Whoopi Goldberg doubles down and once again claims Holocaust wasn't originally about race

And 75% plus don’t believe in an afterlife ( No matter how many Mitzvahs you achieve )
So what? You don’t have to believe in an afterlife to be Jewish, either. What’s your point.

And you don’t necessarily do mitzvahs to get into Heaven. You do Mitzvahs because they are the right thing to do.
So what? You don’t have to believe in an afterlife to be Jewish, either. What’s your point.

And you don’t necessarily do mitzvahs to get into Heaven. You do Mitzvahs because they are the right thing to do.
I was talking about Jews
If the Holocaust was only about the “wealth and power” that Jews had gained, why didn’t Hitler kill all the wealthy and powerful Aryans? Why single out JUST the Juden?

Answer: Because it was about antisemitism. How anybody in this day and age doubts that is beyond me. The only thing I can figure is that they want to downplay antisemitism so they can get away with it more.
Non-Jewish children from particular groups were also targeted. Roma (Gypsy) children were murdered at Auschwitz II; thousands of German children were killed in euthanasia operations; and at times, as in Lidice and Oradour-sur-Glane, children were murdered in reprisals. Children who were imprisoned in concentration camps were used by SS physicians and medical researchers in medical experiments that often resulted in deformities and death. Twins in particular were chosen for such experiments.

A 1938 Nazi Law Forced Jews to Register Their Wealth—Making It Easier to Steal​

Eighty years ago, the edict marked a turning point in the Nazi party’s efforts to push Jews out of the German economy.
On April 26, 1938, the “Decree for the Reporting of Jewish-Owned Property” issued by Hitler’s government took effect, requiring all Jews in both Germany and Austria to register any property or assets valued at more than 5,000 Reichsmarks (around $2,000 in American currency of the period, or $34,000 today). From furniture and paintings to life insurance and stocks, nothing was immune from the registry. By July 31 of that year, German finance officials had collected paperwork from some 700,000 Jewish citizens—7 billion Reichsmarks-worth of wealth ripe for state-sanctioned theft known as “aryanization.”
Whether Jewish citizens stayed in Germany and Austria or left, they were doomed to lose much, if not all, their property. Just under half of those assets went directly to the German state. According to Hayes, in the national budget for 1938-1939, an entire 5 percent came solely from wealth confiscated from Jews.

What led to the extermination of the Jews...

Jews Have Too Much Power​

At the core of this strain of conspiratorial antisemitism is the belief that Jews do not deserve to have power, regardless of what values they may stand for. Jews who pursue or occupy leadership roles in elected office or other stations of public life too often are deemed conspiratorial, rather than commended for their investment in concerns of the collective. The myth of excessive Jewish power also relies on historical claims of Jews controlling global affairs. Jews are cast as manipulative and conniving schemers who work in the shadows to advance an evil agenda. Antisemites often position themselves as truth-tellers, whose mission it is to unmask a supposed insidious Jewish plot to take over the world.
Whether Jewish citizens stayed in Germany and Austria or left, they were doomed to lose much, if not all, their property. Just under half of those assets went directly to the German state. According to Hayes, in the national budget for 1938-1939, an entire 5 percent came solely from wealth confiscated from Jews.

(Easy way to take the wealth and power away from Jews was extermination. It just happen they were Jews and could have been any other race other than Aryans. )
So am I. Still don’t get your point.
That if you do all the Mitzvahs and face the Judgement ( And get a favorable verdict ) then there is potential to be with Dead Loved Ones someplace other than a graveyard ( a type of afterlife in Judaism )
Non-Jewish children from particular groups were also targeted. Roma (Gypsy) children were murdered at Auschwitz II; thousands of German children were killed in euthanasia operations; and at times, as in Lidice and Oradour-sur-Glane, children were murdered in reprisals. Children who were imprisoned in concentration camps were used by SS physicians and medical researchers in medical experiments that often resulted in deformities and death. Twins in particular were chosen for such experiments.

A 1938 Nazi Law Forced Jews to Register Their Wealth—Making It Easier to Steal​

Eighty years ago, the edict marked a turning point in the Nazi party’s efforts to push Jews out of the German economy.
On April 26, 1938, the “Decree for the Reporting of Jewish-Owned Property” issued by Hitler’s government took effect, requiring all Jews in both Germany and Austria to register any property or assets valued at more than 5,000 Reichsmarks (around $2,000 in American currency of the period, or $34,000 today). From furniture and paintings to life insurance and stocks, nothing was immune from the registry. By July 31 of that year, German finance officials had collected paperwork from some 700,000 Jewish citizens—7 billion Reichsmarks-worth of wealth ripe for state-sanctioned theft known as “aryanization.”
Whether Jewish citizens stayed in Germany and Austria or left, they were doomed to lose much, if not all, their property. Just under half of those assets went directly to the German state. According to Hayes, in the national budget for 1938-1939, an entire 5 percent came solely from wealth confiscated from Jews.

What led to the extermination of the Jews...

Jews Have Too Much Power​

At the core of this strain of conspiratorial antisemitism is the belief that Jews do not deserve to have power, regardless of what values they may stand for. Jews who pursue or occupy leadership roles in elected office or other stations of public life too often are deemed conspiratorial, rather than commended for their investment in concerns of the collective. The myth of excessive Jewish power also relies on historical claims of Jews controlling global affairs. Jews are cast as manipulative and conniving schemers who work in the shadows to advance an evil agenda. Antisemites often position themselves as truth-tellers, whose mission it is to unmask a supposed insidious Jewish plot to take over the world.
Whether Jewish citizens stayed in Germany and Austria or left, they were doomed to lose much, if not all, their property. Just under half of those assets went directly to the German state. According to Hayes, in the national budget for 1938-1939, an entire 5 percent came solely from wealth confiscated from Jews.

(Easy way to take the wealth and power away from Jews was extermination. It just happen they were Jews and could have been any other race other than Aryans. )
Yes, some non-Jewish children were also targeted as well as other people they felt were “undesirables”. But Jews were targeted solely because they were Jewish, and for no other reason. No other religion was viewed as sub-human, worthy of murder.

Why are you working so hard to diminish or explain away the unspeakable antisemitism that led Nazis to try to exterminate an entire religion?

And please tell me you know that ALL Jews were targets, including the poor, uneducated stetl dwellers whose “power” consisted of owning a pair of candlesticks and some rags to wear.
That if you do all the Mitzvahs and face the Judgement ( And get a favorable verdict ) then there is potential to be with Dead Loved Ones someplace other than a graveyard ( a type of afterlife in Judaism )
Some believe that, and some don’t. Either way, the correct thing to do are as many mi as you can.
Yes, some non-Jewish children were also targeted as well as other people they felt were “undesirables”. But Jews were targeted solely because they were Jewish, and for no other reason. No other religion was viewed as sub-human, worthy of murder.

Why are you working so hard to diminish or explain away the unspeakable antisemitism that led Nazis to try to exterminate an entire religion?

And please tell me you know that ALL Jews were targets, including the poor, uneducated stetl dwellers whose “power” consisted of owning a pair of candlesticks and some rags to wear.
Now, what part of this do you not understand.??
Jehovah's Witnesses endured intense persecution under the Nazi regime. On 1 April 1935 the Nazis made it illegal to be a Jehovah’s Witness and more than 8,000 people were sent to prisons or concentration camps.
In addition to singling out Jews for complete annihilation, the Nazis targeted Roma and Sinti people (Gypsies), black people, gay people, Jehovahs Witnesses ...In addition to singling out Jews for complete annihilation, the Nazis targeted for discrimination and persecution, anyone they believed threatened their ideal of a ‘pure Aryan race’.
Nazi beliefs categorised people by race, and Hitler used the word ‘Aryan’ for his idea of a ‘pure German race’. The Nazis believed Aryan people were superior to all others. Their devotion to what they believed was racial purity and their opposition to racial mixing partly explains their hatred towards Jews, Roma and Sinti people (sometimes referred to as ‘Gypsies’) and black people. Slavic people, such as those from Poland and Russia, were considered inferior and were targeted because they lived in areas needed for German expansion.
Holocaust victims were people targeted by the government of Nazi Germany based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, or sexual orientation. Holocaust Misconceptions. There were 11 million victims of the Holocaust (or 6 million Jewish victims and 5 million non-Jewish ...The SS and their accomplices murdered approximately 1.5 million Jewish children, thousands of Roma (Gypsy) children, German children who had mental or physical disabilities and Polish children.
Poopie Goldberg needs to suck on the business end of a shotgun and do the whole world a favor.

Fatal beauty and burglar was a long time ago. If she just stopped there I'd still like her.
With respect to the racial theory, the truth is that the Jews are not a race. Anyone in the world of any color, creed, or race can become a Jew. From Judas to Shylock to Fagin, Jews have been blamed for the evils of profit and capitalism, says Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland.
Throughout the interwar period, Nazi leaders and propaganda repeatedly put forward the bogus claim that Jews owned up to 20 percent of all wealth in Germany, despite making up fewer than one percent of the population. At this time, Jews were used as a scapegoat for Germany's economic difficulties after the First World War and during the Great Depression, and the Nazis claimed that the Jews were lining their pockets at the expense of "Aryan" Germans.
Understand this?
What’s more, Nazi ideology held that Jews were particularly wealthy citizens of Germany, despite the reality that the majority of Jewish families fell somewhere in the middle class, Hayes says. Not only would the 1938 edict return wealth to non-Jewish citizens, whom Nazis considered to be the rightful owners, it would also encourage more Jews to leave the country, another of Hitler’s goals at that point. (The decision to pursue the wholesale extermination of Jews, known as the “Final Solution,” wouldn’t come for several more years, in late 1941.)
Extermination of the Jew as not about race but about wealth and power.

A 1938 Nazi Law Forced Jews to Register Their Wealth—Making It Easier to Steal​


  • Beginning of the year – Start of mass extermination of Jews in the gas chambers. In late 1941 and early 1942 the Nazis built camps in occupied Poland whose sole purpose was to kill people on an industrial scale.
  • The 1935 Nuremberg Laws Did not work against the Jews.​

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With respect to the racial theory, the truth is that the Jews are not a race. Anyone in the world of any color, creed, or race can become a Jew. From Judas to Shylock to Fagin, Jews have been blamed for the evils of profit and capitalism, says Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland.
Throughout the interwar period, Nazi leaders and propaganda repeatedly put forward the bogus claim that Jews owned up to 20 percent of all wealth in Germany, despite making up fewer than one percent of the population. At this time, Jews were used as a scapegoat for Germany's economic difficulties after the First World War and during the Great Depression, and the Nazis claimed that the Jews were lining their pockets at the expense of "Aryan" Germans.
Understand this?
What’s more, Nazi ideology held that Jews were particularly wealthy citizens of Germany, despite the reality that the majority of Jewish families fell somewhere in the middle class, Hayes says. Not only would the 1938 edict return wealth to non-Jewish citizens, whom Nazis considered to be the rightful owners, it would also encourage more Jews to leave the country, another of Hitler’s goals at that point. (The decision to pursue the wholesale extermination of Jews, known as the “Final Solution,” wouldn’t come for several more years, in late 1941.)
Extermination of the Jew as not about race but about wealth and power.
If extermination of the Jew was about wealth and power, why did the Nazis sweep through every little stetl and dairy farm throughout Europe exterminating impoverished Jews who had neither wealth or power? IT WAS ABOUT HATING JEWS.
The issue is not really about whether Jews are a race or a religion. This is irrelevant to the root reason Goldburg said what she said. The only reason she says this is to downplay the plight of Jews during the Holocaust compared to the plight of blacks in America.

What Goldburg doesn’t understand is that racism is just another form of prejudice just as antisemitism is. They are both equally wrong and discrimination and oppression for either reason are also equally wrong.
The issue is not really about whether Jews are a race or a religion. This is irrelevant to the root reason Goldburg said what she said. The only reason she says this is to downplay the plight of Jews during the Holocaust compared to the plight of blacks in America.

What Goldburg doesn’t understand is that racism is just another form of prejudice just as antisemitism is. They are both equally wrong and discrimination and oppression for either reason are also equally wrong.
The issue is not really about whether Jews are a race or a religion. This is irrelevant to the root reason Goldburg said what she said. The only reason she says this is to downplay the plight of Jews during the Holocaust compared to the plight of blacks in America.

What Goldburg doesn’t understand is that racism is just another form of prejudice just as antisemitism is. They are both equally wrong and discrimination and oppression for either reason are also equally wrong.
Victimhood Status is not kosher for Colonialist Whites and must be challenged ?

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