Who's Afraid of Socialism?

True. No one wants to be like Venezuela.
But the American left is useless and that is the general direction they would unwittingly be taking us.
The American left needs to come to terms with the idea that we are going to have to change the capitalist base that is the foundation of our society.
American capitalism has gone global and you are not going to reign it in, or force it to pay for the well being of our society. Capitalism doesn't care about our well being. It will just seek out another host, which is why it went global in the first place. With the help of the useless American left, I might add.
Socialism has no morality
Socialism is a way of producing the things that we need in a manner that provides dignity to everyone regardless of one's abilities. It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

And who cares if it requires a boot stomping on a human face forever, eh comrade?
No boot stomping required. Government would be transformed. Alter the base and you alter the superstructure (government) naturally.

I heard Cuba has 100% literacy and free healthcare.
and you don't see democrats leaving in droves for their island paradise. However you see Cubans coming to Florida on anything that floats.
Who’s Afraid of Socialism? | Open Media Boston

"Capitalism’s incompatibility with majority interests has been reaffirmed by the current economic crisis.

"Earlier, the most severe effects of capitalism had been offset, within the US, by the progressive reforms of the 1930s.

"But capital’s political power was less restrained in this country than it was in the other rich countries.

"Flush with military might and bolstered by a mass right-wing culture of arrogant self-righteousness, US capital launched a withering counterattack against the New Deal legacy, culminating in an almost three-decade orgy of anti-welfare legislation, imperialist aggression, privatization, and deregulation."

Unrestrained profit maximization results in concentrating an enormous amount of surplus capital which can find few safe investments.

"Free market" capitalists turn to highly speculative scams which generate financial bubbles as the real economy continues to be hollowed out and the working class is driven deeper into debt.

Socialism would turn to government for an alternative, but US government is Goldman Sachs regardless of which major party is in control.
Anybody with any common sense or capacity to commit logic is afraid of socialism. All you have to do is look at Venezuela to see why you have to be insane to adopt such economic policies.
For christ fkin sake dude. Venezuela is a universe away from what we are and do. Just stop. Even amongst the left we understand that America was born and succeeded primarily as a capitalist nation and we still want that core. The failure of capitalism is negative externalities, failed markets, an aversion to even trying to fix problems, growing economic inequality. What we want is to use more a socialist toolset to address some of these problems as we've seen other nations successfully do and on the name of the well being of the people. No one here is saying let's be Venezuela. So seriously stfu and turn off your rotten news source.
True. No one wants to be like Venezuela.
But the American left is useless and that is the general direction they would unwittingly be taking us.
The American left needs to come to terms with the idea that we are going to have to change the capitalist base that is the foundation of our society.
American capitalism has gone global and you are not going to reign it in, or force it to pay for the well being of our society. Capitalism doesn't care about our well being. It will just seek out another host, which is why it went global in the first place. With the help of the useless American left, I might add.
Socialism has no morality
Socialism is a way of producing the things that we need in a manner that provides dignity to everyone regardless of one's abilities. It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.
Na, not really
For christ fkin sake dude. Venezuela is a universe away from what we are and do. Just stop. Even amongst the left we understand that America was born and succeeded primarily as a capitalist nation and we still want that core. The failure of capitalism is negative externalities, failed markets, an aversion to even trying to fix problems, growing economic inequality. What we want is to use more a socialist toolset to address some of these problems as we've seen other nations successfully do and on the name of the well being of the people. No one here is saying let's be Venezuela. So seriously stfu and turn off your rotten news source.
True. No one wants to be like Venezuela.
But the American left is useless and that is the general direction they would unwittingly be taking us.
The American left needs to come to terms with the idea that we are going to have to change the capitalist base that is the foundation of our society.
American capitalism has gone global and you are not going to reign it in, or force it to pay for the well being of our society. Capitalism doesn't care about our well being. It will just seek out another host, which is why it went global in the first place. With the help of the useless American left, I might add.
Socialism has no morality
Socialism is a way of producing the things that we need in a manner that provides dignity to everyone regardless of one's abilities. It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.
Yeah, starvation sure is dignified. So was standing in lines for everything in the USSR.
Extrapolating social conditions of twentieth century Russia and applying them to twenty first century USA is disingenuous at best.
What part of millions of Americans want nothing to do with socialism don’t you understand?
Who’s Afraid of Socialism? | Open Media Boston

"Capitalism’s incompatibility with majority interests has been reaffirmed by the current economic crisis.

"Earlier, the most severe effects of capitalism had been offset, within the US, by the progressive reforms of the 1930s.

"But capital’s political power was less restrained in this country than it was in the other rich countries.

"Flush with military might and bolstered by a mass right-wing culture of arrogant self-righteousness, US capital launched a withering counterattack against the New Deal legacy, culminating in an almost three-decade orgy of anti-welfare legislation, imperialist aggression, privatization, and deregulation."

Unrestrained profit maximization results in concentrating an enormous amount of surplus capital which can find few safe investments.

"Free market" capitalists turn to highly speculative scams which generate financial bubbles as the real economy continues to be hollowed out and the working class is driven deeper into debt.

Socialism would turn to government for an alternative, but US government is Goldman Sachs regardless of which major party is in control.
Anybody with any common sense or capacity to commit logic is afraid of socialism. All you have to do is look at Venezuela to see why you have to be insane to adopt such economic policies.
For christ fkin sake dude. Venezuela is a universe away from what we are and do. Just stop. Even amongst the left we understand that America was born and succeeded primarily as a capitalist nation and we still want that core. The failure of capitalism is negative externalities, failed markets, an aversion to even trying to fix problems, growing economic inequality. What we want is to use more a socialist toolset to address some of these problems as we've seen other nations successfully do and on the name of the well being of the people. No one here is saying let's be Venezuela. So seriously stfu and turn off your rotten news source.
True. No one wants to be like Venezuela.
But the American left is useless and that is the general direction they would unwittingly be taking us.
The American left needs to come to terms with the idea that we are going to have to change the capitalist base that is the foundation of our society.
American capitalism has gone global and you are not going to reign it in, or force it to pay for the well being of our society. Capitalism doesn't care about our well being. It will just seek out another host, which is why it went global in the first place. With the help of the useless American left, I might add.
Socialism has no morality
Socialism is a way of producing the things that we need in a manner that provides dignity to everyone regardless of one's abilities. It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.
Socialism has no morality
Socialism is a way of producing the things that we need in a manner that provides dignity to everyone regardless of one's abilities. It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

And who cares if it requires a boot stomping on a human face forever, eh comrade?
No boot stomping required. Government would be transformed. Alter the base and you alter the superstructure (government) naturally.

I heard Cuba has 100% literacy and free healthcare.
and you don't see democrats leaving in droves for their island paradise. However you see Cubans coming to Florida on anything that floats.
lousy management does that.
True. No one wants to be like Venezuela.
But the American left is useless and that is the general direction they would unwittingly be taking us.
The American left needs to come to terms with the idea that we are going to have to change the capitalist base that is the foundation of our society.

They're going to have to convince people to give up their freedom.
Socialism is a way of producing the things that we need in a manner that provides dignity to everyone regardless of one's abilities. It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

And who cares if it requires a boot stomping on a human face forever, eh comrade?
No boot stomping required. Government would be transformed. Alter the base and you alter the superstructure (government) naturally.

I heard Cuba has 100% literacy and free healthcare.
and you don't see democrats leaving in droves for their island paradise. However you see Cubans coming to Florida on anything that floats.
lousy management does that.
Like Polosi and Schumer
It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

And who cares if it requires a boot stomping on a human face forever, eh comrade?
No boot stomping required. Government would be transformed. Alter the base and you alter the superstructure (government) naturally.

I heard Cuba has 100% literacy and free healthcare.
and you don't see democrats leaving in droves for their island paradise. However you see Cubans coming to Florida on anything that floats.
lousy management does that.
Like Polosi and Schumer
What if, the Cubans had established a Corps of Engineers to upgrade their Island, instead?
No boot stomping required. Government would be transformed. Alter the base and you alter the superstructure (government) naturally.

I heard Cuba has 100% literacy and free healthcare.
and you don't see democrats leaving in droves for their island paradise. However you see Cubans coming to Florida on anything that floats.
lousy management does that.
Like Polosi and Schumer
What if, the Cubans had established a Corps of Engineers to upgrade their Island, instead?
What IF????
What if the Queen had balls she would be King
Socialism is a way of producing the things that we need in a manner that provides dignity to everyone regardless of one's abilities. It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

It's a hell of a lot moral than capitalism.

And who cares if it requires a boot stomping on a human face forever, eh comrade?
No boot stomping required. Government would be transformed. Alter the base and you alter the superstructure (government) naturally.

I heard Cuba has 100% literacy and free healthcare.
and you don't see democrats leaving in droves for their island paradise. However you see Cubans coming to Florida on anything that floats.
lousy management does that.
Yeah, that's the kind of management government is notorious for.
No thanks. One need not look any further than europe to see what a travesty it is.
Parts of Europe are doing great. Better than us in a lot of ways. Poor statement.
Fuck Europe... Two world wars thanks to them
Oh I think the GOP can take some credit for World War II. Wrecked the league of Nations and the Versailles treaty, started the Great Depression that gave Hitler and the militarists in Japan their start. The GOP is always a catastrophe.
Now they started a world depression again in 2008 it cost many trillions of dollars to avert a full scale depression and assist the victims.
Career politicians are all the same no matter what side of the aisle they pick... you fucking retard
Ever heard of policies and party platforms? Democrats are for the people, GOP are for the rich and garbage propaganda for the dupes... Wake up and smell the coffee. Try following the argument...
Why would anyone be afraid of something that has failed everytime it has been used?
Bernie Sanders is a socialist. What countries are you talkin about, ignorant GOP dupe?
Name one successful socialist country if you can. By the way I am a classic liberal.
France Scandinavia bu Canada New Zealand Australia Japan

You are a brainwashed GOP dupe.
Scandanavia is not a nation, France does not own the means of production and distribution, Canada is a free market economy,
New Zealand is free market, Australia is free market, Australia is free market, Japan is free market and all are capitalist economies
Keep trying you obviously have little economic or political education. When you must end all your arguments in personal insults you admit your ignorance and impotence. Name a single successful socialist nation you can't because there are none.
You think socialism is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Only in the GOP bubble of crap, stupid. Nobody is for communism. Check out what Bernie Sanders and ocasio-cortez want.
Why would anyone be afraid of something that has failed everytime it has been used?
Bernie Sanders is a socialist. What countries are you talkin about, ignorant GOP dupe?
Name one successful socialist country if you can. By the way I am a classic liberal.
France Scandinavia bu Canada New Zealand Australia Japan

You are a brainwashed GOP dupe.
Scandanavia is not a nation, France does not own the means of production and distribution, Canada is a free market economy,
New Zealand is free market, Australia is free market, Australia is free market, Japan is free market and all are capitalist economies
Keep trying you obviously have little economic or political education. When you must end all your arguments in personal insults you admit your ignorance and impotence. Name a single successful socialist nation you can't because there are none.
actually I have a masters in history and have been to Europe over 20 times, speak French and Spanish, and everyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage agrees, socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Socialism as communism as a definition went out the window after World War II. Except in Cold War dinosaur GOP propaganda world.
Parts of Europe are doing great. Better than us in a lot of ways. Poor statement.
Fuck Europe... Two world wars thanks to them
Oh I think the GOP can take some credit for World War II. Wrecked the league of Nations and the Versailles treaty, started the Great Depression that gave Hitler and the militarists in Japan their start. The GOP is always a catastrophe.
Now they started a world depression again in 2008 it cost many trillions of dollars to avert a full scale depression and assist the victims.
Career politicians are all the same no matter what side of the aisle they pick... you fucking retard
Ever heard of policies and party platforms? Democrats are for the people, GOP are for the rich and garbage propaganda for the dupes... Wake up and smell the coffee. Try following the argument...
You’re gullible
Why would anyone be afraid of something that has failed everytime it has been used?
Bernie Sanders is a socialist. What countries are you talkin about, ignorant GOP dupe?
Name one successful socialist country if you can. By the way I am a classic liberal.
France Scandinavia bu Canada New Zealand Australia Japan

You are a brainwashed GOP dupe.
Scandanavia is not a nation, France does not own the means of production and distribution, Canada is a free market economy,
New Zealand is free market, Australia is free market, Australia is free market, Japan is free market and all are capitalist economies
Keep trying you obviously have little economic or political education. When you must end all your arguments in personal insults you admit your ignorance and impotence. Name a single successful socialist nation you can't because there are none.
Look at your definition of socialism, idiot. It says it's government where they own or regulate own or regulate own or regulate on or regulate. Get it? The definition used to be owned, now it is regulated. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary brainwashed functional moron. Read the history of the definition in Wikipedia or any respected history or poli-sci book. Started out as Marxist ideology, and became the USSR, then people found out the USSR was a sham and had no freedom whatsoever or democracy, so now look at any Socialist Party in the world.
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so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Merriam Webster dictionary
Insults point up your ignorance and impotence. Impotence you have in spades and the arrogance of ignorance.
Why would anyone be afraid of something that has failed everytime it has been used?
Bernie Sanders is a socialist. What countries are you talkin about, ignorant GOP dupe?
Name one successful socialist country if you can. By the way I am a classic liberal.
France Scandinavia bu Canada New Zealand Australia Japan

You are a brainwashed GOP dupe.
Scandanavia is not a nation, France does not own the means of production and distribution, Canada is a free market economy,
New Zealand is free market, Australia is free market, Australia is free market, Japan is free market and all are capitalist economies
Keep trying you obviously have little economic or political education. When you must end all your arguments in personal insults you admit your ignorance and impotence. Name a single successful socialist nation you can't because there are none.
actually I have a masters in history and have been to Europe over 20 times, speak French and Spanish, and everyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage agrees, socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Socialism as communism as a definition went out the window after World War II. Except in Cold War dinosaur GOP propaganda world.
Whoa another internet intellectua demonstrates the lie of his/her claims. The anger of impotence expressed in unprovable claims, the ignorance of the provincial expressed in lies of worldliness. The posts of the hopeless "full of sound and fury signifying nothing." I have no patience for the foolish so via con Dios,Auf Wiedersehen, bon chance klaun.
so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Merriam Webster dictionary
Insults point up your ignorance and impotence. Impotence you have in spades and the arrogance of ignorance.
special pleading with merely a dictionary understanding of socialism instead of an encyclopedic understanding?
You mean these 3 "Muslim shitholes"?

"Millions of Syrians displaced
The conflict in Syria, now in its seventh year, was the world’s biggest producer of refugees (5.5 million). Humanitarian needs in Syria have increased significantly since the beginning of the crisis, with 13.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, including more than 6 million children. Over 400,000 people have been killed and more than 1 million injured since 2010."
Refugees | United Nations

How much money are heroic American capitalists "earning" from creating "Muslim shitholes" on the opposite side of the planet from Wall Street?

View attachment 240831

Yes, these 3 Muslim shitholes.

How much money are heroic American capitalists "earning" from creating "Muslim shitholes" on the opposite side of the planet from Wall Street?

You tell me.
In the mean time, keep these Muslims away from the civilized countries.

Pakalert Press » War Crimes in Iraq: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Et Al and the Long Quest for Justice

Hillary and that black fella fucked up Syria and Libya.

Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Is that why Hillary and Obama fucked up Syria and Libya?
In what year did Hilary and Obama fuck up Syria and Libya?

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia

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