Who's Lying to us the Media or Think Tanks?

The sad fact is everyone is lying to us.

Scientific fraud is rampant
Politicians always lie
90% of the media in this country is controlled by just a few multinational conglomerates who hold sway over politicians
Here is some irony

"Why Most Published Research Findings Are False" is a 2005 essay written by John Ioannidis, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, and published in PLOS Medicine.[1] It is considered foundational to the field of metascience.

In the paper, Ioannidis argued that a large number, if not the majority, of published medical researchpapers contain results that cannot be replicated. In simple terms, the essay states that scientists use hypothesis testing to determine whether scientific discoveries are significant. "Significance" is formalized in terms of probability, and one formalized calculation ("P value") is reported in the scientific literature as a screening mechanism. Ioannidis posited assumptions about the way people perform and report these tests; then he constructed a statistical model which indicates that most published findings are false positive results.

Later it said: Despite skepticism about extreme statements made in the paper, Ioannidis's broader argument and warnings have been accepted by a large number of researchers.

So this has been accepted as true from the scientific community. Consensus. LOL
Trump was a think tank's dream... Under read and highly suggestible....

Look at some of the tings Trump did... He pushed for a cut in Oil production and left the US consumer screwed...
Then they pushed a narrative that it was because Biden wasn't opening enough super cheap land for them.

Also look at Medicare unable to negoiate prices... Who pushed it (GOP), who does it benefit?
Exactly right.......but in order for Trumpers to see this, it would require thinking on their part -- and that hurts and makes them feel uncomfortable...

Which is why an overwhelming majority of these "think tanks" lean conservative
Exactly right.

The people in control give not a single fuck about the rest of us.
I think they are human beings who care as much as you care. How much do you care about poor people in ghettos? Clearly not that much. So maybe "they" care about you as much as you care about blacks in ghettos. They are fellow Americans. You care if they get abortions right? So you care. Just not as much as you should. Well that's how much the rich care about us. Ford, GM and Chrysler may move their operations over these strikes. As corporations, they don't care about how the middle class is doing. They care about profits. That's why they need to be regulated and their kind of mentality shouldn't be running our government.

Think tanks tell politicians corporations and rich people should be getting tax breaks.
I think they are human beings who care as much as you care. How much do you care about poor people in ghettos? Clearly not that much. So maybe "they" care about you as much as you care about blacks in ghettos. They are fellow Americans. You care if they get abortions right? So you care. Just not as much as you should. Well that's how much the rich care about us. Ford, GM and Chrysler may move their operations over these strikes. As corporations, they don't care about how the middle class is doing. They care about profits. That's why they need to be regulated and their kind of mentality shouldn't be running our government.

Think tanks tell politicians corporations and rich people should be getting tax breaks.

You have no clue what I do in regards to the issues I care about.

hat has nothing to do with the fact that our so called leaders do not work for us but they work for the people who pay them off
You have no clue what I do in regards to the issues I care about.

hat has nothing to do with the fact that our so called leaders do not work for us but they work for the people who pay them off
I'm just saying. Let's say I'm in charge. How much do I care about coal miners? How much do I care about citizens in AZ who have illegals running in their back yards. Stealing jobs. How much do I care about defense jobs when I cut defense spending? How much do I care about middle class people when I raise their taxes to pay for programs that benefit poor people?

You get my point. And there is no "they". Because Harlan Crow is a THEY and so is Soros. They don't want the same things.
You have no clue what I do in regards to the issues I care about.

hat has nothing to do with the fact that our so called leaders do not work for us but they work for the people who pay them off
I saw this and it reminded me of our conversation

"I was appalled when one of my new colleagues (publicly) proclaimed that 'government is theft,'" Deaton writes. "I had grown up in a country where I, my parents, and our friends saw the government as benevolent, a friend in times of trouble, and I found it hard to believe that a distinguished academic could be so cynical and so libertarian. I still do not agree with his sentiment, but I have come to understand the extent to which state and federal government in the United States often work, not to protect ordinary people but to help rich predators make ordinary people poorer."

Deaton offers a lucid and unsparing critique of America's political system. From healthcare to taxation to poverty to regulations, Deaton sees a system that has increasingly served monopolistic corporations and the rich over ordinary citizens, allowing "a minority to prey on the majority."

This ridiculous corruption and criminality pushed on the people by the elite, is becoming more evident everyday. The people need to get in the streets and stop it, but I’m not optimistic this will occur.

We’re either headed for a big war the elites historically use to control the people, or a bloody revolution. I hope I’m wrong.
This ridiculous corruption and criminality pushed on the people by the elite, is becoming more evident everyday. The people need to get in the streets and stop it, but I’m not optimistic this will occur.

We’re either headed for a big war the elites historically use to control the people, or a bloody revolution. I hope I’m wrong.
What scares me is Trump tried to lead these people into a bloody revolution only he would have had them kill the people who are pro democracy.

This is exactly what I've been saying since the late 80's

When Deaton first came to America in 1983, he recalls being gobsmacked by how indifferent his fellow economists were to rising inequality, and how ideologically opposed they were to government intervention in the economy. Educated at Cambridge, which was steeped in Keynesian economics, an intellectual framework in favor of greater government intervention in the economy.

And today, young people are actually open to more socialism. More government intervention in the marketplace. Perhaps unregulated free market capitalism isn't working for them?

I like how the guy points out the highest mortality rate is among non college educated white Americans. Despair. And then I notice the new Republican montra, that not everyone should go to college. So they want more despair?

Out of more than 1800 think tanks in the United States, nearly 400 are based in Washington.

Such institutions have been criticized for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation.

And it's both - DeepSwamp infiltration of all media at all levels AND so-called "journalists" now nothing but rectal worms for the War Pigs & Swamp Monsters.
This ridiculous corruption and criminality pushed on the people by the elite, is becoming more evident everyday. The people need to get in the streets and stop it, but I’m not optimistic this will occur.

We’re either headed for a big war the elites historically use to control the people, or a bloody revolution. I hope I’m wrong.
You're not wrong.

And it's both - DeepSwamp infiltration of all media at all levels AND so-called "journalists" now nothing but rectal worms for the War Pigs & Swamp Monsters.
I was furious when Clinton signed NAFTA. But I think one way or the other, globalization was going to happen. Sending jobs to Mexico. Us Liberals tried to fight it but Bill let us down. But again, I think globalization was going to happen either way. In fact wiki it and you'll read that Clinton put environmental and labor protections in NAFTA before he signed it. I'm sure Bush removed those protections.

But this is when Bill really screwed us

He signed this then 7 companies gobbled up all the media. Now they control it.

Before this act, the news department didn't answer to the company. Today the company controls what Walter Kronkite can say on the air.
What scares me is Trump tried to lead these people into a bloody revolution only he would have had them kill the people who are pro democracy.

This is exactly what I've been saying since the late 80's

When Deaton first came to America in 1983, he recalls being gobsmacked by how indifferent his fellow economists were to rising inequality, and how ideologically opposed they were to government intervention in the economy. Educated at Cambridge, which was steeped in Keynesian economics, an intellectual framework in favor of greater government intervention in the economy.

And today, young people are actually open to more socialism. More government intervention in the marketplace. Perhaps unregulated free market capitalism isn't working for them?

I like how the guy points out the highest mortality rate is among non college educated white Americans. Despair. And then I notice the new Republican montra, that not everyone should go to college. So they want more despair?
The R Party and Trump are not solely responsible for this problem, though they have contributed to it. I argue the D Party holds greater responsibility, because they disingenuously claim to be for the working class. What Bubba, O, and Biden have done to the working class is reprehensible.
You're not wrong.
The good news is the unions are getting what they are asking for. Republicans refuse to understand that unions are good for the middle class whether you belong to one or not. Don't argue that their raise is going to raise prices. You didn't care when the CEO gave herself $40 million dollars last year.

The writers strike

With many major strikes ongoing, 2023 has been named the "summer of strikes," though this year's strike activity is consistent with an increase in labor stoppages in recent years. Union activity, including strikes, has generally been on the rise since 2009.

Republicans will tell you unions are no longer necessary. They are so wrong. The corporations would love that. Labor not so much
If you don't get it then you should probably not be in this thread. You're just going to derail it. But go ahead. It's a free country. Defend think tanks, even though Such institutions have been criticized for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation.

And I did say I'm sure not all think tanks are bad. But I bet a lot of the ones in Washington are. And I bet they push your right wing agenda. ALEC ring a bell? Heritage Foundation? I bet they have think tanks.

And yes I'm sure liberals do too. But I'd like to see a list of these think tanks and what they are pushing. Expose them.

So I suppose that's why. You asked so? So I'd like to know who these think tanks are and what they are pushing. Lobbyist too. It's not just the media lying to you. It's Republicans too. Who's telling them to lie? Think tanks. Corporate special interests. They have an agenda that isn't the people's agenda. How about that?

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