Who you gonna believe: The Nuge or Muad Hogg?

These kids are just being used. Pretty much clueless and just repeating the same tired BS the left has been for years.

Hogg is an opportunist. He had a shot at the national stage and took it. His position in the Communist party is now cemented. He will be able to steal with impunity the rest of his life as part of the party elite.


Brilliant retort Comrade.

So Herr Goebbels, what exactly did I get wrong? :dunno:
How many died in Parkland because Obama got rid of School Discipline via his Race Baiting policy?
NONE. Cruz is WHITE!!!!!

I suggest you read up on the policy of punishment and awards that the Obabble admin put in place to curtail discipline of minority students. This resulted in the failures to discipline Cruz (who has a conveniently hispanic surname).

Here's your chance - Take it!

He wasn't just calling Hogg soulless. He was painting all the kids that way.

He's right. The "leaders" (we know that Soros is the actual leader) of the "kids" have sold their souls for a chance at fame and fortune as party shills. Now the bull dyke ain't going to make it. She frankly repulses people. But Hogg could be another Barry Obama, groomed by the party for the top levels of power - not real power of course, but for show power like president or another type of actor.

Muad Hogg will either become a Professional Organizer or...

How many died in Parkland because Obama got rid of School Discipline via his Race Baiting policy?
NONE. Cruz is WHITE!!!!!

I suggest you read up on the policy of punishment and awards that the Obabble admin put in place to curtail discipline of minority students. This resulted in the failures to discipline Cruz (who has a conveniently hispanic surname).

Here's your chance - Take it!


You first, hun. And really, posting images of yourself is not a good idea in this day and age of Total Faceborg Surveillance.
How many died in Parkland because Obama got rid of School Discipline via his Race Baiting policy?
NONE. Cruz is WHITE!!!!!

I suggest you read up on the policy of punishment and awards that the Obabble admin put in place to curtail discipline of minority students. This resulted in the failures to discipline Cruz (who has a conveniently hispanic surname).

Here's your chance - Take it!


DerRpHate, have you ever posted anything on topic or meaningful?

Of course not, you're just a Maoist troll.
He wasn't just calling Hogg soulless. He was painting all the kids that way.

He's right. The "leaders" (we know that Soros is the actual leader) of the "kids" have sold their souls for a chance at fame and fortune as party shills. Now the bull dyke ain't going to make it. She frankly repulses people. But Hogg could be another Barry Obama, groomed by the party for the top levels of power - not real power of course, but for show power like president or another type of actor.

Muad Hogg will either become a Professional Organizer or...

View attachment 185688

I'm sure you thought that would be a killer post before you pressed the enter button, didn't you?
How many died in Parkland because Obama got rid of School Discipline via his Race Baiting policy?
NONE. Cruz is WHITE!!!!!

I suggest you read up on the policy of punishment and awards that the Obabble admin put in place to curtail discipline of minority students. This resulted in the failures to discipline Cruz (who has a conveniently hispanic surname).

Here's your chance - Take it!


Damn it, I'll never be able un see that you bastard.
How many died in Parkland because Obama got rid of School Discipline via his Race Baiting policy?
NONE. Cruz is WHITE!!!!!

I suggest you read up on the policy of punishment and awards that the Obabble admin put in place to curtail discipline of minority students. This resulted in the failures to discipline Cruz (who has a conveniently hispanic surname).

Here's your chance - Take it!


Damn it, I'll never be able un see that you bastard.

She looks more bitch than bastard. Who knew that DeRpLove was a Trans?
He wasn't just calling Hogg soulless. He was painting all the kids that way.

He's right. The "leaders" (we know that Soros is the actual leader) of the "kids" have sold their souls for a chance at fame and fortune as party shills. Now the bull dyke ain't going to make it. She frankly repulses people. But Hogg could be another Barry Obama, groomed by the party for the top levels of power - not real power of course, but for show power like president or another type of actor.

Muad Hogg will either become a Professional Organizer or...

View attachment 185688

In all seriousness, he is now part of the party. He actually made a smart move. The party will care for him the rest of his life.

All he had to do was trade his soul.
He wasn't just calling Hogg soulless. He was painting all the kids that way.

He's right. The "leaders" (we know that Soros is the actual leader) of the "kids" have sold their souls for a chance at fame and fortune as party shills. Now the bull dyke ain't going to make it. She frankly repulses people. But Hogg could be another Barry Obama, groomed by the party for the top levels of power - not real power of course, but for show power like president or another type of actor.

Muad Hogg will either become a Professional Organizer or...

View attachment 185688

In all seriousness, he is now part of the party. He actually made a smart move. The party will care for him the rest of his life.

All he had to do was trade his soul.

What did Nugent have to trade? His sanity?
He wasn't just calling Hogg soulless. He was painting all the kids that way.

He's right. The "leaders" (we know that Soros is the actual leader) of the "kids" have sold their souls for a chance at fame and fortune as party shills. Now the bull dyke ain't going to make it. She frankly repulses people. But Hogg could be another Barry Obama, groomed by the party for the top levels of power - not real power of course, but for show power like president or another type of actor.

Muad Hogg will either become a Professional Organizer or...

View attachment 185688

In all seriousness, he is now part of the party. He actually made a smart move. The party will care for him the rest of his life.

All he had to do was trade his soul.

Which is the point the Nuge is making. It remains to be seen how much shelf-life Muad Hogg actually has. He appears to be emotionally unstable, which could turn him into a liability.
He wasn't just calling Hogg soulless. He was painting all the kids that way.

He's right. The "leaders" (we know that Soros is the actual leader) of the "kids" have sold their souls for a chance at fame and fortune as party shills. Now the bull dyke ain't going to make it. She frankly repulses people. But Hogg could be another Barry Obama, groomed by the party for the top levels of power - not real power of course, but for show power like president or another type of actor.

Muad Hogg will either become a Professional Organizer or...

View attachment 185688

In all seriousness, he is now part of the party. He actually made a smart move. The party will care for him the rest of his life.

All he had to do was trade his soul.

Which is the point the Nuge is making. It remains to be seen how much shelf-life Muad Hogg actually has. He appears to be emotionally unstable, which could turn him into a liability.

Emotionally unstable? Compared to the hero of this thread?
What did Nugent have to trade? His sanity?

Telling the truth requires sacrifice. What did Nugent trade to be an advocate for civil rights against you Stalinists? His position as one of the greatest guitar players in history to start with. You Communists black ball anyone who speaks against the party. Nugent is black listed by virtually every entertainment venue for holding political views that support America and the Constitution.
How many died in Parkland because Obama got rid of School Discipline via his Race Baiting policy?
NONE. Cruz is WHITE!!!!!

I suggest you read up on the policy of punishment and awards that the Obabble admin put in place to curtail discipline of minority students. This resulted in the failures to discipline Cruz (who has a conveniently hispanic surname).
So an adopted white kid is now a minority to the Right because he has a hispanic last name. :cuckoo:

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