Whoopi Goldberg doubles down and once again claims Holocaust wasn't originally about race

The issue is not really about whether Jews are a race or a religion. This is irrelevant to the root reason Goldburg said what she said. The only reason she says this is to downplay the plight of Jews during the Holocaust compared to the plight of blacks in America.

What Goldburg doesn’t understand is that racism is just another form of prejudice just as antisemitism is. They are both equally wrong and discrimination and oppression for either reason are also equally wrong.
NO ONE understands what she meant when said "originally" which is the same as in the "beginning" of the holocaust it was not about race or Jews. Jews were first attacked because they were gaining more wealth and power than the German-born Germans and in 1935 the Nuremberg law was passed to take the wealth and power away from Jews. that did not work they were expelled and that did not work..The extermination chambers were FIRST built in 1941 to kill enemy politicians and communists and the decision to kill Jews came with the decision to kill anyone, not German Ayran. German children with disabilities were seen killed along with others, not Jews. Hilter believed that Germany belong to the Germans and that only they deserves the wealth and power. The events leading up to the Holocaust that killed 6 million jews and 5 million others who was a threat to German race evolved.
Get the fact straight or shut the fuck up.
She’s not even Jewish. She just picked a Jewish last name because she thought it would help her career.
DNA does not make you a Jew. It's something much deeper. Let's start from the beginning. The Jewish people began with the descendants of Abraham and Sarah, ... Due to this racial definition, some blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jews were able to escape the Nazi murder machine by “passing” as Aryans.
The persecution of the Jews began systematically, shortly after Hitler came to power. The Nazis introduced anti-Jewish decrees, which gradually eliminated the rights of Jewish citizens. Jews were regularly persecuted and humiliated. Many members of the German public were bystanders and did nothing to condemn the Nazi racial policies. This may have been due to the fact that they were content with other Nazi policies, which appeared to improve the disastrous financial and economic conditions in Germany. People were also afraid to speak out, as they were terrified of the brutality of the Nazis.

All Jews and non-Aryans were excluded from Germany society. They could no longer hold government jobs, own property or run their own businesses. In 1935, when the government passed the Nuremberg Laws that declared that only Aryans could be German citizens. The Nazis believed that the 'pure-blooded' German was racially superior, and that a struggle for survival existed between the German race and those races considered to be inferior. They saw Jews, Roma and Sinti (Gypsies), black people and the disabled as a serious biological threat to the purity of the German-Aryan race, which they called the 'Master Race'. The Nazis idea of a perfect Aryan was someone with Nordic feature such as being tall or having blonde hair or blue-eyes.
DNA does not make you a Jew. It's something much deeper. Let's start from the beginning. The Jewish people began with the descendants of Abraham and Sarah, ... Due to this racial definition, some blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jews were able to escape the Nazi murder machine by “passing” as Aryans.
No, what makes you a Jew is:

1) being born of a Jewish mother, or
2) converting.

Not sure why you keep harping on race. The Nazis killed every Jew they could, including ones with blue eyes.
No, what makes you a Jew is:

1) being born of a Jewish mother, or
2) converting.

Not sure why you keep harping on race. The Nazis killed every Jew they could, including ones with blue eyes.
If you were not so pathetic I would laugh. And what is so sad is others feel the same because of a lack of understanding of what led up to the Holocaust where 11 million died and they were not all Jews.
Hitler did not hate Jews just because they were Jews but because of their wealth and power, they and others were a threat to the Germans in their own county. Other than Jews were killed long before Jews were killed because they too was a threat to the Germans in their own country Germany. Jew's wealth and power were taking over Germany when Hilter came into power. 5 million others than Jews were killed also. ANYONE who was a threat was killed. Jews have a long history throughout the world for their wealth and power and were seen as a threat to the world because they were not considered white.
So the Holocaust was not about Hitler's hatred for Jews just because they were Jews.
If you were not so pathetic I would laugh. And what is so sad is others feel the same because of a lack of understanding of what led up to the Holocaust where 11 million died and they were not all Jews.
Hitler did not hate Jews just because they were Jews but because of their wealth and power, they and others were a threat to the Germans in their own county. Other than Jews were killed long before Jews were killed because they too was a threat to the Germans in their own country Germany. Jew's wealth and power were taking over Germany when Hilter came into power. 5 million others than Jews were killed also. ANYONE who was a threat was killed. Jews have a long history throughout the world for their wealth and power and were seen as a threat to the world because they were not considered white.
So the Holocaust was not about Hitler's hatred for Jews just because they were Jews.
It’s because they were Swarthy & Cut & not true Aryan Berliners ?
Jewish people were not the only victims of the Nazis. Other victims of Nazi mass murder included Roma and Sinti, people with disabilities, Poles, Jehovah’s Witnesses, gay people, and Soviet prisoners of war.
The Nazis believed that Jewish people were a separate race, but they were wrong. Being Jewish means following a religion and a culture, not being part of a race.
Jewish people were not the only victims of the Nazis. Other victims of Nazi mass murder included Roma and Sinti, people with disabilities, Poles, Jehovah’s Witnesses, gay people, and Soviet prisoners of war.
The Nazis believed that Jewish people were a separate race, but they were wrong. Being Jewish means following a religion and a culture, not being part of a race.
Ethnic Jewish folks disagree
Except that the oppression of Jews didn’t result in improved circumstances the way it did for American blacks.
Bull Shit. Jews were compensated for their loss as were native Americans, blacks were not for 300 years of free labor that built this country that we all are benefiting from today. We take better care of illegal aliens than we do of blacks. Illegal aliens take jobs away from blacks and students. From 1945 to 2018, the German government paid approximately $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust victims and their heirs.
If you were not so pathetic I would laugh. And what is so sad is others feel the same because of a lack of understanding of what led up to the Holocaust where 11 million died and they were not all Jews.
Hitler did not hate Jews just because they were Jews but because of their wealth and power, they and others were a threat to the Germans in their own county. Other than Jews were killed long before Jews were killed because they too was a threat to the Germans in their own country Germany. Jew's wealth and power were taking over Germany when Hilter came into power. 5 million others than Jews were killed also. ANYONE who was a threat was killed. Jews have a long history throughout the world for their wealth and power and were seen as a threat to the world because they were not considered white.
So the Holocaust was not about Hitler's hatred for Jews just because they were Jews.
You scream about how awful racism is while you deny that Hitler went after Jews because of antisemitism. If you weren’t so pathetic, I’d laugh.
Bull Shit. Jews were compensated for their loss as were native Americans, blacks were not for 300 years of free labor that built this country that we all are benefiting from today. We take better care of illegal aliens than we do of blacks. Illegal aliens take jobs away from blacks and students. From 1945 to 2018, the German government paid approximately $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust victims and their heirs.
Nope. Wrong. My grandmother lost her mother, sister, brother-in-law, and four nieces/nephews, meaning my dad (a teen at the time) lost his grandmother, aunt, uncle, and four cousins. Neither Grandma or Dad got a penny.

But did Dad cry and wail about how Germany owes him money for killing his family? Nope. He obeyed the law, fathered no illegitimate children, studied hard, won a free ride to college (as did blacks in his class), and made something of himself. From a tenement at age 20 to a house in the suburbs at age 30.
NO ONE understands what she meant when said "originally" which is the same as in the "beginning" of the holocaust it was not about race or Jews. Jews were first attacked because they were gaining more wealth and power than the German-born Germans and in 1935 the Nuremberg law was passed to take the wealth and power away from Jews. that did not work they were expelled and that did not work..The extermination chambers were FIRST built in 1941 to kill enemy politicians and communists and the decision to kill Jews came with the decision to kill anyone, not German Ayran. German children with disabilities were seen killed along with others, not Jews. Hilter believed that Germany belong to the Germans and that only they deserves the wealth and power. The events leading up to the Holocaust that killed 6 million jews and 5 million others who was a threat to German race evolved.
Get the fact straight or shut the fuck up.
What does any of this have to do with what I said?

And no, I will not “shut the fuck up”. Dumbass.

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