Who's Afraid of Socialism?

Who’s Afraid of Socialism? | Open Media Boston

"Capitalism’s incompatibility with majority interests has been reaffirmed by the current economic crisis.

"Earlier, the most severe effects of capitalism had been offset, within the US, by the progressive reforms of the 1930s.

"But capital’s political power was less restrained in this country than it was in the other rich countries.

"Flush with military might and bolstered by a mass right-wing culture of arrogant self-righteousness, US capital launched a withering counterattack against the New Deal legacy, culminating in an almost three-decade orgy of anti-welfare legislation, imperialist aggression, privatization, and deregulation."

Unrestrained profit maximization results in concentrating an enormous amount of surplus capital which can find few safe investments.

"Free market" capitalists turn to highly speculative scams which generate financial bubbles as the real economy continues to be hollowed out and the working class is driven deeper into debt.

Socialism would turn to government for an alternative, but US government is Goldman Sachs regardless of which major party is in control.
Anybody with any common sense or capacity to commit logic is afraid of socialism. All you have to do is look at Venezuela to see why you have to be insane to adopt such economic policies.
Huh? Venezuela ? because they keep feeding you that on fox news? How about Switzerland, Holland, Scandavian countries, Australia, and so many more that their citizens enjoy free health care, decent vacation times, decent wages, decent sick times, free education and a very good safety net?

Switzerland, Holland, the Scandinavian countries and Australia aren't socialist. The United States is more socialist than they are

From the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom:

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

rank country overall change
1 Hong Kong 90.2 0.4
2 Singapore 88.8 0.2
3 New Zealand 84.2 0.5
4 Switzerland 81.7 0.2
5 Australia 80.9 -0.1
6 Ireland 80.4 3.7
12 Denmark 76.6 +1.5
15 Sweden 76.3 +1.4
17 Netherlands 76.2 +0.4
18 United States 75.7 +0.6
179 Venezuela 25.2 -1.8
Define socialism.
Cause I know those countries like i know the US.
You pay thousands for medical coverage they dont.
You pay thousands for education they dont.
They lose their job they get generous assistance, here in the US you will end up homeles after a brief period.
Yet you still live in the US... even with your distaste for our system. Don;t;let the door hit you on your way out
Love it...not our topic...."....small minds discuss people".
Nope, sorry. The Left has tried to rewrite history.

"“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.”"

"“I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises.”"

"“I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”"

The words are those of none other than Henry Morgenthau Jr. — close friend, lunch companion, loyal secretary of the Treasury to President Franklin D. Roosevelt — and key architect of FDR’s New Deal.

The date: May 9, 1939. The setting: Morgenthau’s appearance in Washington before less influential Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee."

'We're Spending More Than Ever and It Doesn't Work'
Your Morgenthau quote comes AFTER conservative Republicans shut down many aspects of the New Deal AFTER the 1938 midterms:

New Deal - Wikipedia

"The economic downturn of 1937–1938 and the bitter split between the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) labor unions led to major Republican gains in Congress in 1938.

"Conservative Republicans and Democrats in Congress joined in the informal conservative coalition.

"By 1942–1943, they shut down relief programs such as the WPA and the CCC and blocked major liberal proposals."

Oh golly well then SURELY he'd have made that point (if that's what he thought). You've been conditioned to accept the rewritten version of history. It didn't work, Morgenthau tells you that and all you can do is blame "Republicans". Lord.
Who's writing your version of history, the Koch brothers?

1938 Midterm Elections - Conservapedia

"1938 Midterm Elections

"In the midterm elections of 1938 the Republican Party gained 81 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and six seats in the U.S. Senate from the Democratic Party.

"Republicans had lost seats in both houses of Congress in 1930, 1932, 1934, and 1936.

"Their totals were a mere 88 seats in the House and 16 seats in the Senate.

"Following President Franklin D. Roosevelt's landslide reelection in 1936, he attempted to pack the Supreme Court with six new justices to neutralize conservative Justices who struck down some of his New Deal programs as unconstitutional.

"It received backlash from his own party as an overreach of executive power.

"Roosevelt's political standing was also damaged by a sharp economic downturn in 1937 and 1938.

"Unemployment rose from 5 million Americans to more than 12 million, manufacturing, consumer spending, and personal income all declined.

"Critics dubbed it the 'Roosevelt Recession' and seemed to vindicate Republican attacks on the New Deal.

"According to an August 1938 Gallup poll, 66% of Americans wanted FDR to take more conservative policies
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
Last edited:
Your Morgenthau quote comes AFTER conservative Republicans shut down many aspects of the New Deal AFTER the 1938 midterms:

New Deal - Wikipedia

"The economic downturn of 1937–1938 and the bitter split between the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) labor unions led to major Republican gains in Congress in 1938.

"Conservative Republicans and Democrats in Congress joined in the informal conservative coalition.

"By 1942–1943, they shut down relief programs such as the WPA and the CCC and blocked major liberal proposals."

Oh golly well then SURELY he'd have made that point (if that's what he thought). You've been conditioned to accept the rewritten version of history. It didn't work, Morgenthau tells you that and all you can do is blame "Republicans". Lord.
Who's writing your version of history, the Koch brothers?

1938 Midterm Elections - Conservapedia

"1938 Midterm Elections

"In the midterm elections of 1938 the Republican Party gained 81 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and six seats in the U.S. Senate from the Democratic Party.

"Republicans had lost seats in both houses of Congress in 1930, 1932, 1934, and 1936.

"Their totals were a mere 88 seats in the House and 16 seats in the Senate.

"Following President Franklin D. Roosevelt's landslide reelection in 1936, he attempted to pack the Supreme Court with six new justices to neutralize conservative Justices who struck down some of his New Deal programs as unconstitutional.

"It received backlash from his own party as an overreach of executive power.

"Roosevelt's political standing was also damaged by a sharp economic downturn in 1937 and 1938.

"Unemployment rose from 5 million Americans to more than 12 million, manufacturing, consumer spending, and personal income all declined.

"Critics dubbed it the 'Roosevelt Recession' and seemed to vindicate Republican attacks on the New Deal.

"According to an August 1938 Gallup poll, 66% of Americans wanted FDR to take more conservative policies
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."
Oh golly well then SURELY he'd have made that point (if that's what he thought). You've been conditioned to accept the rewritten version of history. It didn't work, Morgenthau tells you that and all you can do is blame "Republicans". Lord.
Who's writing your version of history, the Koch brothers?

1938 Midterm Elections - Conservapedia

"1938 Midterm Elections

"In the midterm elections of 1938 the Republican Party gained 81 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and six seats in the U.S. Senate from the Democratic Party.

"Republicans had lost seats in both houses of Congress in 1930, 1932, 1934, and 1936.

"Their totals were a mere 88 seats in the House and 16 seats in the Senate.

"Following President Franklin D. Roosevelt's landslide reelection in 1936, he attempted to pack the Supreme Court with six new justices to neutralize conservative Justices who struck down some of his New Deal programs as unconstitutional.

"It received backlash from his own party as an overreach of executive power.

"Roosevelt's political standing was also damaged by a sharp economic downturn in 1937 and 1938.

"Unemployment rose from 5 million Americans to more than 12 million, manufacturing, consumer spending, and personal income all declined.

"Critics dubbed it the 'Roosevelt Recession' and seemed to vindicate Republican attacks on the New Deal.

"According to an August 1938 Gallup poll, 66% of Americans wanted FDR to take more conservative policies
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."
Who's writing your version of history, the Koch brothers?

1938 Midterm Elections - Conservapedia

"1938 Midterm Elections

"In the midterm elections of 1938 the Republican Party gained 81 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and six seats in the U.S. Senate from the Democratic Party.

"Republicans had lost seats in both houses of Congress in 1930, 1932, 1934, and 1936.

"Their totals were a mere 88 seats in the House and 16 seats in the Senate.

"Following President Franklin D. Roosevelt's landslide reelection in 1936, he attempted to pack the Supreme Court with six new justices to neutralize conservative Justices who struck down some of his New Deal programs as unconstitutional.

"It received backlash from his own party as an overreach of executive power.

"Roosevelt's political standing was also damaged by a sharp economic downturn in 1937 and 1938.

"Unemployment rose from 5 million Americans to more than 12 million, manufacturing, consumer spending, and personal income all declined.

"Critics dubbed it the 'Roosevelt Recession' and seemed to vindicate Republican attacks on the New Deal.

"According to an August 1938 Gallup poll, 66% of Americans wanted FDR to take more conservative policies
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"
Who's writing your version of history, the Koch brothers?

1938 Midterm Elections - Conservapedia

"1938 Midterm Elections

"In the midterm elections of 1938 the Republican Party gained 81 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and six seats in the U.S. Senate from the Democratic Party.

"Republicans had lost seats in both houses of Congress in 1930, 1932, 1934, and 1936.

"Their totals were a mere 88 seats in the House and 16 seats in the Senate.

"Following President Franklin D. Roosevelt's landslide reelection in 1936, he attempted to pack the Supreme Court with six new justices to neutralize conservative Justices who struck down some of his New Deal programs as unconstitutional.

"It received backlash from his own party as an overreach of executive power.

"Roosevelt's political standing was also damaged by a sharp economic downturn in 1937 and 1938.

"Unemployment rose from 5 million Americans to more than 12 million, manufacturing, consumer spending, and personal income all declined.

"Critics dubbed it the 'Roosevelt Recession' and seemed to vindicate Republican attacks on the New Deal.

"According to an August 1938 Gallup poll, 66% of Americans wanted FDR to take more conservative policies
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"

How much did Jesus raise taxes to feed the poor?
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"
Forced charity is not charity at all
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"
Manna from the public sector whenever we are not Good enough for manna from a God!
Who is afraid of Satan?

Even if you aren't afraid (although let's be honest the OP is wetting his pants), not sure it's the best idea to invite him over for a dinner.

In the form of Social Security...Medicare..Medicaid?

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"

How much did Jesus raise taxes to feed the poor?
Compared to Ike?

Eisenhower's Tax Policies Invested in the Future, Not the Few | Essay | Zócalo Public Square

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"
Manna from the public sector whenever we are not Good enough for manna from a God!
Is there such a thing as "Christian Socialism"?

The Christian Socialist
Socialism has always been and always will be a fuck up...

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"

If socialism is feeding everyone... why is Venezuela starving?
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"
Manna from the public sector whenever we are not Good enough for manna from a God!
Is there such a thing as "Christian Socialism"?

The Christian Socialist
i would expect to receive some flak from people wanting to exercise their First Amendment regarding Persons of alleged morals trying preach religious forms of morality, for others.

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"

If socialism is feeding everyone... why is Venezuela starving?
lousy management. Thank Goodness FDR was a left winger.

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"
Forced charity is not charity at all
Taxes are not charity unless you think society will fund defense, infrastructure, air and water quality, courts and prisons, not to mention some sort of safety net for the elderly and disadvantaged voluntarily.

Taxes not 'forced charity'

"If Republicans were able to leave all these government functions to voluntary charity, we would soon have a vulnerable, crumbling, polluted, crime-ridden and destitute society, because those who reap the greatest rewards from our economic system are unfortunately the least charitable."

And he doesn't pay taxes either.

"How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage"
How Failed Capitalism Opened Pandora's Box, Unleashing Trump, Le Pen, Farage

Capitalism is the disease.
Trump is the symptom.
Socialism is the cure.
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"

If socialism is feeding everyone... why is Venezuela starving?
Because capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies.
"Washington Moves Towards 'Regime Change' in Venezuela
An imperialist coup d'état attempt is underway in Venezuela."

Washington Moves Towards 'Regime Change' in Venezuela
Keep your fucking socialism to yourselves… The rest of us want nothing to do with it
What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar."

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"

If socialism is feeding everyone... why is Venezuela starving?
Because capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies.
"Washington Moves Towards 'Regime Change' in Venezuela
An imperialist coup d'état attempt is underway in Venezuela."

Washington Moves Towards 'Regime Change' in Venezuela
I hope so.

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America

"'I might be the only one in our little chapter that is a Christian, and it all just fits so perfectly together for me, things that I've always thought anyway along with my values morally and religiously,' she said.

"'Possibly my mother would want to debate me on this, but if anyone was ever a socialist it was Jesus.'"

If socialism is feeding everyone... why is Venezuela starving?
Because capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies.
"Washington Moves Towards 'Regime Change' in Venezuela
An imperialist coup d'état attempt is underway in Venezuela."

Washington Moves Towards 'Regime Change' in Venezuela
I hope so.
You're hoping for a repeat of US aggression against Chile in 1973?
CIA Activities in Chile — Central Intelligence Agency


Washington Moves Towards 'Regime Change' in Venezuela

"In other words, the nationalised companies will be returned to their former private owners (including telecommunications, electrical, SIDOR, cement, etc), as will expropriated landed estates. It is noteworthy that there is a lot of talk of property and business rights, but no mention is made of workers' rights, which would certainly be abolished. It continues:

"'Public companies will be subject to a restructuring process that ensures their efficient and transparent management, including through public-private agreements.'"

"What this means, in plain language, is massive dismissal of workers from state companies and the entry of private capital into them: a policy of looting which has already proved to be a disaster in all countries where it has been applied."

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