Who's do you think is Ruining America Here?

Was McCain's adopted kid really his illegitimate child?
Was Obama really born in Kenya?
Brief coverage of those issues, media wide, wall-to-wall, years long promotion of lies against Trump for the purpose of subverting his presidency and torpedoing his reelection.
You can make you list of problems you think America has. Not everybody in America is going to agree with you.

She should probably worry about the list of problems Canada has... starting with their leadership is a bunch of cucks
The tape showed that there are still racists out there and how they talk when they think nobody is listening

They unanimously agreed with yearning for the old days of beating up blacks and throwing them in jail.
What do we do about the Blacks who are beating up Asian people and destroying their businesses?
The media could be a powerful force for good, but they have sold their souls to highest bidder.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Fact is, if Biden, Trump, Clinton, Bush do something wrong, they media should be the tattle tale.

Like when Bush lied us into Iraq. Not one media company would say it. But Trump did in 2016. I'd been saying it for 13 years but the media wouldn't. Still won't.

Brief coverage of those issues, media wide, wall-to-wall, years long promotion of lies against Trump for the purpose of subverting his presidency and torpedoing his reelection.
They weren't lies against Trump. Trump started breaking rules/laws right from the start. Asking Comey for loyalty. Firing people inappropriately. And you guys making excuses for him every step of they way. You think we're stupid? You think he's the king for 4 years? Get over yourselves.

I remember the very first time Trump broke the rules/laws. Paul Ryan was the speaker. Paul said, "give him a break, he's new, he didn't know any better"

But then it was nothing but excuses from him and Mitch and the rest of you cons for 4 straight years. Good riddance.

This reminds me of how you Monica Lewinskied Clinton for 8 years. Because you had nothing else on the man. That wasn't the case with Trump. We didn't pick on him for 4 years for colluding with Russia. That was 1 of 100 laws he broke.

Sorry, the POTUS doesn't get to be a dictator for 4 years. Invesigations happen when you are corrupt and breaking laws.

Hell, investigations happen even when you aren't corrupt or breaking laws. Look at Hunter, Ben Ghazi and Hillary's emails. They were all doing the same thing Hillary was. And what about Trump's ben ghazi? What about the Saudi's giving Jared $2 billion with a B?

Oh yea, we didn't ben ghazi Trump when it happened to him.
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What about the Saudi's giving Jared $2 billion with a B?
Nothing to see there. The Saudi's are awash in oil money and eager to invest it globally. The only thing that raised eyebrows was that Prince Salman approved the deal over the objections of his advisors. Since then, Kushner has attracted more investors and has a dozen investment experts on his firm's board. It's a legitimate enterprise.
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This reminds me of how you Monica Lewinskied Clinton for 8 years. Because you had nothing else on the man. That wasn't the case with Trump. We didn't pick on him for 4 years for colluding with Russia. That was 1 of 100 laws he broke.
Trump didn't 'collude illegally' with Russia, but Clinton did play 'hide the cigar' with Monica.
What about the Saudi's giving Jared $2 billion with a B?
They did not give him $2 billion dollars. They entrusted him to invest $2 billion of their dollars wisely to get returns.

BIG difference, retard. I doubt you'll ever get it. :dunno:

It is rather amusing to see you parrot bullshit talking points, though.

The Saudis + Kirschner = The same thing as if you hire E.F. Hutton to invest your money for you.

If that's even still a thing. :dunno:

It is. How 'bout that?
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