Whoopi Goldberg doubles down and once again claims Holocaust wasn't originally about race

Bull Shit. Jews were compensated for their loss as were native Americans, blacks were not for 300 years of free labor that built this country that we all are benefiting from today. We take better care of illegal aliens than we do of blacks. Illegal aliens take jobs away from blacks and students. From 1945 to 2018, the German government paid approximately $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust victims and their heirs.
Jews were compensated by the Germans because they had assets and businesses, unlike the native American and Blacks who walked around in animal skins.
When Jews came to the US, they worked and went to school, they didn't sit around waiting for 50+ years of welfare.
Jews were compensated by the Germans because they had assets and businesses, unlike the native American and Blacks who walked around in animal skins.
When Jews came to the US, they worked and went to school, they didn't sit around waiting for 50+ years of welfare.
More racist bullshit. What the fuck are your shoes made of? Blacks gave this country 300 years of free labor that built this country and you and yours are benefiting from their blood, sweat, and tears. Natives lived off the land that whites stole and destroyed.
More racist bullshit. What the fuck are your shoes made of? Blacks gave this country 300 years of free labor that built this country and you and yours are benefiting from their blood, sweat, and tears. Natives lived off the land that whites stole and destroyed.
You act as though blacks built this country without the ingenuity of the whites who crafted the building plans via their knowledge of architecture. And the whites who made medical, scientific, and technological advances. You and yours are gaining from that, as well.

Blacks who are descendants of slaves should be grateful they were born in this country, where their standard of living is far greater than it would have been if they were born in Africa - and especially lately. They get favored for college spots, med school spots, jobs, and promotions.
More racist bullshit. What the fuck are your shoes made of? Blacks gave this country 300 years of free labor that built this country and you and yours are benefiting from their blood, sweat, and tears. Natives lived off the land that whites stole and destroyed.
Their parents sold them and they got room and board.
They should sue the ancestors who sold them.
List the skill set they acquired in Africa.
More racist bullshit. What the fuck are your shoes made of? Blacks gave this country 300 years of free labor that built this country and you and yours are benefiting from their blood, sweat, and tears. Natives lived off the land that whites stole and destroyed.
natives lived on lands they stole from other natives.....blacks should be thankful they live here instead of some grass hut with lizard for supper

I once suggested that blacks living in the ghetto follow the pattern that my grandparents did - along with a million other impoverished, uneducated Jewish immigrants - work hard, and emphasize to their children that the way out of poverty is to 1) not have OOW babies, 2) not participate in criminal activity, 3) and prioritize studying above everything else in order to win academic scholarships to college.

Naturally, the leftists spent the next 50 pages calling me a racist, while a few of them dug up obscure incidents to put Jews in a bad light.
Poopie Goldberg needs to suck on the business end of a shotgun and do the whole world a favor.

Fatal beauty and burglar was a long time ago. If she just stopped there I'd still like her.

Burglar was only good because of Bobcat....
natives lived on lands they stole from other natives.....blacks should be thankful they live here instead of some grass hut with lizard for supper
I am thankful to have been born here. Even more, my dad, may he RIP, told me many times how grateful he was to have been born here in the 1920s rather than in Europe. For obvious reasons.
About as wrong and looney as those who argue the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that." Lincoln carefully noted that this represented his official position. He intended "no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free."
natives lived on lands they stole from other natives.....blacks should be thankful they live here instead of some grass hut with lizard for supper

Their alternatives were being killed by the tribes that enslaved them, or forced to work the gold mines on the Gold Coast, or sold to Arabs, who required full frontal castrations of black male slaves before purchasing them for export to Arab and Muslim countries.

We can also note that those who took up the American offer to be repatriated back to Africa set themselves up as plantation owners utilizing slave labor. lol the repatriated slaves the British set up did the same thing.
Regarding Lil'Ole Fart...Stupid is as stupid does.
Look at her avatar…. a photo of a black crying.

Is she crying because she got into Harvard with scores and grades lower than the Jews and Asians who were rejected?

Or perhaps she’s crying because it was announced that a job she wanted would go to a black female, and thus 94% of her competition was eliminated from consideration?

Is she crying because rather than be born in Africa, she was born in America where she enjoys the most advanced medicine and technology in the world? And gets money for food stamps, TANF, free medical for her kids - far and away better than anything she would get in Africa?
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that." Lincoln carefully noted that this represented his official position. He intended "no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men every where could be free."

"But what am I to do in the meantime with those men at Montgomery [meaning the Confederate constitutional convention]? Am I to let them go on... [a]nd open Charleston, etc., as ports of entry, with their ten-percent tariff. What, then, would become of my tariff?" ~ Lincoln to Colonel John B. Baldwin, deputized by the Virginian Commissioners to determine whether Lincoln would use force, April 4, 1861.

"You and I both anticipated that the cause of the country would be advanced by making the attempt to provision Fort Sumter, even if it should fail ; and it is no small consolation now to feel that our anticipation is justified by the result. "
Abraham Lincoln, in a letter to Gustavus Fox, May 1, 1861

"The affair at Fort Sumter, it seems to us, has been planned as a means by which the war feeling at the North should be intensified, and the administration thus receive popular support for its policy.... If the armament which lay outside the harbor, while the fort was being battered to pieces [the US ship The Harriet Lane, and seven other reinforcement ships], had been designed for the relief of Major Anderson, it certainly would have made a show of fulfilling its mission. But it seems plain to us that no such design was had. The administration, virtually, to use a homely illustration, stood at Sumter like a boy with a chip on his shoulder, daring his antagonist to knock it off. The Carolinians have knocked off the chip. War is inaugurated, and the design of the administration accomplished." ~ The Buffalo Daily Courier, April 16, 1861.

‘Not In A Good Place’: Whoopi Goldberg’s Friends Pleading For Her To Leave ‘The View’ As Backlash Grows Over Holocaust Remarks: Sources​

Whoopi Goldberg faced intense backlash and was forced to apologize this week after repeating a false claim about the Holocaust — and sources claim her friends are pleading with her to step away from her gig on The View for months, RadarOnline.com has learned.

An insider said before the scandal this week, Goldberg had been urged by friends to leave her longtime spot as co-host of the daytime talk show.


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