Who's Lying to us the Media or Think Tanks?

If you don't get it then you should probably not be in this thread. You're just going to derail it. But go ahead. It's a free country. Defend think tanks, even though Such institutions have been criticized for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation.

And I did say I'm sure not all think tanks are bad. But I bet a lot of the ones in Washington are. And I bet they push your right wing agenda. ALEC ring a bell? Heritage Foundation? I bet they have think tanks.

And yes I'm sure liberals do too. But I'd like to see a list of these think tanks and what they are pushing. Expose them.

So I suppose that's why. You asked so? So I'd like to know who these think tanks are and what they are pushing. Lobbyist too. It's not just the media lying to you. It's Republicans too. Who's telling them to lie? Think tanks. Corporate special interests. They have an agenda that isn't the people's agenda. How about that?
I understood it. I was responding only to your extremely lame ass OP. You found it necessary to share what ‘some people think’ about the influence of think tanks on American policy.

Who gives a shit? Ever hear of free speech. They’re allowed to try to influence public opinion.

Out of more than 1800 think tanks in the United States, nearly 400 are based in Washington.

Such institutions have been criticized for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation.

The good news is the unions are getting what they are asking for. Republicans refuse to understand that unions are good for the middle class whether you belong to one or not. Don't argue that their raise is going to raise prices. You didn't care when the CEO gave herself $40 million dollars last year.

The writers strike

With many major strikes ongoing, 2023 has been named the "summer of strikes," though this year's strike activity is consistent with an increase in labor stoppages in recent years. Union activity, including strikes, has generally been on the rise since 2009.

Republicans will tell you unions are no longer necessary. They are so wrong. The corporations would love that. Labor not so much
Lol. Do you not know what dumb old Joe did to the railroad union? Watch now as he throws the UAW under the bus.

We have two right wing corporate parties and Joe is among the worst of offenders.
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I understood it. I was responding only to your extremely lame ass OP. You found it necessary to share what ‘some people think’ about the influence of think tanks on American policy.

Who gives a shit? Ever hear of free speech. They’re allowed to try to influence public opinion.
I know you defend free speech even if it's lies because lies are how you win elections and continue to make the rich richer at our expense.

How about what this guy thinks?

I've been saying this since the 1980's. You side with the people who have made the middle class poorer. Why? God, gays, guns, think tanks, Fox News, lobbyists, Harlan Crow paying off Clarence Thomas, right wing radio,

And to think Trump gave Rush the Metal of Freedom. Yes, free to lie. Free speech.

Fox tried saying it was free to slander Dominion. How'd that work out?
I know you defend free speech even if it's lies because lies are how you win elections and continue to make the rich richer at our expense.
No. You don’t “know” any such thing. It’s funny that you lie about these things while expressing concern about lying.
What about it?
I've been saying this since the 1980's. You side with the people who have made the middle class poorer.

Nonsensical question since it is premised on your erroneous belief.
God, gays, guns, think tanks, Fox News, lobbyists, Harlan Crow paying off Clarence Thomas, right wing radio,
^ not even close to an actual sentence.
And to think Trump gave Rush the Metal of Freedom. Yes, free to lie. Free speech.
Rush deserved it. Your disagreement with Rush has nothing to do with your lie that he had lied.
Fox tried saying it was free to slander Dominion. How'd that work out?
I don’t believe Fox said that exactly. But I excuse your ignorance since you seem quite stupid.
No. You don’t “know” any such thing. It’s funny that you lie about these things while expressing concern about lying.

What about it?


Nonsensical question since it is premised on your erroneous belief.

^ not even close to an actual sentence.

Rush deserved it. Your disagreement with Rush has nothing to do with your lie that he had lied.

I don’t believe Fox said that exactly. But I excuse your ignorance since you seem quite stupid.
If you're not down with what we're saying
No. You don’t “know” any such thing. It’s funny that you lie about these things while expressing concern about lying.

What about it?


Nonsensical question since it is premised on your erroneous belief.

^ not even close to an actual sentence.

Rush deserved it. Your disagreement with Rush has nothing to do with your lie that he had lied.

I don’t believe Fox said that exactly. But I excuse your ignorance since you seem quite stupid.
Rush deserved it. The only thing Rush deserved was cancer.
Ouch! That’s not nice and exposes you as a very unlikeable person.
Oh I'm very likable. If you aren't a greedy evil lying prick.

Rush said drug addicts should be executed. Then we found out he was hooked on oxycotton.

So don't worry. He wasn't a very likeable person so I can say that about him. It's like wishing Saddam would get hung.
tRump said do NOT believe what you hear or see. So now what?
Never ever take advice from a Trumpybear. I mean verify everything you hear and question what you see. The hand is quicker than the eye, and AI can do it without you blinking now too.
Spoken like the cumbucket you are.

Have you considered just dying? You really should.
Yes I should. Because we all do. Duh. We all will. And don't think there is a god or heaven waiting for you. Like Santa, God doesn't exist.

Stop worrying about liberals. Start worrying about how many lights will be at your procession.
Oh I'm very likable. If you aren't a greedy evil lying prick.

Rush said drug addicts should be executed. Then we found out he was hooked on oxycotton.

So don't worry. He wasn't a very likeable person so I can say that about him. It's like wishing Saddam would get hung.
He never said drug addicts should executed. Comparing Rush to Saddam is terribly ignorant.
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Yes I should.
I didn’t ask if you should. You moron.
Because we all do.
Oh cool. You figured out that mortals die. 👏
Duh. We all will. And don't think there is a god or heaven waiting for you.
I don’t care about your views on a possible afterlife.
Like Santa, God doesn't exist.
Saint Nicholas did exist. You dope.

And you suspect or believe that God doesn’t exist. But that doesn’t mean that you’re correct. Your “belief” is of no significance to me or to this thread.
Stop worrying about liberals.
Try real hard not to offer me your unsolicited advice. It’s not wanted and it’s valueless to me. 👍
Start worrying about how many lights will be at your procession.
That ^ was a very dopey ending to your moron post.
I didn’t ask if you should. You moron.

Oh cool. You figured out that mortals die. 👏

I don’t care about your views on a possible afterlife.

Saint Nicholas did exist. You dope.

And you suspect or believe that God doesn’t exist. But that doesn’t mean that you’re correct. Your “belief” is of no significance to me or to this thread.

Try real hard not to offer me your unsolicited advice. It’s not wanted and it’s valueless to me. 👍

That ^ was a very dopey ending to your moron post.
Interesting stories about this so called real person. And funny, you believe this with very little evidence but don't believe certain things even with mountains of evidence.

Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, children, brewers, pawnbrokers, unmarried people, and students. Sounds made up to me.

Little is known about the historical Saint Nicholas. The earliest accounts of his life were written centuries after his death and probably contain legendary elaborations. He is said to have been born in the Greek seaport of Patara, Lycia, in Asia Minor to wealthy Christian parents.

In one of the earliest attested and most famous incidents from his life, he is said to have rescued three girls from being forced into prostitution by dropping a sack of gold coins through the window of their house each night for three nights so their father could pay a dowry for each of them. Other early stories tell of him calming a storm at sea, saving three innocent soldiers from wrongful execution, and chopping down a tree possessed by a demon.

An early list makes him an attendee at the First Council of Nicaea in 325, but he is never mentioned in any writings by people who were at the council. Late, unsubstantiated legends claim that he was temporarily defrocked and imprisoned during the council for slapping the heretic Arius. Another famous late legend tells how he resurrected three children, who had been murdered and pickled in brine by a butcher planning to sell them as pork during a famine.

Sounds like Jesus. Maybe a guy named Jesus lived 2000 years ago but he was no messiah. These are stories.

And you are not mortal. You claim when your human body dies you go to a place called heaven and live forever happy and not sick. That's mortal?

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