Who you gonna believe: The Nuge or Muad Hogg?

I don't know what Ted Nugent did or did not do, but what someone writes in the lyrics of a song is not necessarily something they have done or would do. I would have thought that would be obvious.

He's admitted it .. enjoy

He didn't admit to sex with a 13 year old in there, which is what the song lyrics you quoted earlier talked about.

I think bringing up song lyrics is pretty silly when talking about what a person may have done. I have listened to (and written) many lyrics which are in no way based on real events; things far more heinous than the lyrics from any Ted Nugent song. I'm a death metal fan: if song lyrics necessarily indicated what the authors actually do, this would be a world of corpses. :p

Nugent may have been screwing underage girls for his entire career. Using his lyrics as evidence of that just seems a bit silly.
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These kids are just being used. Pretty much clueless and just repeating the same tired BS the left has been for years.
They are being paid so they are no longer children

Ann Althouse nails it: if kids are immune from criticism, then adults will use them as puppets to promote their agendas.

I don't know how much the post-Parkland protesters are acting directly from their own hearts — it's politically expedient to see them as saints! — but if they are protected from criticism, it creates a dangerous incentive to adults who want immunity from criticism.

There are so many children around, and it is the way of the world for millennia to seize upon these handy little creatures — they're everywhere! — and use them to do the work adults want done. I'm not saying that's what's already happened with the post-Parkland protesters, just that the kid-gloves treatment of these vocal participants in the public dialogue sends a message to conniving adults that there's a special benefit to using children....

Althouse: If we give immunity from criticism to children — such as David Hogg, et al. — then adults will rely on children to do what adults want done.
I don't know what Ted Nugent did or did not do, but what someone writes in the lyrics of a song is not necessarily something they have done or would do. I would have thought that would be obvious.

He's admitted it .. enjoy

He didn't admit to sex with a 13 year old in there, which is what the song lyrics you quoted earlier talked about.

I think bringing up song lyrics is pretty silly when talking about what a person may have done. I have listened to (and written) many lyrics which are in no way based on real events; things far more heinous than the lyrics from any Ted Nugent song. I'm a death metal fan, if song lyrics necessarily indicated what the authors actually do, this would be a world of corpses. :p

Nugent may have been screwing underage girls for his entire career. Using his lyrics as evidence of that just seems a bit silly.

Of course it's silly, especially since he has bragged about it so many times in public.
so it's okay to fuck children if their parents are okay with it?

that's an interesting pov

and by interesting, i mean sick and twisted

And yet you support 17 year olds determining our rights under the Constitution.

Go figure.

You silly RWNJ. The supreme court does that. Hogg just doesn't want to die at school. Doesn't sound like an unreasonable desire to me.

Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget, nor does it have the power to write legislation.
You are correct...the Supreme Court isn't infallible...but they are the last stop on Constitutionality.
How many died in Parkland because Obama got rid of School Discipline via his Race Baiting policy?
NONE. Cruz is WHITE!!!!!

I suggest you read up on the policy of punishment and awards that the Obabble admin put in place to curtail discipline of minority students. This resulted in the failures to discipline Cruz (who has a conveniently hispanic surname).
These kids are just being used. Pretty much clueless and just repeating the same tired BS the left has been for years.
They are being paid so they are no longer children

Ann Althouse nails it: if kids are immune from criticism, then adults will use them as puppets to promote their agendas.

I don't know how much the post-Parkland protesters are acting directly from their own hearts — it's politically expedient to see them as saints! — but if they are protected from criticism, it creates a dangerous incentive to adults who want immunity from criticism.

There are so many children around, and it is the way of the world for millennia to seize upon these handy little creatures — they're everywhere! — and use them to do the work adults want done. I'm not saying that's what's already happened with the post-Parkland protesters, just that the kid-gloves treatment of these vocal participants in the public dialogue sends a message to conniving adults that there's a special benefit to using children....

Althouse: If we give immunity from criticism to children — such as David Hogg, et al. — then adults will rely on children to do what adults want done.

From the way they dealt with Ingraham, it doesn't look like they need immunity. How does it feel for a kid to kick the ass of that Ann Coulter wannabe?
And yet you support 17 year olds determining our rights under the Constitution.

Go figure.

You silly RWNJ. The supreme court does that. Hogg just doesn't want to die at school. Doesn't sound like an unreasonable desire to me.

Silly Wabbit. The Supreme Court does not change the Constitution.

It takes a super majority in Congress and 3/4 of the states to pass an amendment.

The SC determines what the constitution says about those rights dumb ass.

The SC is not infallible, you sad little knigget, nor does it have the power to write legislation.
You are correct...the Supreme Court isn't infallible...but they are the last stop on Constitutionality.

Actually, a Constitutional Convention is the real last stop.
I'll go with The Nuge. Any man who can kill and field dress food for his family is far more credible than a whinging legend in his own mind teenager.

Ted Nugent, the sometime classic rocker and current NRA board member, is speaking out about the new generation of gun reform advocates: the “pathetic” teenage “liars” who survived the deadly massacre last month at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

“These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul,” he said Friday on Newsmax’s “The Joe Pags Show.”

“The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies,” he said after watching clips of Parkland mass-shooting survivors such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez who have become leading advocates of legislation to curb gun violence in the U.S.

“I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless,” he said, in a clip first circulated by Media Matters. “To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless.”...

NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Calls Parkland Student Activists Liars: 'They Have No Soul'

Yes, go with the lunatic who brags about having sex with underage girls, over the sane, well spoken student leader.

So conservative if you.

Teddly never needed to brag about pussy. It's what happens in rock n roll.


Hogg is an asshole. A living asshole for every fudge packer media dude.

I'll note that Muad Hogg is likely using his newfound celebrity to Get Laid.

It fits in with my theory on prog protestors:

1. The behind the scenes big money folks pull the strings.
2. The organizers are career agitators who take on whatever cause will undermine our civil society.
3. The spokesmodels are useful idiots who are glamoured by their sudden fame (and access to sexual favors), and then discarded once they are no longer useful (Cindy Sheehan, anyone?)
4. The masses are there to have fun, let off steam, get high and get laid.
Your thread is disgusting. Right up with the worst I've seen. By all means, keep at it. The more extreme nonsense you insist on flinging, the more sane people will ignore you.
You will get nowhere with this.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzz.

Your Church Lady imitation is pretty lame.

View attachment 185682
Sorry, dear, I forgot to say

These kids are just being used. Pretty much clueless and just repeating the same tired BS the left has been for years.
They are being paid so they are no longer children

Ann Althouse nails it: if kids are immune from criticism, then adults will use them as puppets to promote their agendas.

I don't know how much the post-Parkland protesters are acting directly from their own hearts — it's politically expedient to see them as saints! — but if they are protected from criticism, it creates a dangerous incentive to adults who want immunity from criticism.

There are so many children around, and it is the way of the world for millennia to seize upon these handy little creatures — they're everywhere! — and use them to do the work adults want done. I'm not saying that's what's already happened with the post-Parkland protesters, just that the kid-gloves treatment of these vocal participants in the public dialogue sends a message to conniving adults that there's a special benefit to using children....

Althouse: If we give immunity from criticism to children — such as David Hogg, et al. — then adults will rely on children to do what adults want done.
There's criticism and then there's poo flinging. You are all acting like excited monkeys. I never hear anyone on these threads point out what Hogg is supposedly LYING about when he calls for reasonable gun control. The actual message is moderate until you fools get your hands on it.
Yes, go with the lunatic who brags about having sex with underage girls, over the sane, well spoken student leader.

So conservative if you.

Teddly never needed to brag about pussy. It's what happens in rock n roll.


Hogg is an asshole. A living asshole for every fudge packer media dude.

I'll note that Muad Hogg is likely using his newfound celebrity to Get Laid.

It fits in with my theory on prog protestors:

1. The behind the scenes big money folks pull the strings.
2. The organizers are career agitators who take on whatever cause will undermine our civil society.
3. The spokesmodels are useful idiots who are glamoured by their sudden fame (and access to sexual favors), and then discarded once they are no longer useful (Cindy Sheehan, anyone?)
4. The masses are there to have fun, let off steam, get high and get laid.
Your thread is disgusting. Right up with the worst I've seen. By all means, keep at it. The more extreme nonsense you insist on flinging, the more sane people will ignore you.
You will get nowhere with this.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzz.

Your Church Lady imitation is pretty lame.

View attachment 185682
Sorry, dear, I forgot to say

These kids are just being used. Pretty much clueless and just repeating the same tired BS the left has been for years.
They are being paid so they are no longer children

Ann Althouse nails it: if kids are immune from criticism, then adults will use them as puppets to promote their agendas.

I don't know how much the post-Parkland protesters are acting directly from their own hearts — it's politically expedient to see them as saints! — but if they are protected from criticism, it creates a dangerous incentive to adults who want immunity from criticism.

There are so many children around, and it is the way of the world for millennia to seize upon these handy little creatures — they're everywhere! — and use them to do the work adults want done. I'm not saying that's what's already happened with the post-Parkland protesters, just that the kid-gloves treatment of these vocal participants in the public dialogue sends a message to conniving adults that there's a special benefit to using children....

Althouse: If we give immunity from criticism to children — such as David Hogg, et al. — then adults will rely on children to do what adults want done.
There's criticism and then there's poo flinging. You are all acting like excited monkeys. I never hear anyone on these threads point out what Hogg is supposedly LYING about when he calls for reasonable gun control. The actual message is moderate until you fools get your hands on it.

Oh snap. Well played on your first sentence.

Hogg is not calling for reasonable gun control. He is using his 15 minutes of fame to attack people who criticize his POV.
He wasn't just calling Hogg soulless. He was painting all the kids that way.

He's right. The "leaders" (we know that Soros is the actual leader) of the "kids" have sold their souls for a chance at fame and fortune as party shills. Now the bull dyke ain't going to make it. She frankly repulses people. But Hogg could be another Barry Obama, groomed by the party for the top levels of power - not real power of course, but for show power like president or another type of actor.
Poor boedicca - Watches in horror as thread dies a horrible death


It seems that rumors of this thread's demise are highly exagerated.


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