention them. So…there you have it
Funny but this is presidential politics.

Clinton gets a blow job in the oval office=bad
Trump talking about the equivalent=good

Have I got this right? Am I the only motherfucker on this site that isn't a damn party line hypocrite?

They were different times dude. Actually I appreciated Trump's answer that he doesn't have time to be politically correct and neither does the united States. I couldn't agree more.

Which is about the level of input I expected.
Trump failed to answer a single policy question. His crash if it comes is his to own.

Well in all fairness they didn't ask him questions that allowed him to give his views. There were a lot of early "gotcha" questions designed to put him on the defensive. He got only one or two actual questions where he had the opportunity to lay out an answer and I thought he did well on those. The very first question of the debate about running as an independent was such an obvious set up even Brett Baier was laughing as he asked it. The next question (the Rosie O'Donnell question) was a hatchet job question as well.
They gave him questions. They also gave him an opportunity to provide his evidence that the Mexican government is sending us their worst intentionally. Much like his Obama birth certificate evidence, it's nonexistent.

The jackass is a total fraud and people so wrapped up in immigration & illegals are too fucking stupid to see it.

If you are not concerned about illegal immigration you obviously don't understand the way business works and the impact it has on the economy
Really dude? REALLY?

I have lost many contracts because of illegals. Doesn't make Trump am honest man just because we agree on one damn issue. Especially considering he was on the opposite side of the issue just a few years ago.

I bet Hitler knew 2+2=4
Does that mean I have to support him because he is right?

So you are admitting that Trump is right. Ok we agree. As for whether you support him...your call chief, but I am reminded of a debate question asked to Obama about raising capital gains an asked "historically the economy grows when capital gains taxes are lowered and stagnates when they are raised, so why would you want to raise them?" and Obama's answer was "well that won't happen when I do it". Pffft....yeah....like your omnipotent presence will reverse a trend documented by over a hundred years.

And guess what? Obama was wrong....why are people stunned?

So my question to you is "why would you support someone you know is wrong when you concede that your opponent is right?"
I support Walker. Your Obama story is irrelevant to my opinion of Trump or who I support
Gramps, he is flamboyant and probably made a joke about women on their knees reference to giving a BJ. I know it was not inclusive because nowadays a lot of boys are giving BJs also and he did not mention them. So…there you have it
Funny but this is presidential politics.

Clinton gets a blow job in the oval office=bad
Trump talking about the equivalent=good

Have I got this right? Am I the only motherfucker on this site that isn't a damn party line hypocrite?

They were different times dude. Actually I appreciated Trump's answer that he doesn't have time to be politically correct and neither does the united States. I couldn't agree more.

Which is about the level of input I expected.
Well in all fairness they didn't ask him questions that allowed him to give his views. There were a lot of early "gotcha" questions designed to put him on the defensive. He got only one or two actual questions where he had the opportunity to lay out an answer and I thought he did well on those. The very first question of the debate about running as an independent was such an obvious set up even Brett Baier was laughing as he asked it. The next question (the Rosie O'Donnell question) was a hatchet job question as well.
They gave him questions. They also gave him an opportunity to provide his evidence that the Mexican government is sending us their worst intentionally. Much like his Obama birth certificate evidence, it's nonexistent.

The jackass is a total fraud and people so wrapped up in immigration & illegals are too fucking stupid to see it.

If you are not concerned about illegal immigration you obviously don't understand the way business works and the impact it has on the economy
Really dude? REALLY?

I have lost many contracts because of illegals. Doesn't make Trump am honest man just because we agree on one damn issue. Especially considering he was on the opposite side of the issue just a few years ago.

I bet Hitler knew 2+2=4
Does that mean I have to support him because he is right?

So you are admitting that Trump is right. Ok we agree. As for whether you support him...your call chief, but I am reminded of a debate question asked to Obama about raising capital gains an asked "historically the economy grows when capital gains taxes are lowered and stagnates when they are raised, so why would you want to raise them?" and Obama's answer was "well that won't happen when I do it". Pffft....yeah....like your omnipotent presence will reverse a trend documented by over a hundred years.

And guess what? Obama was wrong....why are people stunned?

So my question to you is "why would you support someone you know is wrong when you concede that your opponent is right?"
I support Walker. Your Obama story is irrelevant to my opinion of Trump or who I support
I like Kasich and Walker, but I would like to see Trump get a gigantic lead after what happened tonight. That's how wrong it was. He'll go down in the polls after a while.
What say YOU? Not who you like but who prevailed.
FOX is trying very very hard right now, post-debate, to frame the message that Trump crashed and burned. Rather, I believe that the intelligent people watching saw thru the FOX attempt to take him down....Just like Trump has told people, the powers that be do not want him.
I agree but Trump fucked up when he said he would go third party. I think in the end, cons want to win and if trump endangers that, he will lose support
He said he would NOT go 3rd party.
No he didnt.
Trump noted he hopes to run as a Republican, but he repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility he would launch a third party bid if he's defeated in the primary.

"If I do win, and I'm leading by quite a bit, that's what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge: If I'm the nominee, I will pledge that I will not run as an independent," Trump said, adding, "And I am discussing it with everybody. I'm talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee."
Donald Trump kicked off the GOP debate with a dramatic threat to the Republican Party - Yahoo Finance

He WANTS to win as a Republican. BUT if they {Fox} keeps treating him this way? He owes them nothing.
News flash:

Fox News is irrelevant. The American people are the ones that are "owed" and if Trump decides to run third party to "get even" with Fox or whatever fantoms he has in his brain it it the American people who will suffer.
I liked Rubio and Carson.... Jeb third... If I have to pick a third.
Funny but this is presidential politics.

Clinton gets a blow job in the oval office=bad
Trump talking about the equivalent=good

Have I got this right? Am I the only motherfucker on this site that isn't a damn party line hypocrite?

They were different times dude. Actually I appreciated Trump's answer that he doesn't have time to be politically correct and neither does the united States. I couldn't agree more.

Which is about the level of input I expected.
They gave him questions. They also gave him an opportunity to provide his evidence that the Mexican government is sending us their worst intentionally. Much like his Obama birth certificate evidence, it's nonexistent.

The jackass is a total fraud and people so wrapped up in immigration & illegals are too fucking stupid to see it.

If you are not concerned about illegal immigration you obviously don't understand the way business works and the impact it has on the economy
Really dude? REALLY?

I have lost many contracts because of illegals. Doesn't make Trump am honest man just because we agree on one damn issue. Especially considering he was on the opposite side of the issue just a few years ago.

I bet Hitler knew 2+2=4
Does that mean I have to support him because he is right?

So you are admitting that Trump is right. Ok we agree. As for whether you support him...your call chief, but I am reminded of a debate question asked to Obama about raising capital gains an asked "historically the economy grows when capital gains taxes are lowered and stagnates when they are raised, so why would you want to raise them?" and Obama's answer was "well that won't happen when I do it". Pffft....yeah....like your omnipotent presence will reverse a trend documented by over a hundred years.

And guess what? Obama was wrong....why are people stunned?

So my question to you is "why would you support someone you know is wrong when you concede that your opponent is right?"
I support Walker. Your Obama story is irrelevant to my opinion of Trump or who I support
I like Kasich and Walker, but I would like to see Trump get a gigantic lead after what happened tonight. That's how wrong it was. He'll go down in the polls after a while.
This is not a game of checkers
FOX is trying very very hard right now, post-debate, to frame the message that Trump crashed and burned. Rather, I believe that the intelligent people watching saw thru the FOX attempt to take him down....Just like Trump has told people, the powers that be do not want him.
I agree but Trump fucked up when he said he would go third party. I think in the end, cons want to win and if trump endangers that, he will lose support
He said he would NOT go 3rd party.
No he didnt.
Trump noted he hopes to run as a Republican, but he repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility he would launch a third party bid if he's defeated in the primary.

"If I do win, and I'm leading by quite a bit, that's what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge: If I'm the nominee, I will pledge that I will not run as an independent," Trump said, adding, "And I am discussing it with everybody. I'm talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee."
Donald Trump kicked off the GOP debate with a dramatic threat to the Republican Party - Yahoo Finance

He WANTS to win as a Republican. BUT if they {Fox} keeps treating him this way? He owes them nothing.
News flash:

Fox News is irrelevant. The American people are the ones that are "owed" and if Trump decides to run third party to "get even" with Fox or whatever fantoms he has in his brain it it the American people who will suffer.
Oh I agree but it seems we have a network to push. We can't buy it but we CAN flood it.
FOX is trying very very hard right now, post-debate, to frame the message that Trump crashed and burned. Rather, I believe that the intelligent people watching saw thru the FOX attempt to take him down....Just like Trump has told people, the powers that be do not want him.
I agree but Trump fucked up when he said he would go third party. I think in the end, cons want to win and if trump endangers that, he will lose support
He said he would NOT go 3rd party.
No he didnt.
Trump noted he hopes to run as a Republican, but he repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility he would launch a third party bid if he's defeated in the primary.

"If I do win, and I'm leading by quite a bit, that's what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge: If I'm the nominee, I will pledge that I will not run as an independent," Trump said, adding, "And I am discussing it with everybody. I'm talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee."
Donald Trump kicked off the GOP debate with a dramatic threat to the Republican Party - Yahoo Finance

He WANTS to win as a Republican. BUT if they {Fox} keeps treating him this way? He owes them nothing.
News flash:

Fox News is irrelevant. The American people are the ones that are "owed" and if Trump decides to run third party to "get even" with Fox or whatever fantoms he has in his brain it it the American people who will suffer.
Trump talks without thinking often. I don't think he would go third party. He walked that comment back a little after the debate with Hannity. He said he wasn't sure if he would do that because he is meeting and liking the other candidates. If his running in a third party makes the GOP lose, I don't think he will do it.
I agree but Trump fucked up when he said he would go third party. I think in the end, cons want to win and if trump endangers that, he will lose support
He said he would NOT go 3rd party.
No he didnt.
Trump noted he hopes to run as a Republican, but he repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility he would launch a third party bid if he's defeated in the primary.

"If I do win, and I'm leading by quite a bit, that's what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge: If I'm the nominee, I will pledge that I will not run as an independent," Trump said, adding, "And I am discussing it with everybody. I'm talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee."
Donald Trump kicked off the GOP debate with a dramatic threat to the Republican Party - Yahoo Finance

He WANTS to win as a Republican. BUT if they {Fox} keeps treating him this way? He owes them nothing.
News flash:

Fox News is irrelevant. The American people are the ones that are "owed" and if Trump decides to run third party to "get even" with Fox or whatever fantoms he has in his brain it it the American people who will suffer.
Oh I agree but it seems we have a network to push. We can't buy it but we CAN flood it.
I don't care enough about Fox to be bothered. I will express my voice at the voting booth.
I don't email MSNBC over their CONSTANT bs so I'm not about to start now.
They were different times dude. Actually I appreciated Trump's answer that he doesn't have time to be politically correct and neither does the united States. I couldn't agree more.

Which is about the level of input I expected.
If you are not concerned about illegal immigration you obviously don't understand the way business works and the impact it has on the economy
Really dude? REALLY?

I have lost many contracts because of illegals. Doesn't make Trump am honest man just because we agree on one damn issue. Especially considering he was on the opposite side of the issue just a few years ago.

I bet Hitler knew 2+2=4
Does that mean I have to support him because he is right?

So you are admitting that Trump is right. Ok we agree. As for whether you support him...your call chief, but I am reminded of a debate question asked to Obama about raising capital gains an asked "historically the economy grows when capital gains taxes are lowered and stagnates when they are raised, so why would you want to raise them?" and Obama's answer was "well that won't happen when I do it". Pffft....yeah....like your omnipotent presence will reverse a trend documented by over a hundred years.

And guess what? Obama was wrong....why are people stunned?

So my question to you is "why would you support someone you know is wrong when you concede that your opponent is right?"
I support Walker. Your Obama story is irrelevant to my opinion of Trump or who I support
I like Kasich and Walker, but I would like to see Trump get a gigantic lead after what happened tonight. That's how wrong it was. He'll go down in the polls after a while.
This is not a game of checkers
Right now? Sure it is.
I agree but Trump fucked up when he said he would go third party. I think in the end, cons want to win and if trump endangers that, he will lose support
He said he would NOT go 3rd party.
No he didnt.
Trump noted he hopes to run as a Republican, but he repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility he would launch a third party bid if he's defeated in the primary.

"If I do win, and I'm leading by quite a bit, that's what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge: If I'm the nominee, I will pledge that I will not run as an independent," Trump said, adding, "And I am discussing it with everybody. I'm talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee."
Donald Trump kicked off the GOP debate with a dramatic threat to the Republican Party - Yahoo Finance

He WANTS to win as a Republican. BUT if they {Fox} keeps treating him this way? He owes them nothing.
News flash:

Fox News is irrelevant. The American people are the ones that are "owed" and if Trump decides to run third party to "get even" with Fox or whatever fantoms he has in his brain it it the American people who will suffer.
Trump talks without thinking often. I don't think he would go third party. He walked that comment back a little after the debate with Hannity. He said he wasn't sure if he would do that because he is meeting and liking the other candidates. If his running in a third party makes the GOP lose, I don't think he will do it.
Trump walked it back because he's not stupid but have no doubt. If he thinks he can expand his brand with a third party run it will happen. Bank on it

Which is about the level of input I expected.
Really dude? REALLY?

I have lost many contracts because of illegals. Doesn't make Trump am honest man just because we agree on one damn issue. Especially considering he was on the opposite side of the issue just a few years ago.

I bet Hitler knew 2+2=4
Does that mean I have to support him because he is right?

So you are admitting that Trump is right. Ok we agree. As for whether you support him...your call chief, but I am reminded of a debate question asked to Obama about raising capital gains an asked "historically the economy grows when capital gains taxes are lowered and stagnates when they are raised, so why would you want to raise them?" and Obama's answer was "well that won't happen when I do it". Pffft....yeah....like your omnipotent presence will reverse a trend documented by over a hundred years.

And guess what? Obama was wrong....why are people stunned?

So my question to you is "why would you support someone you know is wrong when you concede that your opponent is right?"
I support Walker. Your Obama story is irrelevant to my opinion of Trump or who I support
I like Kasich and Walker, but I would like to see Trump get a gigantic lead after what happened tonight. That's how wrong it was. He'll go down in the polls after a while.
This is not a game of checkers
Right now? Sure it is.
Supporting someone like Trump is not checkers dear. It's like playing real life Frogger on the freeway
Funny but this is presidential politics.

Clinton gets a blow job in the oval office=bad
Trump talking about the equivalent=good

Have I got this right? Am I the only motherfucker on this site that isn't a damn party line hypocrite?
I don't know Gramps, are you?
(I have never thought it was bad for Slick to get a blow job. He got caught… so what? I am not one claiming the "moral high ground")

I never gave a shit that Billy got blown. In fact I think the president should get blown daily to ensure he is calm and relaxed when he makes decisions that affect the entire nation. I would make it a cabinet post. Someone whose job it is to...uh..."de-brief the Executive branch" on a daily basis. Now perjuring yourself...welll...thats a bit different.
He lied to protect himself, his wife & his daughter.
I don't know a single man who wouldn't do the same.

You need some better friends......
I don't talk about friends or family on here. Having said that I still don't know a single man who wouldn't lie to protect his families dignity because of his own stupidity. If you know men that wouldn't do that then I don't know what to tell you.
Human nature doesn't know party lines

I don't get preachy, but a man who loved his wife and family wouldn't be getting blowjobs from an overweight and unattractive 22 year old intern. If a good man who loved his wife and family did make a mistake, he'd own up to it. That's what a MAN does-he OWNS IT. He doesn't continue lying after he's caught with the cum stained dress...he doesn't lie under oath and get impeached.
He said he would NOT go 3rd party.
No he didnt.
Trump noted he hopes to run as a Republican, but he repeatedly refused to rule out the possibility he would launch a third party bid if he's defeated in the primary.

"If I do win, and I'm leading by quite a bit, that's what I want to do. I can totally make that pledge: If I'm the nominee, I will pledge that I will not run as an independent," Trump said, adding, "And I am discussing it with everybody. I'm talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win and we will win. But I want to win as the Republican. I want to run as the Republican nominee."
Donald Trump kicked off the GOP debate with a dramatic threat to the Republican Party - Yahoo Finance

He WANTS to win as a Republican. BUT if they {Fox} keeps treating him this way? He owes them nothing.
News flash:

Fox News is irrelevant. The American people are the ones that are "owed" and if Trump decides to run third party to "get even" with Fox or whatever fantoms he has in his brain it it the American people who will suffer.
Trump talks without thinking often. I don't think he would go third party. He walked that comment back a little after the debate with Hannity. He said he wasn't sure if he would do that because he is meeting and liking the other candidates. If his running in a third party makes the GOP lose, I don't think he will do it.
Trump walked it back because he's not stupid but have no doubt. If he thinks he can expand his brand with a third party run it will happen. Bank on it
Which is about the level of input I expected.
So you are admitting that Trump is right. Ok we agree. As for whether you support him...your call chief, but I am reminded of a debate question asked to Obama about raising capital gains an asked "historically the economy grows when capital gains taxes are lowered and stagnates when they are raised, so why would you want to raise them?" and Obama's answer was "well that won't happen when I do it". Pffft....yeah....like your omnipotent presence will reverse a trend documented by over a hundred years.

And guess what? Obama was wrong....why are people stunned?

So my question to you is "why would you support someone you know is wrong when you concede that your opponent is right?"
I support Walker. Your Obama story is irrelevant to my opinion of Trump or who I support
I like Kasich and Walker, but I would like to see Trump get a gigantic lead after what happened tonight. That's how wrong it was. He'll go down in the polls after a while.
This is not a game of checkers
Right now? Sure it is.
Supporting someone like Trump is not checkers dear. It's like playing real life Frogger on the freeway
Jump over another candidate and be king. It is way too early to get bent out of shape.
I don't know Gramps, are you?
(I have never thought it was bad for Slick to get a blow job. He got caught… so what? I am not one claiming the "moral high ground")

I never gave a shit that Billy got blown. In fact I think the president should get blown daily to ensure he is calm and relaxed when he makes decisions that affect the entire nation. I would make it a cabinet post. Someone whose job it is to...uh..."de-brief the Executive branch" on a daily basis. Now perjuring yourself...welll...thats a bit different.
He lied to protect himself, his wife & his daughter.
I don't know a single man who wouldn't do the same.

You need some better friends......
I don't talk about friends or family on here. Having said that I still don't know a single man who wouldn't lie to protect his families dignity because of his own stupidity. If you know men that wouldn't do that then I don't know what to tell you.
Human nature doesn't know party lines

I don't get preachy, but a man who loved his wife and family wouldn't be getting blowjobs from an overweight and unattractive 22 year old intern. If a good man who loved his wife and family did make a mistake, he'd own up to it. That's what a MAN does-he OWNS IT. He doesn't continue lying after he's caught with the cum stained dress...he doesn't lie under oath and get impeached.
You live in the land of make believe bro lol

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