Whoopi Goldberg doubles down and once again claims Holocaust wasn't originally about race

Are Jews a race? The Nazis obviously thought so. Their rhetoric centered on race – the Aryan race is superior, the Jews a race but subhuman. Due to this racial definition, some blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jews were able to escape the Nazi murder machine by “passing” as Aryans. On the other hand, Jews who had converted to Christianity ended up in the gas chambers.

According to Hitler, Jews were a race, not a religion.
Whoopi Goldberg, speaking on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, explained her viewpoint that race has to do with skin color, and Jews are white. Ouch! I live in Israel, where 60% of the Jewish population – whose parents came from Yemen, Iraq, Syria, North Africa – are some shade of what Americans today would call, “people of color.” My blond-haired blue-eyed daughter married a man whose mother is a Moroccan Jew. Their first son has fair skin and light brown hair. Their second son is darker, with black hair. My daughter, seeing a neighbor’s confusion at such different looking brothers, smilingly called them, “chocolate and vanilla.”

^ Here’s a historical tidbit that confuses the subject of race-based antisemitism. According to the dictionary, a Semite is “a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.” Yes, Jews and Arabs are both Semites.

Yet Hitler, the greatest anti-Semite, hated only Jews, not Arabs. On November 28, 1941, in Berlin, Hitler made a secret pact with the Arab Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. They shared a common goal, what Hitler in that meeting called, “an uncompromising war against the Jews.”

Hitler, who knew only European white-skinned Jews, had no problem forging an alliance with darker-skinned Arabs. Obviously, Hitler identified the Jews according to something deeper than race.
Tons of delusions in previous posts.
The letter 'J' did not exist more than about 500 years ago until it was invented by the Vatican as a weapon to fool Christians 2 ways:
1. to make them think that Edomites taking the title of Jews were really part of the ancient Israel tribe of Yehuda.
2. to con Christians into insulting the King of kings by calling Him Jesus which word/name sourced from Greek, means; seducing pig Gee-Sus.

Hitler's mistake was that He did not follow the Scripture about Edomite Jews who reject the King of kings as their king and actively work against Him. Hitler was too kind to them. The death toll among the work camps was caused by USA & UK destroying food storage, distribution, processing and production facilities starving everyone in Germany who wasn't killed by mass fire bombing, exposure, aircraft machine gun killings etc,

Americans created a curse on themselves by mass murdering their Heroic Germanic relatives on top of many other curses they have earned for their habitual love of lies, mass torture, maiming, murder and destruction.
Tons of delusions in previous posts.
The letter 'J' did not exist more than about 500 years ago until it was invented by the Vatican as a weapon to fool Christians 2 ways:
1. to make them think that Edomites taking the title of Jews were really part of the ancient Israel tribe of Yehuda.
2. to con Christians into insulting the King of kings by calling Him Jesus which word/name sourced from Greek, means; seducing pig Gee-Sus.

Hitler's mistake was that He did not follow the Scripture about Edomite Jews who reject the King of kings as their king and actively work against Him. Hitler was too kind to them. The death toll among the work camps was caused by USA & UK destroying food storage, distribution, processing and production facilities starving everyone in Germany who wasn't killed by mass fire bombing, exposure, aircraft machine gun killings etc,

Americans created a curse on themselves by mass murdering their Heroic Germanic relatives on top of many other curses they have earned for their habitual love of lies, mass torture, maiming, murder and destruction.
You capitalized he and him when referring to hitler.
just one comment on this_---------------------Jewish is NOT a race, Muslim is NOT a race, no religion is a race.

Human races-------negro, caucasian, asian (mongul). Ideologies are not races. Gay is not a race. Lesbian is not a race. Trans-sexual is not a race, aryan is not a race.
just one comment on this_---------------------Jewish is NOT a race, Muslim is NOT a race, no religion is a race.

Human races-------negro, caucasian, asian (mongul). Ideologies are not races. Gay is not a race. Lesbian is not a race. Trans-sexual is not a race, aryan is not a race.
Being Jewish is an Ethnicity (but Being an Irish Jew or a Moroccan Jew does have Racial components )
Being Jewish is an Ethnicity (but Being an Irish Jew or a Moroccan Jew does have Racial components )
when did Irish and Moraccan become races? they are nationalities, not races. ethnicity is not race, There are caucasian french and negro french. two races, one nationality. one ethnicity.
when did Irish and Moraccan become races? they are nationalities, not races. ethnicity is not race, There are caucasian french and negro french. two races, one nationality. one ethnicity.
Are you saying North Africans ( Moroccans ) are Caucasian ( Irish ) ?

Why Did the Holocaust Happen? Why Didn’t God Stop It?​

What the Nazis did to the Jews cannot compare to what their GOD did to them. The Quran narrates that after they refused to enter the promised land, God decreed that as punishment the Israelites would wander for forty years.
God punished the people for not listening to him by exiling them.
The punishments explicitly threatened in this chapter include terrible diseases, conquest by merciless foreign enemies, famine to the point where parents will eat the flesh of their own children, and exile and dispersion throughout the world, leading to idolatry and enslavement.
And the thing that makes God more angry than anything else in the Bible is Israel's constant covenant betrayal.
Why did God punish the Israelites by making them wander in the desert for 40 years?
Jewish deicide is the notion that the Jews as a people were collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus.
In the Bible, God often commands the Israelites to murder and destroy
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”1
What? That’s in the Bible? God commands his chosen people to kill thousands of other people? And not just soldiers, but women and children—even animals?

I am wondering if the holocaust was a punishment where GOD used the Nazis to kill Jews??. "Where is God now?" is a question from the Holocaust memoir Night by Elie Wiesel

How could I worship at GOD like this?
Slaves didn't. The regular blacks did though. Just like any other productive member of society. These loons who think that blacks built this country are uneducated morons.
Black labor has been foundational to the growth of America and our economy. Enslaved people built the country’s early infrastructure and produced lucrative commodities such as cotton and tobacco.
Historian and author Edward E. Baptist explains how slavery helped the US go from a “colonial economy to the second biggest industrial power in the world.”
he bodies of the enslaved served as America’s largest financial asset, and they were forced to maintain America’s most exported commodity. In 60 years, from 1801 to 1862, the amount of cotton picked daily by an enslaved person increased 400 percent. The profits from cotton propelled the US into a position as one of the leading economies in the world, and made the South its most prosperous region. The ownership of enslaved people increased wealth for Southern planters so much that by the dawn of the Civil War, the Mississippi River Valley had more millionaires per capita than any other region.
An entire industry, America’s first big business, revolved around slavery.

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