Whoops! "Transage-ism" is a thing. We thought we were making a joke . . .

I am not a member of this "alt right" you imagine in your drug-addled dreams.

I am just a man who oppose the sexual exploitation of children which makes me entirely unlike you.
Again..to recap. You don't care about sexual exploitation of children..wherever they are. You don't care about solving the cancer of sexual exploitation and abuse of children.

You are a "man" (hey, whatever you identify as) who uses this issue as a political battering ram against people who are actually...well..better than you. :)
Again..to recap. You don't care about sexual exploitation of children..wherever they are. You don't care about solving the cancer of sexual exploitation and abuse of children.

You are a "man" (hey, whatever you identify as) who uses this issue as a political battering ram against people who are actually...well..better than you. :)
Is it the pcp working on you here?
There was no question, only your retarded, drug-addled posturing.
ROAR!! C'mon..throw down. If you..well (identify) up as a...individual with testicles...:auiqs.jpg:

Gawd..you cucks are so EASY. So please..IDENTIFY as to what the actual fuck..you BELIEVE in??
Oh, we do indeed care about protecting children. Exposing the left as a cult at the same time is just icing on the cake.
I come to USMB and am exposed to this sort of uneducated trailer trash I don't ever engage with in my daily life. It is something of a learning experience to find out how utterly depraved they really are.

"Adult Diaper Lovers."

We already know that Dems are fine with Grown MS13 Gang members identifying as children to get into the U.S. as unaccompanied minors.

As soon as the Dems realized these people exist, they will quickly pave the way for twenty-year old baseball players who get cut from a farm team to sign up and play softball as a twelve year old little league girl.

Also for those "transwomen" for whom aceess to women's locker rooms at college is not stimulating enough, they can simply identify as whatever age they favor and get into those female spaces for children.

This is solved as easily as the transgender thing is....sports and bathrooms and all the rest should be based upon the sex and birthdate on your birth certificate. BOOM all your fears are solved.
Too bad this wasn't a thing when I was a teenager. I would have identified as 21 when I was 15 and wouldn't have had to bother with the hassle of being declared an emancipated minor when I was 17
This is solved as easily as the transgender thing is....sports and bathrooms and all the rest should be based upon the sex and birthdate on your birth certificate. BOOM all your fears are solved.
That solution is acceptable to Democrats?

Link to them saying that?
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I dont' care what "Daddy Dom" and his "Little Girl" do at home. I don't need to know. But in this case they are not at home. They are on a Youtube vid, which may have come from Tik-Tok. So they are trying to normalize it. Acting out fantasies of sexual interactions with children young enough to need diapers isn't something that should be normalized.

I don't for a moment put it past Dems to claim we should treat these "regressed" adults as children. Dems normally hate the idea of IQ. Except for one thing: when a low-IQ person is on death row. Then they say thing like, "He has the mind of an eight year old! The state of Alabama is executing an eight year old!" That isn't how IQ works, and these people who are adult diaper lovers are not really children.

But Lia Thomas isn't really a woman, either, and that doesn't bother Dems in the slightest.
Why do you care?
Because Democrats have a say.

I agree that going by birth certificates is the solution. But there is no "boom. problem solved" while those folks have the Senate, the Presidency, and the media.

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