Whoopi Says She's "Humiliated," May Quit

Iā€™m with idiot black woman in this

she said somthing stupid and apologized for it

that seems like enough to me
Personally Iā€™m getting a kick out of watching the Leftards whining that cancel culture has gone too far.
She said what all racists say and is being taught to children.
Youā€™re seeing the pendulum starting to return. Truckers in Canada, boycotts in America, elections being won to turn the tide. She did not misspeak. She believes whites canā€™t be racists and Nazis never considered Jews a race. Anyone that ignorant should have no platform anywhere except on a street corner yelling at the sky.
Her ilk made the rules, time for us to shove it down their throats.
I have to say I see where Whoopi misunderstood and got it wrong. But I didn't get the impression she meant to lessen the horrors of Nazi Germany or deny it ever happened. She sees race as color and didn't understand that Germany saw it as race. She apologized and back-tracked when she was corrected. Why does she need to be suspended now? Accept the apology and move on. THIS is what's wrong with culture today. People can't even apologize after admitting they were wrong without consequences. This isn't someone who got caught doing something wrong like cheating or stealing and now regrets getting caught, this is someone who seems to have genuinely misunderstood history.
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This is horrible.

Let her. Maybe she'll get lucky and they'll do a Sister Act 4 & 5...

It's been a few years since I've seen a picture of her, when did she sign on to be a body double for Jabba the Hutt?
Not too long ago I had to sit in a doctor's waiting room while the TV was playing and showing The View.

When I went to the examination room my blood pressure was significantly higher than it normally is.

When the doctor discussed this me I told him that those shitheads on The View got me all riled up.

He said he would not allow the program to be shown any more. The next time I went they had on the DIY Network.
I have to say I see where Whoopi misunderstood and got it wrong. But I didn't get the impression she meant to lessen the horrors of Nazi Germany or deny it ever happened. She sees race as color and didn't understand that Germany saw it as race. She apologized and back-tracked when she was corrected. Why does she need to be suspended now? Accept the apology and move on. THIS is what's wrong with culture today. People can't even apologize after admitting they were wrong without consequences.
I missed in her ā€˜apologyā€™ that said she now knows that Jews are a race.
Anti-semitism is rampant among black leftists. Barack Obama, and his mentor Louis Farrakhan are great examples of this. As are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

In fact, all four of the Holocaust deniers the Democrats elected to Congress are black.

I wouldn't know about any of that, Marv, I don't make a habit of keeping up with black leftists. The only Jew I hold anything against is our resident Quasar44 for using that disturbing red vampire avatar of his! :21:
This is horrible.

Letā€™s not forget Whoopi dropped out of high school.


During the 1960s Goldberg dropped out of high school and became addicted to drugs. Finally she sought help, cleaned herself up, and, in the process, married her drug counselor. A year later Goldberg gave birth to a daughter, Alexandrea. Less than a year after that, she was divorced. During this time she worked as a summer camp counselor and as a member of the choruses of Broadway shows such as Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar.

Read more: Whoopi Goldberg Biography - family, childhood, children, name, history, school, mother, information, born, drugs, movie
The worst part of her racism, is that she went on what she thought was a safe place, a late night demafasict propagandist show, and double downed on her bigotry.

The thing with racist, is you give them enough room, their racism will be exposed.
ABC was probably looking to get rid of her and this was their excuse. She was good when she was a comedian but now she's just a bitter, angry, hateful panelist, just like the rest of them. The View blows.
Letā€™s not forget Whoopi dropped out of high school.


During the 1960s Goldberg dropped out of high school and became addicted to drugs. Finally she sought help, cleaned herself up, and, in the process, married her drug counselor. A year later Goldberg gave birth to a daughter, Alexandrea. Less than a year after that, she was divorced. During this time she worked as a summer camp counselor and as a member of the choruses of Broadway shows such as Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar.

Read more: Whoopi Goldberg Biography - family, childhood, children, name, history, school, mother, information, born, drugs, movie

What a fucking loser.
Iā€™m with idiot black woman in this

she said somthing stupid and apologized for it

that seems like enough to me
Nawā€¦she helped perpetuate cancel culture. She gets whatā€™s coming to her.

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