whoopi thinks god likes abortions

Actually, you can read it in the bible.

God drowned every baby in the world in the Great Flood.
He killed every first born child in Egypt in the 10th Plague.
He ordered the Israelites to slaughter the children of the Amelekits, Moabites, Ammonites, etc.
He killed the infant baby of David and Bathsheba to punish David for adultery.
He sent two she bears to maul 42 children who mocked a bald prophet.

I could list a bunch of others, but you get the picture.
And in every single one of those cases, God had authority that humans do not have. A policeman can legally come into your house, bind you and take you away in his car where you will languish for a long time behind bars. You cannot do that to your neighbor. He can also carry a gun where you cannot, and use it, again where you cannot. Don't you ever get tired of having this handed to you every time you try to put yourself in the judgement seat?
It means no matter how simple a statement, ya just can't dumb it down enough for the liberals cuz they are like children...sorry for all the confusion
My question still stands. How does anyone know what God thinks? You do know, that what the thread says, is totally different than what the link says she said.

So, I agree, it was a simple statement by Whoopi, turned lying statement by the OP.
The error in the title of this thread is in the first two words, "whoopi thinks". If she ever had an original thought she would realize what a waste of a human life she is.
So, she thinks. Where does that leave you? Proclaiming you know when life begins? That a fetus is a child? That life begins at conception? What do you think? Then provide us with the scientific documentation backing up those thoughts of yours. And after that, we can draw for ourselves who's really doing the thinking around here.
If they do it in places with universal health care should they be covered? [ to head off the next "HUH?" question,] by covered I don't mean with a blanket
Silly, immature posts will always bury you. Please continue. Nothing like a fool taking it a step further.
Just ask the inflation afflicted working and lower middle class how free it is, scrotum squeezer!
528,000 new jobs, 3.5% unemployment, lowest in my lifetime, gas prices going down, and all of this because the shit head before Biden tanked the economy by calling covid a hoax. The shit for brains Trump left a big mess for the Dems to pick up, just like they always do.
Pelosi just gave China a great excuse to disentangle themselves from abiding by 'climate change' agreements; not that they were going to abide by them anyways, as China has already prepared to erect numerous coal-fired plants!!
So, DA, if China wasn't going to abide by them anyway, nothing lost. LOL! Damn, I can't believe you posted that stupid shit.
Considering god killed thousands of babies and children because of his jealousy and tyranny, one could reasonably assume he doesnt care about the sinner aborting her child.
We can just as easily assume God doesn't think it's a sin as well.

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