Whoopi Goldberg doubles down and once again claims Holocaust wasn't originally about race

Sorry if you cannot accept the truths in your own bible. Their Christian GOD appears to be antisemitic also.
Judaism emphasizes the Oneness of God and rejects the Christian concept of God in human form. While Christianity recognizes the Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament by Christians) as part of its scriptural canon, Judaism does not recognize the Christian New Testament.
It’s not MY Bible.
Traders were not the only ones to profit from America's internal slave trade. Slave owners in the Upper South profited because they received cash for the people they sold. Slave owners in the Lower South profited because the people they purchased were forced to labor in the immensely productive cotton and sugar fields.
By 1840, the South grew 60 percent of the world's cotton and provided some 70 percent of the cotton consumed by the British textile industry. Thus slavery paid for a substantial share of the capital, iron, and manufactured goods that laid the basis for American economic growth.

What part of this do you not understand?
A kid with a lemonade stand can figure this out.

None of your post matters one bit. TWO things created the wealth in this country. Mining, and the railroads. This is a FACT.

It is not arguable. Blacks were involved in very little of that, and slaves weren't involved AT ALL!
None of your post matters one bit. TWO things created the wealth in this country. Mining, and the railroads. This is a FACT.

It is not arguable. Blacks were involved in very little of that, and slaves weren't involved AT ALL!
Miners used mercury to process gold and silver ore at approximately 236 mills. Over time, this mining process released an estimated 14 million pounds of mercury into the environment. The problem is mercury. High levels of the heavy metal that over time have built up in the fish, the waterfowl, and the plants, all throughout the Carson River. So eating the fish, water fowl, or water plants from the Carson River watershed is the biggest concern for the EPA
Preliminary data show some mercury contamination in Washoe Lake and Little Washoe Lake sediments. These lakes drain into the Truckee River.
“When will the white man realize that he can't eat money?” The proverb goes as such — “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money,” and that has never felt more relevant than it does today.May 4, 2019
If you were not so pathetic I would laugh. And what is so sad is others feel the same because of a lack of understanding of what led up to the Holocaust where 11 million died and they were not all Jews.
Hitler did not hate Jews just because they were Jews but because of their wealth and power, they and others were a threat to the Germans in their own county. Other than Jews were killed long before Jews were killed because they too was a threat to the Germans in their own country Germany. Jew's wealth and power were taking over Germany when Hilter came into power. 5 million others than Jews were killed also. ANYONE who was a threat was killed. Jews have a long history throughout the world for their wealth and power and were seen as a threat to the world because they were not considered white.
So the Holocaust was not about Hitler's hatred for Jews just because they were Jews.
If you were not so pathetic and full of hate I would laugh. Please tell us how the Jews were a “ threat “ He didn’t hate Jews? Is that why he referred to them as a INFERIOR RACE and vowed he would kill every one if he had the chance ?? 🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Miners used mercury to process gold and silver ore at approximately 236 mills. Over time, this mining process released an estimated 14 million pounds of mercury into the environment. The problem is mercury. High levels of the heavy metal that over time have built up in the fish, the waterfowl, and the plants, all throughout the Carson River. So eating the fish, water fowl, or water plants from the Carson River watershed is the biggest concern for the EPA
Preliminary data show some mercury contamination in Washoe Lake and Little Washoe Lake sediments. These lakes drain into the Truckee River.
“When will the white man realize that he can't eat money?” The proverb goes as such — “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money,” and that has never felt more relevant than it does today.May 4, 2019

Which means nada. Yes, they used mercury. Mercury comes from the ground, and it goes back into the ground.

You try and deflect with this nonsense because you know your argument sucks.
Which means nada. Yes, they used mercury. Mercury comes from the ground, and it goes back into the ground.

You try and deflect with this nonsense because you know your argument sucks.
Not in the ground but in the rock formation. It is only by greedy white men it gets into the ground, water, plants, and wildlife into your body.
Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.” The Bible thus predicts that in the last days, human beings will be wreaking horrendous damage upon God’s creation. God’s threat to “destroy” those who abuse the earth
Not in the ground but in the rock formation. It is only by greedy white men it gets into the ground, water, plants, and wildlife into your body.
Revelation 11:18 says that God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.” The Bible thus predicts that in the last days, human beings will be wreaking horrendous damage upon God’s creation. God’s threat to “destroy” those who abuse the earth

I find it amusing how you toss scripture out willy nilly, but can't refute the facts I presented. The slaves produced no wealth for this country.

End thread.
I find it amusing how you toss scripture out willy nilly, but can't refute the facts I presented. The slaves produced no wealth for this country.

End thread.
I find it amusing how you toss scripture out willy nilly, but can't refute the facts I presented. The slaves produced no wealth for this country.

End thread.
Notice she has NOTHING to say about post 145?? She’s nothing but a Jew Hater with a big mouth 👄


Notice she has NOTHING to say about post 145?? She’s nothing but a Jew Hater with a big mouth 👄
The irony is that she goes into meltdown mode if she dares PERCEIVE racism, and starts in with her “racist, racist” crap…..and then happily reminds everyone that the Jooooos are all going to hell.
I find it amusing how you toss scripture out willy nilly, but can't refute the facts I presented. The slaves produced no wealth for this country.

End thread.
I give the fuck up on that. You are just too stupid to understand the facts I presented. Simply put slave labor created wealthy slaveowners who invested in the economy that built this country. But I try again....
Black labor has been foundational to the growth of America and our economy. Enslaved people built the country's early infrastructure and produced lucrative commodities such as cotton and tobacco. After emancipation, African American labor was crucial in the industry, agriculture, and service.
The upshot: As cotton became the backbone of the Southern economy, slavery drove impressive profits. The benefits of cotton produced by enslaved workers extended to industries beyond the South. In the North and Great Britain, cotton mills hummed, while the financial and shipping industries also saw gains.
New estimates show that slavery was a major driver of regional and national economic growth and development before the U.S. Civil War.
If you cannot understand this , I am wasting my time.
I give the fuck up on that. You are just too stupid to understand the facts I presented. Simply put slave labor created wealthy slaveowners who invested in the economy that built this country. But I try again....
Black labor has been foundational to the growth of America and our economy. Enslaved people built the country's early infrastructure and produced lucrative commodities such as cotton and tobacco. After emancipation, African American labor was crucial in the industry, agriculture, and service.
The upshot: As cotton became the backbone of the Southern economy, slavery drove impressive profits. The benefits of cotton produced by enslaved workers extended to industries beyond the South. In the North and Great Britain, cotton mills hummed, while the financial and shipping industries also saw gains.
New estimates show that slavery was a major driver of regional and national economic growth and development before the U.S. Civil War.
If you cannot understand this , I am wasting my time.

You presented NO FACTS! You presented OPINION!

Learn the difference you ignorant twerp!
I give the fuck up on that. You are just too stupid to understand the facts I presented. Simply put slave labor created wealthy slaveowners who invested in the economy that built this country. But I try again....
Black labor has been foundational to the growth of America and our economy. Enslaved people built the country's early infrastructure and produced lucrative commodities such as cotton and tobacco. After emancipation, African American labor was crucial in the industry, agriculture, and service.
The upshot: As cotton became the backbone of the Southern economy, slavery drove impressive profits. The benefits of cotton produced by enslaved workers extended to industries beyond the South. In the North and Great Britain, cotton mills hummed, while the financial and shipping industries also saw gains.
New estimates show that slavery was a major driver of regional and national economic growth and development before the U.S. Civil War.
If you cannot understand this , I am wasting my time
I give the fuck up on that. You are just too stupid to understand the facts I presented. Simply put slave labor created wealthy slaveowners who invested in the economy that built this country. But I try again....
Black labor has been foundational to the growth of America and our economy. Enslaved people built the country's early infrastructure and produced lucrative commodities such as cotton and tobacco. After emancipation, African American labor was crucial in the industry, agriculture, and service.
The upshot: As cotton became the backbone of the Southern economy, slavery drove impressive profits. The benefits of cotton produced by enslaved workers extended to industries beyond the South. In the North and Great Britain, cotton mills hummed, while the financial and shipping industries also saw gains.
New estimates show that slavery was a major driver of regional and national economic growth and development before the U.S. Civil War.
If you cannot understand this , I am wasting my time.
He gave the FUCK up on YOU ! The above ranting and Raving has NOTHING to do with your prior post that Because the Jews had all the wealth and power they were a “ threat” inferring they DESERVED what happened. The Asked a question and you won’t answer like the good Antisemite you are. IF that is true why did he consider the Jewish People to be an Inferior Race??
He gave the FUCK up on YOU ! The above ranting and Raving has NOTHING to do with your prior post that Because the Jews had all the wealth and power they were a “ threat” inferring they DESERVED what happened. The Asked a question and you won’t answer like the good Antisemite you are. IF that is true why did he consider the Jewish People to be an Inferior Race??
Even THINKING that Jews had all the wealth and power is a big antisemitic trope!

That bigot is not only advancing an antisemitic lie, but her insistence that Hitler was only after the Jews because they were so powerful - and NOT because he thought Jews were an inferior, sub-human species and wanted to exterminate them - is because she wants it to be that only blacks have suffered for being viewed as an inferior race.
Even THINKING that Jews had all the wealth and power is a big antisemitic trope!

That bigot is not only advancing an antisemitic lie, but her insistence that Hitler was only after the Jews because they were so powerful - and NOT because he thought Jews were an inferior, sub-human species and wanted to exterminate them - is because she wants it to be that only blacks have suffered for being viewed as an inferior race.
She’s a BIGOT and a LIAR 🤥
She’s a BIGOT and a LIAR 🤥
And what’s with the tear running down a black face in her avatar? Is she crying because she got into Harvard with scores and grades far below Jews and Asians who were rejected? Or that she was hired for a job after it was determined that 94% of the competition wouldn’t be considered because only black females would be hired?
And what’s with the tear running down a black face in her avatar? Is she crying because she got into Harvard with scores and grades far below Jews and Asians who were rejected? Or that she was hired for a job after it was determined that 94% of the competition wouldn’t be considered because only black females would be hired?
Her antagonism and defiance suggests she feels inferior. Maybe 🤔 SHE knows something that we don’t. 👌
He gave the FUCK up on YOU ! The above ranting and Raving has NOTHING to do with your prior post that Because the Jews had all the wealth and power they were a “ threat” inferring they DESERVED what happened. The Asked a question and you won’t answer like the good Antisemite you are. IF that is true why did he consider the Jewish People to be an Inferior Race??
Hitler considered EVERYONE that was not white, blond, blue-eyed and Ayran to be inferior and killed them. He killed 5 million other than Jews end even mentally ill and disabled German children, Originally as Whoopie tried to explain, leading up to the Holocaust was not about race. Like in the beginning of his taking power. He did not want an economic threat to the Germans. No one should have wealth and power but natural-born German citizens and Jews were not and they did have too much wealth and power, that none other had, which was a threat to the natural born German citizens. The crematoriums we first used to kill German enemies and at the time it was not Jews.
On 22 March 1943 the first gas chamber, used to murder Jews and others persecuted by the Nazis, became operational at Auschwitz-Birkenau. THIS IS NOT RACSIT BUT HISTORICAL FACT THAT YOU ALL ARE TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND. Had the jews been any other race the holocaust would have been the same. Jehovah witness, gays, gypsies, mentally ill were not Jews and they we kill, 5 million of other than jews

.Jews were one of four groups racially targeted for persecution in Nazi Germany and in German-controlled Europe

Holocaust victims were people targeted by the government of Nazi Germany based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, or sexual orientation. 6 million of them just happen to be Jews. nothing special about being a jew. Black lives matter, etc.

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