Who's Lying to us the Media or Think Tanks?

Interesting stories about this so called real person. And funny, you believe this with very little evidence but don't believe certain things even with mountains of evidence.
Nah. Unlike you, sillybozo, I actually looked it up a long time ago. Thus, I was in a position to correct your mistake. You’re welcome.
Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, children, brewers, pawnbrokers, unmarried people, and students. Sounds made up to me.
That’s because you’re both a plodding imbecile and studiously ignorant.
Little is known about the historical Saint Nicholas. The earliest accounts of his life were written centuries after his death and probably contain legendary elaborations. He is said to have been born in the Greek seaport of Patara, Lycia, in Asia Minor to wealthy Christian parents
I know. So what?
In one of the earliest attested and most famous incidents from his life, he is said to have rescued three girls from being forced into prostitution by dropping a sack of gold coins through the window of their house each night for three nights so their father could pay a dowry for each of them. Other early stories tell of him calming a storm at sea, saving three innocent soldiers from wrongful execution, and chopping down a tree possessed by a demon.

An early list makes him an attendee at the First Council of Nicaea in 325, but he is never mentioned in any writings by people who were at the council. Late, unsubstantiated legends claim that he was temporarily defrocked and imprisoned during the council for slapping the heretic Arius. Another famous late legend tells how he resurrected three children, who had been murdered and pickled in brine by a butcher planning to sell them as pork during a famine

Sounds like Jesus. Maybe a guy named Jesus lived 2000 years ago but he was no messiah. These are stories.
You remain entitled to your beliefs. But your beliefs are of no interest to me.
And you are not mortal.
Of course I’m mortal. I was born. I have lived. Someday I will die. That’s “mortal,” you stupid fuckstick.
You claim when your human body dies you go to a place called heaven and live forever happy and not sick. That's mortal?
When did I make that claim? Link? Or are you simply making up shit again?
Nah. Unlike you, sillybozo, I actually looked it up a long time ago. Thus, I was in a position to correct your mistake. You’re welcome.

That’s because you’re both a plodding imbecile and studiously ignorant.

I know. So what?


You remain entitled to your beliefs. But your beliefs are of no interest to me.

Of course I’m mortal. I was born. I have lived. Someday I will die. That’s “mortal,” you stupid fuckstick.

When did I make that claim? Link? Or are you simply making up shit again?

Hey idiot. I'm Greek. Born Greek Orthodox. I know all about Saint Nick.

This is the best

John Malkovich Reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas​

Hey idiot. I'm Greek. Born Greek Orthodox. I know all about Saint Nick.

This is the best

John Malkovich Reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas​

I don’t give a shit about your national heritage.

You denied that he was real. That’s all. You’re still an imbecile.
I was furious when Clinton signed NAFTA. But I think one way or the other, globalization was going to happen. Sending jobs to Mexico. Us Liberals tried to fight it but Bill let us down. But again, I think globalization was going to happen either way. In fact wiki it and you'll read that Clinton put environmental and labor protections in NAFTA before he signed it. I'm sure Bush removed those protections.

But this is when Bill really screwed us

He signed this then 7 companies gobbled up all the media. Now they control it.

Before this act, the news department didn't answer to the company. Today the company controls what Walter Kronkite can say on the air.

But the outsourcing started much earlier; textile manufacture was driven away by unionization or fear thereof, as were many other industries.

Norma Rae... :(

But the outsourcing started much earlier; textile manufacture was driven away by unionization or fear thereof, as were many other industries.

Norma Rae... :(
There are some things it makes sense to outsource it. But when it comes to car manufacturing, that's too vital of an industry to send to Mexico if you ask me. I don't mind Toyota and Honda manufacturing in the dirty south. Not one bit. Those workers will eventually organize into unions too when they've had enough sucking the bosses balls.
There are some things it makes sense to outsource it. But when it comes to car manufacturing, that's too vital of an industry to send to Mexico if you ask me. I don't mind Toyota and Honda manufacturing in the dirty south. Not one bit. Those workers will eventually organize into unions too when they've had enough sucking the bosses balls.

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