who you vote for says everything about you

What, as a right-leaner you don't think I have a right to speak to the issue, your way or the highway is it?

Fuck off.
my, aren't we angry... over w hat?

I told you the truth about yourself?

oh dear me... I need to stop and start being nice... and yet you like when Trump speaks the not-always-pleasant truth...

my, aren't we angry... over w hat?

I told you the truth about yourself?

oh dear me... I need to stop and start being nice... and yet you like when Trump speaks the not-always-pleasant truth...

Mad at some nameless entity on the internet? Ha! Not hardly.

You asked for a right-leaning opinion and I gave you one.

Evidently that didn't square with you so yeah, you can fuck right off.....You are not helping. The gop loses because of people like you who won't put the stick out from their ass.
I'm not inclined to vote for shitty candidates, regardless of party.

What does one do when only one of two shitty candidates will be the next POTUS, nobody else? Aren't there policy differences between the 2? If nothing else, the next president (2025-2029) might possibly nominate one or more supreme court justices, and there will be significant differences between who gets nominated pending on who the next president is. Just that consideration alone ought to require a decision for who to vote for. Beyond that, there will be different executive actions taken, perhaps some legislation might be vetoed or not vetoed depending on who is in the White House, and changes in the direction of various executive agencies under the president's control.

This thread's premise is that who a person votes for says a lot about that person. Well, IMHO so does the decision to not vote at all. I get it, we are faced with voting for somebody (if it's Biden vs Trump) that we really don't want to be our next president. But - suck it up buttercup. Letting other people decide for you isn't the way we should be doing things. A lotta people are okay with that, but to me it's a responsibility that ought not to be forsaken.
Jesus Christ isn't running

and it is totally irresponsible to not vote. To act like 2 candidates are exactly... what? clones of ea other?

is absolutely ridiculous

sounds like an excuse and a damn poor one
Lesser of two evils is poison. It's destroying the nation. Or rather, the fools who fall for it are destroying the nation.
What does one do when only one of two shitty candidates will be the next POTUS, nobody else?
That's not a given. It will only happen if idiots vote for them. They probably will, but I won't be joining them.

I'll vote for the candidate I think is best, regardless of what the partisans tell me to do.

The bottom line here is that Biden, Trump and Desantis would all be horrible for the country. Each of them would drag us further into the shit hole. I'm not voting for a candidate I know to be bad, simply for the privilege of deciding which shit hole we go down.
If you voted for Joe Potatohead, Crooked Hillary, The Worthless Negro, Traitor Kerry or Slick Willy then that is proof you are an idiot.
Not at all. I just value my vote too much to throw it away on a bad candidate.
you are being totally illogical

if you don't vote, others obviously will and then all the control you may have had is capoot. I've heard of situations in which a person won by one or two votes (not presidential elections but all elections are important)
if you don't vote, others obviously will and then all the control you may have had is capoot. I've heard of situations in which a person won by one or two votes (not presidential elections but all elections are important)
You can save all the excuses and gyrations. I'm not voting for your shitty candidate. Come up with someone better and I'll consider it.
Maybe this is why some people decide to not vote at all period.

God bless you always!!!

it's dumb not to vote, unless you just will never, ever complain about how things are being run by those candidates you had issues with... even though all of them have issues you don't like (that's life anyhow)

makes no sense... not good for our country to have numerous people abstaining from voting
You can save all the excuses and gyrations. I'm not voting for your shitty candidate. Come up with someone better and I'll consider it.
I think people who call others, even those who OBVIOUSLY have good qualities (helped overturn Roe...) names like that are

well, they appear to be that themselves...

They also appear to be UN-informed.. misinformed, a little of both

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