Who would be the monarch of America?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Who should rule our state?
Or why not a monarchy as a variant?
On the land that is now the united states of America we have had Haspburgs, Braganzas, Bourbons, Bonapartes, and Hanovers reign over the land. When the united states becomes a monarchy which house would be restored? Would there be a restoration at all or would there be an American monarch? Who do you think is most qualified? Would the Windsors take the place of the Hanovers? How do you think the house should be chosen?
This motherfucker should be the monarch:


The character not the actor. That would make the best ever comic book, TV show, movie series...

If you smeeeeeeeellllllllooooowwwwwww.... what I'm talkin' bout
Who should rule our state?
Or why not a monarchy as a variant?
On the land that is now the united states of America we have had Haspburgs, Braganzas, Bourbons, Bonapartes, and Hanovers reign over the land. When the united states becomes a monarchy which house would be restored? Would there be a restoration at all or would there be an American monarch? Who do you think is most qualified? Would the Windsors take the place of the Hanovers? How do you think the house should be chosen?

That would be the hanging upside down from the Oak outside the white house... still burning.
Who should rule our state?
Or why not a monarchy as a variant?
On the land that is now the united states of America we have had Haspburgs, Braganzas, Bourbons, Bonapartes, and Hanovers reign over the land. When the united states becomes a monarchy which house would be restored? Would there be a restoration at all or would there be an American monarch? Who do you think is most qualified? Would the Windsors take the place of the Hanovers? How do you think the house should be chosen?
King Barry and Queen Mooch. It's the right thing to do.
Who should rule our state?
Or why not a monarchy as a variant?
On the land that is now the united states of America we have had Haspburgs, Braganzas, Bourbons, Bonapartes, and Hanovers reign over the land. When the united states becomes a monarchy which house would be restored? Would there be a restoration at all or would there be an American monarch? Who do you think is most qualified? Would the Windsors take the place of the Hanovers? How do you think the house should be chosen?

I could see a consortium of political parties forming consensus on policy issues
through the social media, internet, and media/video conferencing.

Collectively, the consensus among the people would rule as the authority of law, enforcing
and fulfilling both the Constitutional/natural laws, as well as embracing the spirit of Equal Justice that the churches teach as Jesus authority as Lord of Lords or the Universal Law fulfilling all laws as One.

Secular leaders and members of civil society would see this as democratic rule by the PEOPLE.
Christians and religious leaders and members would see this as Jesus or God's will established among humanity. And they would both be right. Whatever is universal truth, justice and peace would be received by all freely as natural and true for all people. So that is what God's will represents, and Jesus as perfect justice making humanity one, whole and complete in harmony.
Political dynasties exist in democracies like the U.S., India, Japan, and the Philippines. Dynasties can be useful. The alternative is the spectacle of politicians constantly squabbling and jockeying for short term political advantage.

Nothing is worse than some poor boy who will do anything to claw his way to the top.

Some self-made men have no sympathy for anyone who failed to rise to the top. Such self-made men lack noblesse oblige.

A monarch might be found from one of these families: Top 10 American Political Dynasties - HowStuffWorks
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Mr.Right, Vigilante, and TemplarKormac in that order.

The Rabbi would be the Kingmaker, and Uncensored2008 would be the King's Hand.

Who would be the monarch of America?

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