Whoopis pissing the jews off again

All we can see over here in God's Garden is that she is a fat OInk and surprisingly unattractive to look at for more than a very few seconds .Probably also had several killer shots which have not yet worked .Unfortunately

Might all of that be contributing to her out of balance mental health ?
You see that from god's garden, do ya?
It took unnatural and special talents to rule the world and certain of us retain those same abilities .

With some special help from our number one fan Baby Jesus .
It happens sometimes with family to begin with .

But he realised his true position after we slapped him in to shape .
So you abused him until he said what you wanted to hear.
Use of violence to coerce, wanting people to die for no real reason and judging people by their looks. Yes, that sounds like "Gods" garden.
It just shows again how asinine "The View" is.
All of the members are low information loud mouths.
Jews are not a race, they are a religious group.
But that is not how Hitler and other nations saw it at the time.
Hitler believed the Aryan race was superior to all other races. And all other Caucasian people's that are not Aryan, should be exterminated from all of Europe.
It was 1000% about race, because Hitler saw the Jews as a race subset.
She would do well to remember that blacks who were living in Germany during the 3rd Reich were also persecuted and killed.
Hitler also wanted to persecute Asians living in Germany, but couldn't do so because Japan was an important ally. If they wasn't - he would have killed them too.

Whoopi is an ignorant hater.
Sorry, I can't go along with the whole race thing. There is only one race--the human race. These other social constructs are nothing more than an attempt to divide people.
she is racist pig
What do you have against pigs? I've seen a lot of pigs, and none were as ugly as Whoopi Goldberg. Wtf even happened there? :dunno: Was she born at the top of an ugly tree, rolled out her crib and fell, hitting every branch on the ugly tree on her way down?
Homemade Sin is prettier than Whoopi Goldberg.

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What do you have against pigs? I've seen a lot of pigs, and none were as ugly as Whoopi Goldberg. Wtf even happened there? :dunno: Was she born at the top of an ugly tree, rolled out her crib and fell, hitting every branch on the ugly tree on her way down?
Homemade Sin is prettier than Whoopi Goldberg.
So what is your point?

Next thing you will tell us is that the sky is blue

Well yea. Duh!
What do you have against pigs? I've seen a lot of pigs, and none were as ugly as Whoopi Goldberg. Wtf even happened there? :dunno: Was she born at the top of an ugly tree, rolled out her crib and fell, hitting every branch on the ugly tree on her way down?
Homemade Sin is prettier than Whoopi Goldberg.

sorry ugly as mud fence then

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