Who you gonna believe: The Nuge or Muad Hogg?

Muad Hogg is Anthony Fremont at 17:
that's quite a defense *he's not a pedophile, he's a hebephile*


Did he act her against her will? Did her parents not consent to their relationship?

Seriously, equating this situation with actual child abuse demeans the real victims of child abuse.

so it's okay to fuck children if their parents are okay with it?

that's an interesting pov

and by interesting, i mean sick and twisted

And yet you support 17 year olds determining our rights under the Constitution.

Go figure.

You silly RWNJ. The supreme court does that. Hogg just doesn't want to die at school. Doesn't sound like an unreasonable desire to me.

Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.
Muad Hogg is Anthony Fremont at 17:
Did he act her against her will? Did her parents not consent to their relationship?

Seriously, equating this situation with actual child abuse demeans the real victims of child abuse.

so it's okay to fuck children if their parents are okay with it?

that's an interesting pov

and by interesting, i mean sick and twisted

And yet you support 17 year olds determining our rights under the Constitution.

Go figure.

You silly RWNJ. The supreme court does that. Hogg just doesn't want to die at school. Doesn't sound like an unreasonable desire to me.

Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget, nor does it have the power to write legislation.
so it's okay to fuck children if their parents are okay with it?

that's an interesting pov

and by interesting, i mean sick and twisted

And yet you support 17 year olds determining our rights under the Constitution.

Go figure.

You silly RWNJ. The supreme court does that. Hogg just doesn't want to die at school. Doesn't sound like an unreasonable desire to me.

Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget.

Yet they are what the founding fathers set up to interpret the constitution.
And yet you support 17 year olds determining our rights under the Constitution.

Go figure.

You silly RWNJ. The supreme court does that. Hogg just doesn't want to die at school. Doesn't sound like an unreasonable desire to me.

Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget.

Yet they are what the founding fathers set up to interpret the constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution give the SC the powers to violate The Constitution. If a politically motivated court decided to take away the rights of black to vote, that would not be legal. The same principle applies to the 2A.
You silly RWNJ. The supreme court does that. Hogg just doesn't want to die at school. Doesn't sound like an unreasonable desire to me.

Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget.

Yet they are what the founding fathers set up to interpret the constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution give the SC the powers to violate The Constitution. If a politically motivated court decided to take away the rights of black to vote, that would not be legal. The same principle applies to the 2A.

You're in way over your head. Go back to talking about your support of grown men who bang children. I have a feeling you are more informed about that subject.
Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget.

Yet they are what the founding fathers set up to interpret the constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution give the SC the powers to violate The Constitution. If a politically motivated court decided to take away the rights of black to vote, that would not be legal. The same principle applies to the 2A.

You're in way over your head. Go back to talking about your support of grown men who bang children. I have a feeling you are more informed about that subject.

You should get back to your teabaggin' hun. Your brain is stopped up from lack of sex.
The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget.

Yet they are what the founding fathers set up to interpret the constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution give the SC the powers to violate The Constitution. If a politically motivated court decided to take away the rights of black to vote, that would not be legal. The same principle applies to the 2A.

You're in way over your head. Go back to talking about your support of grown men who bang children. I have a feeling you are more informed about that subject.

You should get back to your teabaggin' hun. Your brain is stopped up from lack of sex.

If you insist. Open wide.
Poor boedicca - Watches in horror as thread dies a horrible death


Yes, it's always a shame when you make and appearance and stink up a thread.

But there are plenty of place to post where you are not ruining the fun.
I'll go with The Nuge. Any man who can kill and field dress food for his family is far more credible than a whinging legend in his own mind teenager.

Ted Nugent, the sometime classic rocker and current NRA board member, is speaking out about the new generation of gun reform advocates: the “pathetic” teenage “liars” who survived the deadly massacre last month at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

“These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul,” he said Friday on Newsmax’s “The Joe Pags Show.”

“The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies,” he said after watching clips of Parkland mass-shooting survivors such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez who have become leading advocates of legislation to curb gun violence in the U.S.

“I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless,” he said, in a clip first circulated by Media Matters. “To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless.”...

NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Calls Parkland Student Activists Liars: 'They Have No Soul'

Yes, go with the lunatic who brags about having sex with underage girls, over the sane, well spoken student leader.

So conservative if you.

Teddly never needed to brag about pussy. It's what happens in rock n roll.


Hogg is an asshole. A living asshole for every fudge packer media dude.

I'll note that Muad Hogg is likely using his newfound celebrity to Get Laid.

It fits in with my theory on prog protestors:

1. The behind the scenes big money folks pull the strings.
2. The organizers are career agitators who take on whatever cause will undermine our civil society.
3. The spokesmodels are useful idiots who are glamoured by their sudden fame (and access to sexual favors), and then discarded once they are no longer useful (Cindy Sheehan, anyone?)
4. The masses are there to have fun, let off steam, get high and get laid.
It's fascinating to watch how hard the NRA and their blood cultists are trying to denigrate these teens.....they are scared....very very scared.

If a bunch of teens were being promoted by the Media to end the right to gay marriage or to have you thrown in jail for being a lesbian, I suspect you'd be horrified by them.

Yes, because they’d be promoting bigotry and hate. Instead they are promoting common sense gun laws, stronger background checks and an end to the sale of semi-automatic weapons. How hateful of them.
I'll go with The Nuge. Any man who can kill and field dress food for his family is far more credible than a whinging legend in his own mind teenager.

Ted Nugent, the sometime classic rocker and current NRA board member, is speaking out about the new generation of gun reform advocates: the “pathetic” teenage “liars” who survived the deadly massacre last month at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

“These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul,” he said Friday on Newsmax’s “The Joe Pags Show.”

“The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies,” he said after watching clips of Parkland mass-shooting survivors such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez who have become leading advocates of legislation to curb gun violence in the U.S.

“I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless,” he said, in a clip first circulated by Media Matters. “To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless.”...

NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Calls Parkland Student Activists Liars: 'They Have No Soul'

Yes, go with the lunatic who brags about having sex with underage girls, over the sane, well spoken student leader.

So conservative if you.

Teddly never needed to brag about pussy. It's what happens in rock n roll.


Hogg is an asshole. A living asshole for every fudge packer media dude.

I'll note that Muad Hogg is likely using his newfound celebrity to Get Laid.

It fits in with my theory on prog protestors:

1. The behind the scenes big money folks pull the strings.
2. The organizers are career agitators who take on whatever cause will undermine our civil society.
3. The spokesmodels are useful idiots who are glamoured by their sudden fame (and access to sexual favors), and then discarded once they are no longer useful (Cindy Sheehan, anyone?)
4. The masses are there to have fun, let off steam, get high and get laid.
Your thread is disgusting. Right up with the worst I've seen. By all means, keep at it. The more extreme nonsense you insist on flinging, the more sane people will ignore you.
You will get nowhere with this.
Yes, go with the lunatic who brags about having sex with underage girls, over the sane, well spoken student leader.

So conservative if you.

Teddly never needed to brag about pussy. It's what happens in rock n roll.


Hogg is an asshole. A living asshole for every fudge packer media dude.

I'll note that Muad Hogg is likely using his newfound celebrity to Get Laid.

It fits in with my theory on prog protestors:

1. The behind the scenes big money folks pull the strings.
2. The organizers are career agitators who take on whatever cause will undermine our civil society.
3. The spokesmodels are useful idiots who are glamoured by their sudden fame (and access to sexual favors), and then discarded once they are no longer useful (Cindy Sheehan, anyone?)
4. The masses are there to have fun, let off steam, get high and get laid.
It's fascinating to watch how hard the NRA and their blood cultists are trying to denigrate these teens.....they are scared....very very scared.

If a bunch of teens were being promoted by the Media to end the right to gay marriage or to have you thrown in jail for being a lesbian, I suspect you'd be horrified by them.

Yes, because they’d be promoting bigotry and hate. Instead they are promoting common sense gun laws, stronger background checks and an end to the sale of semi-automatic weapons. How hateful of them.

Sophistry. It's not common sense. It's hateful bigotry towards law-abiding gun owners.
I'll go with The Nuge. Any man who can kill and field dress food for his family is far more credible than a whinging legend in his own mind teenager.

Ted Nugent, the sometime classic rocker and current NRA board member, is speaking out about the new generation of gun reform advocates: the “pathetic” teenage “liars” who survived the deadly massacre last month at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

“These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul,” he said Friday on Newsmax’s “The Joe Pags Show.”

“The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies,” he said after watching clips of Parkland mass-shooting survivors such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez who have become leading advocates of legislation to curb gun violence in the U.S.

“I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless,” he said, in a clip first circulated by Media Matters. “To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless.”...

NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Calls Parkland Student Activists Liars: 'They Have No Soul'

Yes, go with the lunatic who brags about having sex with underage girls, over the sane, well spoken student leader.

So conservative if you.

Teddly never needed to brag about pussy. It's what happens in rock n roll.


Hogg is an asshole. A living asshole for every fudge packer media dude.

I'll note that Muad Hogg is likely using his newfound celebrity to Get Laid.

It fits in with my theory on prog protestors:

1. The behind the scenes big money folks pull the strings.
2. The organizers are career agitators who take on whatever cause will undermine our civil society.
3. The spokesmodels are useful idiots who are glamoured by their sudden fame (and access to sexual favors), and then discarded once they are no longer useful (Cindy Sheehan, anyone?)
4. The masses are there to have fun, let off steam, get high and get laid.
Your thread is disgusting. Right up with the worst I've seen. By all means, keep at it. The more extreme nonsense you insist on flinging, the more sane people will ignore you.
You will get nowhere with this.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzz.

Your Church Lady imitation is pretty lame.


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