whoopi thinks god likes abortions

I see we have reached the dysfunctional stage of not getting ones way where just saying words is supposed to go unquestioned and the way of the lord is now having been determined to be correct after all...which of course requires punishment.
...was it determined by the good rep Bartlett that this should be left up to the states? you know, like abortion?...or does he want to make the same mistake again?
[if it is left up to the states he could get his way, but then of course folks REALLY WOULD leave those states] I will support states rights in this matter exactly like abortion.
I really want the good rep. Bartlett to go through with this^ [in his home state of course]
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Just ask the inflation afflicted working and lower middle class how free it is, scrotum squeezer!

They need to better themselves, pull themselves up by their boot straps and get a better job. It is the American way.
They need to better themselves, pull themselves up by their boot straps and get a better job. It is the American way.

Those dreams and that day is over thanks to limousine Neo-Marxist liberals.

And thanks to them dealing the 'Green New Deal' designed to annihilate them and transfer wealth into elitist coffers.
Those dreams and that day is over thanks to limousine Neo-Marxist liberals.

And thanks to them dealing the 'Green New Deal' designed to annihilate them and transfer wealth into elitist coffers.

Sucks to be you I guess.

Me and mine are doing just fine!
Pelosi just gave China a great excuse to disentangle themselves from abiding by 'climate change' agreements; not that they were going to abide by them anyways, as China has already prepared to erect numerous coal-fired plants!!
life beginings at conception says the bible and science., the only reason an abortions should be don e is to save the mothers life. it is not a birth control measure for people who want to whore around.
That's a lie. No it does not. You are a liar pos.
The error in the title of this thread is in the first two words, "whoopi thinks". If she ever had an original thought she would realize what a waste of a human life she is.
And how are your thoughts better than hers? Where's your scientific proof of anything related to abortion?
Considering god killed thousands of babies and children because of his jealousy and tyranny, one could reasonably assume he doesnt care about the sinner aborting her child.
Animals can and will abort. Are they sinning too?
God also gives the Hebrews explicit instructions to murder children... when he isn't murdering them himself.

Actually, only about a third of fertilized eggs become babies... they either don't attach to the uterine wall, they miscarry or the woman aborts.

Fetuses aren't children.

Okay, the problem with that is that he knew Jeremiah BEFORE he was formed in the womb. That means he knew Jeremiah before he was a gleem in his daddy's eye.
He knows all his children in the womb. He also all his believers, his children.

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