Whom do you believe....Mueller or Barr???

Barr. Hands down.

Because he's a dishonest Trump sycophant and you love the Orange Fool?

Nope because he's right.

Oh an loving Trump has nothing to do with it.

Use what little brain you have.
He’s right because... you want him to be? The fact that he lied repeatedly is what... a bonus?

He's right because he's right even though you don't want him to be.

You sure like beating that dead horse.
He's right because he's right?

That sounds like Jim Jones shit there honey
Mueller was originally chosen for his strict by-the-book way of doing things.
Barr was chosen for exactly the opposite reason.

Before this is over Barr will have sacrificed every last bit of credibility he ever had. I have to wonder what he is getting in return.

Fuck you....

Mueller has already proved to be a bought and paid for lackey.

Barr has a reputation as a strict constitutionalist what the fuck are you talking about you lying asshole?

The only reason Mueller has closed down his bullshit witch-hunt together with its Federal gravy train is because he got a real boss for a change.

So you’re Saying that Barr shut down the Special Counsel investigation prematurely?


I'm saying that Barr took the fishing pole out of Mueller's hands put him back to work.


That means he ended the investigation on his own accord. I agree and Congress should be notified. That's LAW
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

You believed “Dr Ford”....You have zero credibility....Sorry.

Coming from a racist pig who voted for Trump, you’re in no position to say others have zero credibility. You’re way below zero yourself fuckwit.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

You believed “Dr Ford”....You have zero credibility....Sorry.

Coming from a racist pig who voted for Trump, you’re in no position to say others have zero credibility. You’re way below zero yourself fuckwit.

That's the best you can do after being totally owned?

Carry on to the 2020 landslide.

Mueller screamed he was a very unegual person right out of the gate at the very start

Bringing all prosecutors as Hillary supportrers and then making that info to try scare trump

That was the reason for guns drawn to raid connections of trump

This was to try to scare trump to help cover up the real crimes by the democrats and deep state

Since trump has the men on his side and they have judged this crime by the deep state as high treason since trump
Has them then trump has won and the rats are now caught with high treason charges
Mueller is a liar. He knew 18 Months ago The President was innocent. He bilked the taxpayer out of millions of dollars investigating a non crime which was spawned by a hoax paid for by Barak Obama and Clinton.

Obama weaponized our government against his enemies. Obama committed treason. Obama, Comey, Clapper, Clinton, Brennan, Strozk, Page, Weissman should all be held without bail for treason and placed in solitary confinement until their trial dates and subsequent hangings.

That hangings should be televised on live TV.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

For me it's simple. Mueller did the investigating and wrote the report. His report came first. Barr "summarized" it in a way that was politically advantageous for the president but not accurate to Mueller's actual findings.
As Mueller's boss, he could and should have asked Mueller to clarify. Even possibly asking Mueller to amend his report to include a conclusion on criminality. He did not.

Barr dishonored himself, the DOJ and the USA.

Mueller was part of The COUP, but he could not find a single crime The President committed. You dishonor America with your lies.
Mueller dishonored America by participating in a Fake Investigation.

Ken Starr was able to list 11 Crimes Clinton should be Indicted for.

How many did Moscow Mueller list?

A Big Fat Zero.

Kinda what you see when you look at the scoreboard of your life.
Mueller was originally chosen for his strict by-the-book way of doing things.
Barr was chosen for exactly the opposite reason.

Before this is over Barr will have sacrificed every last bit of credibility he ever had. I have to wonder what he is getting in return.
You are infected with The Stupid.

Barr was respected by both Democrats and Republicans.

Mueller however has been charged numerous times with prosecutorial misconduct as were his toads working with him. Mueller also knowingly put innoncent men in jail and unjustly destroyed one company and imprisoned half a dozen men, costing We the taxpayer Millions in Restitution to pay for Mueller's crimes.

This Son of a Motherless Whore has not changed a bit.

Mueller sux as an investigator (could not pin a single crime on Trump) and sucks in general, but doesn't suck as bad as you.
Barr is a confirmed and proven liar due to his Congressional testimony, memo, and even recent comments during interviews. Accusations against Mueller are based on speculation and partisan opinions. Barr has mounting objective evidence against him. Mueller has nothing more than conspiracy theories and subjective partisan speculation against him. Barr faces the real possibility of an impeachment inquiry and even actual impeachment. Mueller thus far has no such problem facing him.

Complete horseshit. You Trump hating leftwing idiots just keep lying and lying.
I like context, how about you?.................Read the accusations of "obstruction of justice", it aint dick. That and you progs lost already, you're left with the reality of two items:

1. Your desire for Trump's conspiracy/collusion yadda yadda is DEAD. You don't know it yet, because prog-speak aka "fake news" tells you so. They're masters of your brain.

2. Try and impeach Trump for tard stuff. It's not going to fly and will backfire.

Another option is simply resume narratives of never-ending fabrications and prog-speak that twists reality, tweaks prog-thought and is forever wrong. My money is on this.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

According to a joint statement issued on Wednesday there is no distance between them, you've been listening to fake news again.

BREAKING: DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments

Yea...a "joint statement"...like Barr's claims that Mueller had input into the redactions HE made
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.
It has nothing to do with ‘believing’ anyone – the evidence justifying removing Trump from office via the impeachment process is documented in the Mueller report; the problem is far too Americans will bother to read it.
If the evidence is there in the report, then congress should act on it. What is the hold up?
Last edited:
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

Who would I believe, Mueller or Barr? Both.

Two years, 400 pages and tens of millions dollars later Mueller's investigation found no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump, no evidence of obstruction of justice by Trump. I believe that. That he was unhappy with results and threw the Dems a poison bone?...I believe that too.

Neither Barr nor Mueller need testify. The special council did his job, albeit with extreme prejudice in my view, Barr will now do his. You may not like the results - but you don't get to move the goalposts. ;)

Supposition? Inference? Opinion? Sure - but in case you did not know...the burden of proving guilt with admissible evidence is on the prosecutor. In the laws of this country - innocence is assumed until proven otherwise. Mueller found no proof of guilt. In that I believe him. Game over.

Now, if Barr finds evidence of wrong doing by Obama's justice department and/or other government officials in attempting to overthrow the results of a lawful election - I'll believe him also. Will you? ;)
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

According to a joint statement issued on Wednesday there is no distance between them, you've been listening to fake news again.

BREAKING: DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments

Mueller couldn't indict Trump because the DOJ prohibited it from happening. But he did not find him innocent.

Also, conservative media is a questionable source. Congrats on finding this propaganda site.

ex-federal prosecutors say Barr is making things up.
Of course, Trump should be taken out of the equation as to who one should believe.......Trump's infamy for lying is beyond debate......

But, we are faced with the "choice" of who should be believed from a legal standpoint...that is, AG Barr, or investigating prosecutor, Mueller.........

From yesterday's brief monologue by Mueller, it is crystal CLEAR that these two republican lawyers are NOT on the same page.

Of course our biases come quickly into play when making the choice as who of these two should be believed.

So, we are left with the needed expose' that BOTH these folks need to openly testify before a House committee and.....

Either verbally repeat what was written in the report ....which is what Mueller will have to do......OR

Explain verbally how what is written in Mueller's report could EVER be "summarized" and "interpreted" as Barr did....which is also what Barr will have to do.

There is NO DOUBT......NONE...... that Mueller's ultimate intent is for Congress to settle the issue of "obstruction of justice" as the Article One responsibility of Congress.

According to a joint statement issued on Wednesday there is no distance between them, you've been listening to fake news again.

BREAKING: DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments

Mueller couldn't indict Trump because the DOJ prohibited it from happening. But he did not find him innocent.

Also, conservative media is a questionable source. Congrats on finding this propaganda site.

ex-federal prosecutors say Barr is making things up.

Poor little thing, I guess mslsd didn't report the joint statement walking back Muellers comments. The link I provided quoted the statement. I bet if you look hard enough you can find it on one of your commie hate sites.

Mueller couldn't indict Trump because the DOJ prohibited it from happening. But he did not find him innocent.


Mueller's lengthy and expensive report didn't even recommend indictment because 2 years and millions of dollars later he found no indictable offense supported by evidence.

No where in the law of this land is 'finding innocence' legal terminology.
An accused person is presumed innocent unless the weight of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt convinces otherwise.
Whom do you believe....Mueller or Barr???

Mueller just got caught red handed selectively editing out testimony in his report to intentionally and deceitfully spin that testimony as obstruction. So there you have it Mueller is a big fat lying POS.

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