Who's Lying to us the Media or Think Tanks?

Regulations have intertwining strings that can strangle improvements. We live in a form of near all or nothing when regs are added and perhaps removed. The regulations needed in front of us all are important. The way our government works in legislation there are tens of thousands of pages of other regulations that have added up to hurt our economy. Also, we went from a physical infrastructure to a human infrastructure some decades ago which makes some things seem worse.
It`s when "regulations" are imposed on the public without being legislated by Congress. That is when the GOP is against their implementation.
It shouldn't take a genius to realize that the political system compels politicians to lie, exaggerate, and do whatever to appease and gain voting constituencies; it trickles down and spreads around.

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Out of more than 1800 think tanks in the United States, nearly 400 are based in Washington.

Such institutions have been criticized for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation.

Thinking in Washington. Well, there's a first time for everything. Do you think it will happen?
Well remember not all think tanks are evil or purposely lying to us. Reminds me of how Republicans in the 2000's were against regulations. Not all regulations are bad. But Republicans flat out hated REGULATIONS. Without being specific. Some regulations are necessary and good. Probably most. Same with think tanks.
or "executive orders"as if obama was some kind of dictator for instructing his subordinates how to do their jobs..
or "executive orders"as if obama was some kind of dictator for instructing his subordinates how to do their jobs..
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the only president who served more than two terms, signed 3,721 executive orders. Most of them dealt with measures to help the country fight the Great Depression and World War II.

Trump had 220 Biden so far 123
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the only president who served more than two terms, signed 3,721 executive orders. Most of them dealt with measures to help the country fight the Great Depression and World War II.

Trump had 220 Biden so far 123
FDR`a New Deal, WPA, CC and other efforts were mostly all failures to end the "Depression" The only thing that pulled the U.S. out of the "Depression" was WWII.

FDR`a New Deal, WPA, CC and other efforts were mostly all failures to end the "Depression" The only thing that pulled the U.S. out of the "Depression" was WWII.

many economists might disagree.

Out of more than 1800 think tanks in the United States, nearly 400 are based in Washington.

Such institutions have been criticized for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation.
Now that's a tough question. Or, the tougher question is, which one lies more?
FDR`a New Deal, WPA, CC and other efforts were mostly all failures to end the "Depression" The only thing that pulled the U.S. out of the "Depression" was WWII.

This is just my hunch. The rich called him a traitor to his class. He created a middle class the world had never seen before with a dash of socialism. Still a capitalistic nation which is good, but well regulated. And some things shouldn't be privatized. Unions represented 35% of the work force. It was a well balanced country. The middle class was strong. You could get out of poverty. And, the rich could get richer. But they weren't happy with that so the rich waged war on the middle class starting around 1978. On the front lines was Ronald Reagan and guys like Jack Welch.

So here we are. Still a great country. Just not as big of a middle class and harder to get out of poverty.

I grew up in poverty. I was able to afford to put myself through college and get out of poverty. Today a kid like me may be stuck at Walmart. I know, skilled trades. Seems like the dumbing down of America.

Also, with globalization, of course blue collar was going to take a hit. Pitting them against Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, Africans, Canadians and anyone else who will do it cheaper. I get it. It was bound to happen.

So, don't have too many kids, don't expect a good job right out of highschool, maybe take 8 years to graduate rather than go into debt. My buddy went to the Navy for 5 years to be able to afford 4 years of college. That's sacrifice. But if it took him 9 years why do they "deserve" to graduate in 4? Or be forgiven the debt?? Fuck that. I would maybe freeze the interest. Just pay what you owe. No interest. That would be the deal I gave them for borrowing so much.

Anyways, I'm starting to see the writing on the wall. I can't have it both ways. I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance. It's amazing when you learn all about CD you realize when you're doing it. I'm doing it now.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the only president who served more than two terms, signed 3,721 executive orders. Most of them dealt with measures to help the country fight the Great Depression and World War II.

Trump had 220 Biden so far 123
The owners of the Fiat Currency that replaced gold and silver backed currency who took control of our nation in 1913 caused the Great Depression. On purpose.
This is just my hunch. The rich called him a traitor to his class. He created a middle class the world had never seen before with a dash of socialism. Still a capitalistic nation which is good, but well regulated. And some things shouldn't be privatized. Unions represented 35% of the work force. It was a well balanced country. The middle class was strong. You could get out of poverty. And, the rich could get richer. But they weren't happy with that so the rich waged war on the middle class starting around 1978. On the front lines was Ronald Reagan and guys like Jack Welch.

So here we are. Still a great country. Just not as big of a middle class and harder to get out of poverty.

I grew up in poverty. I was able to afford to put myself through college and get out of poverty. Today a kid like me may be stuck at Walmart. I know, skilled trades. Seems like the dumbing down of America.

Also, with globalization, of course blue collar was going to take a hit. Pitting them against Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, Africans, Canadians and anyone else who will do it cheaper. I get it. It was bound to happen.

So, don't have too many kids, don't expect a good job right out of highschool, maybe take 8 years to graduate rather than go into debt. My buddy went to the Navy for 5 years to be able to afford 4 years of college. That's sacrifice. But if it took him 9 years why do they "deserve" to graduate in 4? Or be forgiven the debt?? Fuck that. I would maybe freeze the interest. Just pay what you owe. No interest. That would be the deal I gave them for borrowing so much.

Anyways, I'm starting to see the writing on the wall. I can't have it both ways. I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance. It's amazing when you learn all about CD you realize when you're doing it. I'm doing it now.
The corporate boys want to turn the US into a company town and they are succeeding.
The owners of the Fiat Currency that replaced gold and silver backed currency who took control of our nation in 1913 caused the Great Depression. On purpose.
They had to expand the base and the only way to do it was to print paper money, just like GB did one hundred years earlier.

Out of more than 1800 think tanks in the United States, nearly 400 are based in Washington.

Such institutions have been criticized for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation.
The sad fact is everyone is lying to us.

Scientific fraud is rampant
Politicians always lie
90% of the media in this country is controlled by just a few multinational conglomerates who hold sway over politicians
Trump used think tanks too.....he has no interest in policy making or ideology in general, just whining and having his feelings coddled....

He gets his policies from think tanks like ALEC and the Heritage foundation...

And he gets his Federal judge picks from the Federalist society.......

Trump was a think tank's dream... Under read and highly suggestible....

Look at some of the tings Trump did... He pushed for a cut in Oil production and left the US consumer screwed...
Then they pushed a narrative that it was because Biden wasn't opening enough super cheap land for them.

Also look at Medicare unable to negoiate prices... Who pushed it (GOP), who does it benefit?
The owners of the Fiat Currency that replaced gold and silver backed currency who took control of our nation in 1913 caused the Great Depression. On purpose.
You won't get any argument from me there. But now it is what it is. How do you go back? How do you undo it? Today the debt doesn't matter and money is worth whatever they say it's worth. And if they want to cause a crash to fix inflation, they will.

This is one reason the labor party needs to win. Government is the referee and if it's pro labor it won't let corporations run amuck. I see Democrats try to take on corporate America but it's hard. For example, all oil companies have to do is raise gas prices before an election if they don't like the guy in charge. And corporate media has corporate sponsors and they control the message. To me it seems like corporations and the rich are winning.

Back then during the Robber Barons Guilded Age, it was suddenly no longer a big deal to have $100,000. Lots of millionaires. Today, since Reagan, it's no longer a big deal to be a billionaire. Lots of them popping up every day.
The sad fact is everyone is lying to us.

Scientific fraud is rampant
Politicians always lie
90% of the media in this country is controlled by just a few multinational conglomerates who hold sway over politicians
And the baseness is all motivated by money and power, but hey, at least they wear a snappy suit and tie and have short hair.

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