Who wreaks more havoc on the American public...illegal aliens or cops? Are Dems sure they’re properly directing their outrage?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is this just another case of that weird twisted logic we often see from the Democrat Party?
LefTard Logic:
“This guy = GOOD”

“This guy = BAD”
A thug is a thug it doesn't matter how he dresses or adorns himself- the Empty Suits in the District(s) of Criminals across the Country dress in fancy clothes, Lawyers, Judges, the mafia, Bill Gates et al- trying to judge a book by it's cover is disingenuous, at best.
A thug is a thug it doesn't matter how he dresses or adorns himself- the Empty Suits in the District(s) of Criminals across the Country dress in fancy clothes, Lawyers, Judges, the mafia, Bill Gates et al- trying to judge a book by it's cover is disingenuous, at best.

Neat semantics and all but let’s keep this as simple as it actually is....”Who is a greater detriment to the American public....illegal aliens or cops”?
This is soooo SIMPLE....please allow to be
Neat semantics and all but let’s keep this as simple as it actually is....”Who is a greater detriment to the American public....illegal aliens or cops”?
This is soooo SIMPLE....please allow to be
No. It's not "simple" when you use derogatory pictures to inflame and elicit a desired result- that's what the media does. It's called being intellectually dishonest. And for the record, law writers cause more harm. In fact, they wrote the laws about restricting freedom on movement- the Right to pursue Happiness, which allows you to elicit and inflame with a stupid picture. I pointed out that thugs dress in different ways- and gave title to them. Some even wear a uniform, a badge, and carry a gun. They are referred to as Law enFORCEment officers- initiating force is thug like behavior, no matter how you're dressed.
No. It's not "simple" when you use derogatory pictures to inflame and elicit a desired result- that's what the media does. It's called being intellectually dishonest. And for the record, law writers cause more harm. In fact, they wrote the laws about restricting freedom on movement- the Right to pursue Happiness, which allows you to elicit and inflame with a stupid picture. I pointed out that thugs dress in different ways- and gave title to them. Some even wear a uniform, a badge, and carry a gun. They are referred to as Law enFORCEment officers- initiating force is thug like behavior, no matter how you're dressed.

More semantics...this thread isn’t about “law writers”
Stay focused, let’s try this again.....READY?
”Who is a greater detriment to the American public....illegal aliens or cops...Are Democrats sure they are properly directing their outrage”?
”Who is a greater detriment to the American public....illegal aliens or cops...Are Democrats sure they are properly directing their outrage”?
I believe I answered that question. That you're not getting the answer you want is tough-

BTW, semantics; words mean things or they don't. If not, why bother using them?
No. It's not "simple" when you use derogatory pictures to inflame and elicit a desired result- that's what the media does. It's called being intellectually dishonest. And for the record, law writers cause more harm. In fact, they wrote the laws about restricting freedom on movement- the Right to pursue Happiness, which allows you to elicit and inflame with a stupid picture. I pointed out that thugs dress in different ways- and gave title to them. Some even wear a uniform, a badge, and carry a gun. They are referred to as Law enFORCEment officers- initiating force is thug like behavior, no matter how you're dressed.
1. Is the "cash bail" system racist? Y/N
2. Do you want criminals left out on the street after being arrested for robbery or rape so they can do it again?
3. So agree law writers generally cause more harm than street thugs
4. If you were a cop and had to arrest a violent thug or gang member, the use of force is justified.
5. The OP is trying to make a point that street gangs are being supported by democrats, such as "red flag" laws, except for gang members
6. Biden's policies stop all deportations, such as of violent gang members
7. Democrats want to defund or disband police departments
8. Sometimes, like in the OP, the photos do make an obvious point. Democrats find gangs good, and policemen bad, it is that simple.
I believe I answered that question. That you're not getting the answer you want is tough-

BTW, semantics; words mean things or they don't. If not, why bother using them?

WTF...it’s like you’re reading and responding to a different OP.
The question posed was NOT...“what is the greatest detriment to the American public?”
Are you okay bud? Do you always stray off and respond to questions with an answer that isn’t even applicable to the question?
WTF...it’s like you’re reading and responding to a different OP.
The question posed was NOT...“what is the greatest detriment to the American public?”
Are you okay bud? Do you always stray off and respond to questions with an answer that isn’t even applicable to the question?
I'm fine! You?
A thug is a thug it doesn't matter how he dresses or adorns himself- the Empty Suits in the District(s) of Criminals across the Country dress in fancy clothes, Lawyers, Judges, the mafia, Bill Gates et al- trying to judge a book by it's cover is disingenuous, at best.

Is that so? Okay. If you are walking down a dark downtown street late at night, and somebody is approaching you, which one of those two would you hope it will be?
MOST times they are used to elicit an emotional reaction.
1. Agreed, the photos elicit an emotional reaction, but is it pro-police and fearful of gang members, or pro-gang members and fearful of police?
2. The problem is that the democrats are promoting criminal behavior.
3. The police membership are supporting Trump in 2020 and not democrats, first time ever they oppose democrats, you surprised??
1. Agreed, the photos elicit an emotional reaction, but is it pro-police and fearful of gang members, or pro-gang members and fearful of police?
2. The problem is that the democrats are promoting criminal behavior.
3. The police membership are supporting Trump in 2020 and not democrats, first time ever they oppose democrats, you surprised??

Exactly, just like the border patrol did the same. They never backed any political candidate before Trump.
We do love simplistic, binary, "either/or" questions so that we can avoid looking in the mirror.

The actual answer, of course, is that we have to address ALL elements of ALL issues. But nutters don't have the balls to do that.

Self proclaimed “deep thinkers” are really just ignorant fools with no intent to truly solve problems. The dumbasses need to believe that ALL issues are complex as navigating through complexities makes them feel intellectual.
The truth is; all legitimate, real problem solvers will always reduce and simplify all issues as they actually seek resolution.
Neat semantics and all but let’s keep this as simple as it actually is....”Who is a greater detriment to the American public....illegal aliens or cops”?
This is soooo SIMPLE....please allow to be

Actually, it's not simple at all. The police have the authority of the state when they commit violence, so when the use violence against the innocent, that involves all of us.

I know you are still mad that the girl you were stalking married a Mexican, but you need to get over it.

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