Who’s Opposed to Term Limits for Congress?

Newt opposed Term Limits after he won the House with his "Contract with America" that included term limits.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, no matter which party is in power.
Trump is the first one actually keeping his promises.
Anyone oppose term limits for House and Senate members? And if so, why?
NOT me. There REALLY needs to be SOMETHING done concerning this. Perhaps make it mandatory for those in Congress who've been there a LONG time, to have to take some kind of mental fitness test, to see if senility has set in. I believe something like this would work.
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
There just isn't enough turnover in the House and Senate.
These old coots get elected once, and then keep getting re-elected because of the seniority system.
How about more "diversity" in candidates instead of the same old retreads every election?
We already have term limits.

If you want them gone, primary them and send them packing.

I like my folks. They aren't perfect...but 80% of a loaf is better than crumbs from Democrat fruit and nut bread.
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

The problem is that the longer they are in office, the more beholden they are to lobbyists, to PAC Money, to corruption, to partisan politics, pork barrel politics...., thus losing their interest in representation of the district they were elected in.

That is why Term Limits are important to keep them bound to the representation they were elected in.
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
There just isn't enough turnover in the House and Senate.
These old coots get elected once, and then keep getting re-elected because of the seniority system.
How about more "diversity" in candidates instead of the same old retreads every election?
Let the voters decide if there is enough turnover
Diversity means......let’s put someone in there who has no idea what they are doing
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

The problem is that the longer they are in office, the more beholden they are to lobbyists, to PAC Money, to corruption, to partisan politics, pork barrel politics...., thus losing their interest in representation of the district they were elected in.

That is why Term Limits are important to keep them bound to the representation they were elected in.
All it means is they have to take their graft as early as possible. Limit someone to one term, they must make their money in one term.
Then the next guy has to do the same
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
If a person is in there for too long, they have a machine established and know too many skeletons to use as a weapon.
If you want them gone, primary them and send them packing.

That is very difficult given the name recognition factor. Theoretically, the incumbent should be subject to an approval referendum and not permitted to run again if he receives less than 50%.
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington
There just isn't enough turnover in the House and Senate.
These old coots get elected once, and then keep getting re-elected because of the seniority system.
How about more "diversity" in candidates instead of the same old retreads every election?
Let the voters decide if there is enough turnover
Diversity means......let’s put someone in there who has no idea what they are doing
How hard of a job can it be to be a politician?
Lobbyists write the laws they want.
Then they contribute to various campaigns to get enough votes for passage.
You hire staff SMEs to make recommendations and evaluate what the party bosses want done before you vote.
If low IQ Maxine, or AOC, or Schiff, or Nadler, or any of the other idiots in the House now can do the job, how tough can it be?
I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

That is what low information voters do.
P.S. Do you also oppose term limits for Presidents, Governors and other executive offices?
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

The problem is that the longer they are in office, the more beholden they are to lobbyists, to PAC Money, to corruption, to partisan politics, pork barrel politics...., thus losing their interest in representation of the district they were elected in.

That is why Term Limits are important to keep them bound to the representation they were elected in.
All it means is they have to take their graft as early as possible. Limit someone to one term, they must make their money in one term.
Then the next guy has to do the same

Ha ha, no they didn't have enough time to build their corruption base large enough to supercede their elective base, graft can work if they had the time to implement it well.

You seem unable to understand human nature here, the voters have a serious case of incumbent fever, even when they are no longer being represented by their representation , having become beholden to special interests. Too many voters get stuck in a rut vote party line no matter what, too many times they don't follow the issues or read up on the chronic failures of their officials they keep resending back to office.

This is a nation that now runs on lies, massive government spending, generate massive public debt, and corruption. It seems the Nations voters are doing a piss poor job electing people into office. It seems you LIKE the status quo of a rotten government being maintained.
Anyone oppose term limits for House and Senate members? And if so, why?

I've had mixed emotions on this.

It can be infuriating to see these fossils who have been there 30+ years who should have long retired or been replaced by the voters, the question becomes does term limits truly make things better for the people?

In California where I live, we have term limits for state assembly, state senate, and statewide offices. In California, that has yet to improve government as we have devolved into a one-party state. The politicians play musical chairs when seats open up due to term limits. The politicians beef up their political resumes against any newcomers (first time runs for office). Gerrymandering generally keep the districts safe (Californians did vote in the to take redistricting out of the hands of the politicians and create allegedly independent boards, the results of this past decade's redistricting vary depending on who you ask of course). What perpetuates in all this are of course the lobbyists, the big-money and election staffing backers. Even if a politician has to sit out two or four years because of term limits, they'll likely stay involved in politics via lobbying instead of working in the real world.

I'm afraid the only true improvement to good governance is an informed electorate. Unfortunately most continue to be poorly informed, or worse yet, the mis-informed thinking they're informed.

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