Who's do you think is Ruining America Here?

Saying privately to your KKK buddies that you long for the days you could lynch blacks is freedom of expression? LOL.

I'm just glad black people got to hear it. How many more years now before blacks will consider voting GOP? You guys just keep putting your foots in your mouths.

You guys for 4 plus years were trying to say you aren't the racists, then these republican cops and politicians get secretly recorded saying exactly what I said my Republican buddies say in front of me.

Remember, I'm a white man. Half my buddies are Republicans. I know who the racists are. You republicans here can pretend your not but you're not fooling me. And it seems you aren't fooling blacks either.

So glad this tape came out. It vindicates what I've been saying about Republicans.

Yep, we have seen your rants here and you are also racist, go figure.
Already have ... many times. Comer has. The problem is having tbe evid4nce but NOT having a try objective DOJ willing to do its job.

Garland and the DOJ are corrupt as hell, have been proven partisanly criminal, and are the reason Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and 10 other Biden family members have not bren indicted yet.

Of course you already know this...
You do not live in the real world. Get help.
You cannot handle the real world so you live in a fantasy world that caters to your limited abilities.
You are not a real person. No one is as biggotted and stupid as you let on, to be.
I find it hard to believe that someone as stupid as you exists.
But then I discovered when I joined the military that there's a shitload of people just like you.
Did you know that Muslims will always support Democrats, because they know they're stupid and can be taken advantage of.
That's why China and Russia likes it when Democrats are in the White House.
Because they're stupid and can be taken advantage of so easily.
You do not live in the real world.

Your projecting is as pathetic as your generalized opinions, lacking in specifics, facts, evidence, and truth.

Please educate yourself so you can be taken seriously and participate in future adult conversations.
Nice non-sequitur thread title. Whether those accusations are true or not, those people in your post have nothing to do with America's on-going ruination.
...yet the current President and his family have been proven to have created incestuous porn films, engaged in human trafficking, influence peddling, potential espionage, Russian / foreign money laundering, conspiracy, extortion, accepting BILLIONS from this nation's enemies, perjury, treason, tax evasion, tax fraud, election interference, and obstruction ... for starters.

And here are the board trolls attempting to lecture others on 'racism', forgetting about...

How leaked / hacked DNC e-mails were filled with racist, sexist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic content...

How many times Democrats raced to defend their extremely anti-Semitic chick click, exposing their own anti-Semitism

And let's not forget the leader of the Democrat Party, Joe 'You Ain't Black' Biden.

Snowflakes, bots and trolls love it when other individuals commit racial slurs so they can use them to attempt to brand an entire group of people, while distracting from the truth about Democrats, the original founders of the 'KKK'.

Yep 👍
I'm on HuffPo. They are talking about the bank collapse, how GOP in 3 red states are rigging their states elections, Nikki Haley poser photo with a gun, Pilots going to go on strike, Bernie predicts a landslide victory for Biden, How Fox News took Biden's jokes at the White House Correspondence Dinner and how Elon Musk ruined Twitter.

What's Fox talking about?

All I know is that Tucker Carlson says it best when it comes to what Fox is putting out

On Wednesday, Carlson shared a cryptic two-minute video on his Twitter account that did not explain his exit, but offered sweeping complaints about the state of American discourse. He said what he noticed “when you step away from the noise for a few days,” is how nice some people are.


“The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are,” he added. “They’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years we won’t even remember we heard them. Trust me, as somebody who participated.”



Anyone who believes hufpo is one brain cell short of stupid.
I find it hard to believe that someone as stupid as you exists.
But then I discovered when I joined the military that there's a shitload of people just like you.
Did you know that Muslims will always support Democrats, because they know they're stupid and can be taken advantage of.
That's why China and Russia likes it when Democrats are in the White House.
Because they're stupid and can be taken advantage of so easily.
I know you are not a real person. No one, who has a brain, would have such a weak response to my claim of your bigotry and stupidity.
I know you are not a real person. No one, who has a brain, would have such a weak response to my claim of your bigotry and stupidity.
Well since you cocksuckers on the left always scream racism over any issue, the fact that you chose to do so yet again can be easily ignored, because to you fuckers, the truth is racist. :lame2:

FBI investigating GOP Oklahoma officials caught on tape talking about lynching Black people, murdering newspaper reporters. Who do you think the bad guys are in this story?​

a. The FBI?
b. The person who secretly taped the conversation. The leaker?
c. The Republicans who said these horrible things?
d. Newspaper Reporters
e. Blacks

GOP officials from McCurtain County, Okla. are being investigated by the FBI after they were caught on tape expressing their frustration about it not being socially acceptable beat up and hang Black people, as well as their desires to hire hitmen to kill newspaper reporters.

This is a lot worse than digging up an old picture of a Democrat dressed in black face no?
Old story…
Yep, we have seen your rants here and you are also racist, go figure.
I've never claimed that I or liberal whites aren't racist. Just less racist than conservatives. Because of our political and socio economic positions on the subject. You guys don't think it's our fault, we acknowledge it is. Not saying they shouldn't do better but they are treated like 2nd class citizens.

Maybe that's why blacks vote with us. Because we at least admit it. Those blacks know everyone's racist. Even them. There is a spectrum and we are all on it. 1-10 what number racist are you? I'd say I'm a 3-6 depending on who you ask. LOL

I've never seen your rants. Maybe if one of your buddies secretly tapes you like the OKC white republican sheriff got exposed.

Remember, I'm a white man who lives among white males. A lot of them conservative/republican/racists. It's not us liberals. We side with BLM and we celebrate MLK day. We tear down statues of Robert E Lee. Who BTW was a Democrat. Did you know you celebrate a Lib? And our sheriffs aren't caught on tape longing for the days that they could get away with murdering blacks.

The persons ruining America in this story are the Republicans who got caught on tape.
Well since you cocksuckers on the left always scream racism over any issue, the fact that you chose to do so yet again can be easily ignored, because to you fuckers, the truth is racist. :lame2:
Oh my, you are a piece of work. Either you are someone catfishing us or a truly disgusting human being.
You do have quite a command of the english language.
Something I learned was Blacks hate everyone.
I used to think that blacks were special.
Then I grew up.

Read this text from your number one spokesman and tell me who's ruining America?

A couple of weeks ago, I was watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living shit out of him. It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight. Yet suddenly I found myself rooting for the mob against the man, hoping they’d hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Then somewhere deep in my brain, an alarm went off: this isn’t good for me. I’m becoming something I don’t want to be. The Antifa creep is a human being. Much as I despise what he says and does, much as I’m sure I’d hate him personally if I knew him, I shouldn’t gloat over his suffering. I should be bothered by it. I should remember that somewhere somebody probably loves this kid, and would be crushed if he was killed. If I don’t care about those things, if I reduce people to their politics, how am I better than he is?

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