Whole Foods bakery sells bigot anti-gay cake with word "FAG" on it to queer buyer



THE QUEER FUCKED UP....LOOK AT THE ICING....the "Love Wins" is consistent in thickness all the way across and in depth. "FAG" is thinner and less thick. Meaning....the same decorating tube wasn't used and the person making the letters didnt use a consistent squeeze for icing depth between the two parts.

In other words....the queer did it himself at home and wants to stage his how victimhood.

99% of these incidents are hoaxes folks.

Looks like a 3 years old decorated it..lol...It will get laughed out of court.


Very easy to buy icing and do that yourself.

As if a fag would do this to a cake? Yeah right
Obviously the mentally ill fag did. His company investigated and found nothing wrong...ya do know grocery stores have these cool things called SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS that watch employees to make sure they don't steal or do any other weird shit. Mentally ill folks do some weird stuff.

Very easy to buy icing and do that yourself.

As if a fag would do this to a cake? Yeah right
Obviously the mentally ill fag did. His company investigated and found nothing wrong...ya do know grocery stores have these cool things called SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS that watch employees to make sure they don't steal or do any other weird shit. Mentally ill folks do some weird stuff.
Like support Nazi ideology?
this is only the beginning. Expect many (mom and pops type) to lose their businesses because of this.... brought to you by, your own government and fellow countrymen and women.

And they should.......you neo nuts need to understand, this county is tired, worn and sick of the anti hatred of gays....stop it and you won't lose your fuckin business. Its just a fuckin cake, you moronic simplistic ass ho's.

You make me want to open a bakery so I can bake you a special cake....
The Whole Foods baker who made this cake....WAS GAY ALSO. The black queer didn't know that until after he staged his hoax incident and now he has a lawyer. Ooops.

Why do you keep pointing out the fact that he's black? How does that have any bearing on this incident? There goes your race obsession again.
What is it with queers and cake anyway? I mean yeah....we all like a good slice of cake. But queers get downright militant over their cake. Seems like there are SO many more urgent and important anti-gay issues in the world than...cake.

Guess cake is a big big deal in the homo culture.
The Whole Foods baker who made this cake....WAS GAY ALSO. The black queer didn't know that until after he staged his hoax incident and now he has a lawyer. Ooops.

Why do you keep pointing out the fact that he's black? How does that have any bearing on this incident? There goes your race obsession again.

It's 2016. The left wing media has made sure we ALWAYS note race. Always. It's extremely important. It determines the level of outrage people are allowed to have.

Him being black has little to do with this. But his race must be noted. Just like how the left wing media always adds the race of everyone involved in their stories. Well....sometimes. If it's a black victim and white aggressor they ALWAYS include race.
THE QUEER FUCKED UP....LOOK AT THE ICING....the "Love Wins" is consistent in thickness all the way across and in depth. "FAG" is thinner and less thick. Meaning....the same decorating tube wasn't used and the person making the letters didnt use a consistent squeeze for icing depth between the two parts.

In other words....the queer did it himself at home and wants to stage his how victimhood.

99% of these incidents are hoaxes folks.
99% of your incidents are hoaxes, folks.

stop trying to sound like Donald

even he sounds stupid when he says "folks"

You sound stupid regardless of what you post. Your lack of intellect is blatantly obvious to many here.
Hey, Mr. Gubermint, how they hanging?

Jake loves him some federal "gubermint".....he worships at their feet while being mounted.
I believe in the rule of man, you believe in some silly version of sovereign citizenry, which is being mounted by clergy.

The rule of man presided by other men because they have a divine right to rule or believe that they do? We don't have "law", ya stupid fuck....don't you pay attention to what I post? Corporations can't pass laws, they can only pass acts, statutes and codes in accordance with their corporate charter. People would pay good money for the information that I am sharing here for free. Dig the shit out of your ears, STFU, turn around and face the blackboard and stop picking your nose....no one wants to see you mining for "green gold". We are not under Common Law, we are under admiralty law. We do not have judges, we have administrators, Learn some of the terms that are in Black's Law dictionary as it pertains to what the courts perform before you open your yapper and expose your ignorance for all to see.
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I would have written "fag" on the cake for ordering such a corny fucking cake. Now that I think about it maybe this wasn't a hoax.
What is it with queers and cake anyway? I mean yeah....we all like a good slice of cake. But queers get downright militant over their cake. Seems like there are SO many more urgent and important anti-gay issues in the world than...cake.

Guess cake is a big big deal in the homo culture.
Seems it's a big deal in the hetero culture, too.
What is it with queers and cake anyway? I mean yeah....we all like a good slice of cake. But queers get downright militant over their cake. Seems like there are SO many more urgent and important anti-gay issues in the world than...cake.

Guess cake is a big big deal in the homo culture.
Seems it's a big deal in the hetero culture, too.

Not really... this hetero hasn't eaten or bought a cake in years.
I believe in the rule of man, you believe in some silly version of sovereign citizenry, which is being mounted by clergy.

The rule of man presided by other men because they have a divine right to rule or believe that they do? We don't have "law", ya stupid fuck....don't you pay attention to what I post? Corporations can pass laws, they can only pass acts, statutes and codes in accordance with their corporate charter. People would pay good money for the information that I am sharing here for free. Dig the shit out of your ears, STFU, turn around and face the blackboard and stop picking your nose....no one wants to see you mining for "green gold". We are not under Common Law, we are under admiralty law. We do not have judges, we have administrators, Learn some of the terms that are in Black's Law dictionary as it pertains to what the courts perform before you open your yapper and expose your ignorance for all to see.
What is your prison ID number?
What state are you registered as a sex offender?
Same ones you are...

Hey, it's not me that advocates the lowering of the age of consent to 10....that would be you.
The age of consent before women rights in the early 20th century in some states was ten..If you can't handle that I suggest you warp back in time and bitch about it there...
this is only the beginning. Expect many (mom and pops type) to lose their businesses because of this.... brought to you by, your own government and fellow countrymen and women.

And they should.......you neo nuts need to understand, this county is tired, worn and sick of the anti hatred of gays....stop it and you won't lose your fuckin business. Its just a fuckin cake, you moronic simplistic ass ho's.

You forgot to type 'yo' instead of 'you' again, and other 'ebonics' type stuff.

Consistency is important if you're an obese neurotic homosexual crossdressing fetishist LARPing as 'An Angry Black Woman' on the innernetz.

AS for this fake cake hoax, it's typical and unsurprising, since the whole 'Gay Rights' thing has been a hoax from the beginning, and since so many morons buy into it, it will continue to be.
this is only the beginning. Expect many (mom and pops type) to lose their businesses because of this.... brought to you by, your own government and fellow countrymen and women.
Anyone can trip and fall in a mom and pop business and sue as well. Break a leg on someones property, or whiplash in a car.
That's why video is always a good idea in business. Then in your proposed case, the perp gets sued.

A much better and far less expensive option is just ignoring neurotic sniveling from mentally ill homosexuals.
You sound stupid regardless of what you post. Your lack of intellect is blatantly obvious to many here.
Hey, Mr. Gubermint, how they hanging?

Jake loves him some federal "gubermint".....he worships at their feet while being mounted.
I believe in the rule of man, you believe in some silly version of sovereign citizenry, which is being mounted by clergy.

The rule of man presided by other men because they have a divine right to rule or believe that they do? We don't have "law", ya stupid fuck....don't you pay attention to what I post? Corporations can't pass laws, they can only pass acts, statutes and codes in accordance with their corporate charter. People would pay good money for the information that I am sharing here for free. Dig the shit out of your ears, STFU, turn around and face the blackboard and stop picking your nose....no one wants to see you mining for "green gold". We are not under Common Law, we are under admiralty law. We do not have judges, we have administrators, Learn some of the terms that are in Black's Law dictionary as it pertains to what the courts perform before you open your yapper and expose your ignorance for all to see.
You are a clown, Dale, a bozo of an intellect. You are not an instructor, you don't understand your subject, and we are not under admiralty law, you idiot. Sovereign citizen stupidity yet again from you.

Since you are in jail, I am assuming for failure to pay your taxes, send as a prison ID so we can send you care packages.
Your inability to comprehend or accept what has been done to you isn't my problem. Your debating skills consist of "Uhh-uhhh, no way...your a idiot, a clown".......learn that tactic in college, did ya? It's not very convincing. I know more than you and it galls you and the info I know scares you.
well what a surprise. it's being reported that they believe this was a HOAX. people and business need to start suing over this type of stuff. It's doing a lot of damage to people and business (especially Small businesses) who are found out to be Innocent
this is only the beginning. Expect many (mom and pops type) to lose their businesses because of this.... brought to you by, your own government and fellow countrymen and women.

And they should.......you neo nuts need to understand, this county is tired, worn and sick of the anti hatred of gays....stop it and you won't lose your fuckin business. Its just a fuckin cake, you moronic simplistic ass ho's.

"Its just a fuckin cake" applies to your side's desire to enforce groupthink as well.

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