Whoa smoker! Parents of Seal Team Six Soldier Skewer Obama:You are not up to this Job.

No, my statement is,, that the parents are not up to the job of being president of the USA...
Man-o-man, the kissing up is getting so lame it's embarrassing
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As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives. As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

a little projection of latent animosity -

what makes them think Obama was ( slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies )

maybe someone might fill them in on who was responsible for starting the Iraq war and who was responsible for ending it.

^ that

This is a Rightard "call to action/hate & fear" piece. :yawn: Would've thought tinyd would outgrow this drivel aimed at mouth-breathing, ODS sufferers.
Holy toledo! The Vaughns have just ripped Obama a couple of new orifices with this letter demanding the President's resignation. It is to the point. No mincing of words. I have no doubt that this family of a fallen soldier are not alone.

"On Monday, the Vaughns wrote a letter, calling out Mr Obama's decision to go golfing after holding an important press conference on the Foley video.

'As Commander-in-Chief, your actions - or lack thereof - Mr President, cost lives.

'As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole — not only in America’s security — but the security of the entire globe.

'Your message has come across loud and clear, sir: You are not up to this job. You know it. We know it. The world knows it,' the Vaughns wrote in the letter published on World Tribune. "


'As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole,' the Vaughns said of President Obama's decision to play a round after holding a press conference on the Foley tragedy'

You are not up to this job Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call for President Obama s resignation Mail Online
How are they qualified to make such a call?

We are ALL qualified to have an opinion you dumb fuck.
Oh...so it's simply an opinion...like any other in America. Ok...carry on.

No, your opinion is simply an opinion. Their's has got tremendous weight behind it. In fact I'm about to head over to twitter now where their letter is probably being retweeted thousands and thousands of times. Do you think your dumb ass post on this subject would be? Ummmm, NO.

No, my statement is,, that the parents are not up to the job of being president of the USA...
anyone.., and i do mean ANYONE, could do a better job than the illegal alien muslime mulatto is doing as president, also.., anyone can bumble about on a goofcourse. :up: ........ :lmao:

You couldn't get elected as a dog catcher for a city....
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The parent's damn sure are not up to the job...

SmarterThanTheAverageBear said:
What job are they not up to? They raised a fucking SEAL. I'd say they did something right.

EconChick said:
Hey, come on now. After I told Moonglow I spent a lot of time in Iraq, he actually said to me, "but I was a Soldier" as if that was so much more important that what I was doing, or more important than the 10 years I spent in the military myself.

That's one "agree". :thup:

EconChick said:
Nothing's as important or more important than whatever he did as a soldier. Not even Green Berets or SEALs.

Sarcasm detector on. And that's a "disagree".

EconChick said:
His posts are the most childlike posts you'll see on this board.

I disagree.

So in summary, that's two disagreeable points to one agreeable one.

That means you get a "disagree" from the sharts.

Do you always agree with hearsay? In the second degree??
No one "cast her off like garbage". I saw her six months ago, she's doing fine.

The Democratic turned on her after they used up her sympathy card and she started attacking Democrats publicly.

I'm not sure after losing your child you are ever fine.
No one "cast her off like garbage". I saw her six months ago, she's doing fine.

The Democratic turned on her after they used up her sympathy card and she started attacking Democrats publicly.

I'm not sure after losing your child you are ever fine.
How did the Democrats turn on Sheehan? Can you give some examples of such?
As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives. As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

a little projection of latent animosity -

what makes them think Obama was ( slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies )

maybe someone might fill them in on who was responsible for starting the Iraq war and who was responsible for ending it.

Yes..he ended it and because of his quick withdrawal of all of our troops for political purposes he left the door wide open for ISIS to come in and kill tens of thousands of Syrians and Iragis. So now we are involved again anyway. Of course...according to Obama...this came on suddenly and he did not know about it even though he was briefed daily on it for several months. It is hard to believe anything this President or his administration says and anything they say or do is based on political gain and NOT what is best for the Country. It is about time that we have ALL politicians put COUNTRY FIRST.
As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives. As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

a little projection of latent animosity -

what makes them think Obama was ( slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies )

maybe someone might fill them in on who was responsible for starting the Iraq war and who was responsible for ending it.

Yes..he ended it and because of his quick withdrawal of all of our troops for political purposes he left the door wide open for ISIS to come in and kill tens of thousands of Syrians and Iragis. So now we are involved again anyway. Of course...according to Obama...this came on suddenly and he did not know about it even though he was briefed daily on it for several months. It is hard to believe anything this President or his administration says and anything they say or do is based on political gain and NOT what is best for the Country. It is about time that we have ALL politicians put COUNTRY FIRST.

ISIL started in Syria.. Not Iraq, and spread to Iraq.. We spent billions training an Army in Iraq that threw down it's weapons and ran. An Iraqi leader of a nation that alienated the opposition and forced them out and this is Oblama's fault how?
Yes..he ended it and because of his quick withdrawal of all of our troops for political purposes he left the door wide open for ISIS to come in and kill tens of thousands of Syrians and Iragis. So now we are involved again anyway. Of course...according to Obama...this came on suddenly and he did not know about it even though he was briefed daily on it for several months. It is hard to believe anything this President or his administration says and anything they say or do is based on political gain and NOT what is best for the Country. It is about time that we have ALL politicians put COUNTRY FIRST.

ISIL started in Syria.. Not Iraq, and spread to Iraq.. We spent billions training an Army in Iraq that threw down it's weapons and ran. An Iraqi leader of a nation that alienated the opposition and forced them out and this is Obama's fault how?

He's a Black Democrat.
As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives. As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, ...

a little projection of latent animosity -

what makes them think Obama was ( slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies )

maybe someone might fill them in on who was responsible for starting the Iraq war and who was responsible for ending it.

Yes..he ended it and because of his quick withdrawal of all of our troops for political purposes he left the door wide open for ISIS to come in and kill tens of thousands of Syrians and Iragis. So now we are involved again anyway. Of course...according to Obama...this came on suddenly and he did not know about it even though he was briefed daily on it for several months. It is hard to believe anything this President or his administration says and anything they say or do is based on political gain and NOT what is best for the Country. It is about time that we have ALL politicians put COUNTRY FIRST.

So the right thing to do would be to put 100,000 troops back into the region, with or without any consent from the Iraqis, or support from our allies or the UN. Is that your position?
Can't wait for the righties to treat them like Cindy Sheehan.
That thought crossed my mind, too. Difference is these parents aren't using their son's death to garner self importance (not yet) and with all due respect to Sheehan's son, I don't recall him being part of an elite group that Bush used to take credit for killing OBL the way obama did for himself.
These parent have a legit grievance. And then some.

Bush can't take credit for OBL's death so your point there is moot.

I'm amused that you tried to justify the despicable treatment of Cindy Sheehan. I pray that the parent's of Vaughn are never subjected to the reprehensible torment the worst of the right inflicted on Ms. Sheehan.
Sheehan was a dupe. My point wasn't about Bush taking credit for killing OBL. It was about taking credit for anything that Sheehan's son was part of that could enhance his reelection image.
I knew some lefty would dishonestly skew my point.

Isn't it simply amazing how the credibility and weight of an opinion from a parent who lost a child in a war can vary so drastically based on whether or not a person agrees with the opinion.
Can't wait for the righties to treat them like Cindy Sheehan.
That thought crossed my mind, too. Difference is these parents aren't using their son's death to garner self importance (not yet) and with all due respect to Sheehan's son, I don't recall him being part of an elite group that Bush used to take credit for killing OBL the way obama did for himself.
These parent have a legit grievance. And then some.

Bush can't take credit for OBL's death so your point there is moot.

I'm amused that you tried to justify the despicable treatment of Cindy Sheehan. I pray that the parent's of Vaughn are never subjected to the reprehensible torment the worst of the right inflicted on Ms. Sheehan.
Sheehan was a dupe. My point wasn't about Bush taking credit for killing OBL. It was about taking credit for anything that Sheehan's son was part of that could enhance his reelection image.
I knew some lefty would dishonestly skew my point.

Plus where is Cindy now? I guess Obama can do the same thing and she stops caring.

and who do you and your buddies think ended the war you started ?[/QUOTE]

Ended the war????????? Are you really that stupid and brainwashed?

First of all, he didn't end it.....he may have stopped but the enemy didn't, it only encouraged them to grow. And secondly, he's back in there.

I'll say it again. THE WAR IS NOT ENDED. Do you really have to be told this? What is he doing back in Iraq....buying jewelry????
Can't wait for the righties to treat them like Cindy Sheehan.
That thought crossed my mind, too. Difference is these parents aren't using their son's death to garner self importance (not yet) and with all due respect to Sheehan's son, I don't recall him being part of an elite group that Bush used to take credit for killing OBL the way obama did for himself.
These parent have a legit grievance. And then some.

Bush can't take credit for OBL's death so your point there is moot.

I'm amused that you tried to justify the despicable treatment of Cindy Sheehan. I pray that the parent's of Vaughn are never subjected to the reprehensible torment the worst of the right inflicted on Ms. Sheehan.
Sheehan was a dupe. My point wasn't about Bush taking credit for killing OBL. It was about taking credit for anything that Sheehan's son was part of that could enhance his reelection image.
I knew some lefty would dishonestly skew my point.

Isn't it simply amazing how the credibility and weight of an opinion from a parent who lost a child in a war can vary so drastically based on whether or not a person agrees with the opinion.

Sheehan's son very likely would have been embarrassed by his mother. He wasn't drafted; he volunteered. The dead SEAL would be very proud of his.

As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

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